Primape goes bananas!

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Walking along the dry path the midday sun it bearing down on us with everything it has.

"It's so hot!" Misty complained again for what felt like the millionth time.

"Yeah, and I'm tired!" Ash chimes in.

I sigh, not feeling the effects of the heat and it looks like Sage doesn't either. "You guys can stop if you want but me and Sage will go ahead and meet you at Celadon city."

"Alright but here," Brock hands me a wicker box and from the smell it is his rice balls. "Take some rice balls for the trip. I'll be making some more soon, just don't break the box or you will be weaving a new one." He threatens and I laugh at him.

"You know I wouldn't do that but I will weave you some more anyway." I state and he laughs as I walk away with Sage hot on my heals.

We wander quite a distance before we decide to eat the rice balls that Brock gave me.

"These are really good." Sage compliments as she starts to eat another.

"Why do you think I love them so much?" I laugh.

The bush nearby us starts to rustle and out comes a female Mankey that has bright blue eyes. She is sniffing the air curiously. "What is that delicious smell?"

"A friend of my trainer called Brock made them." Sage answered.

"You can have some if you would like." I offer, holding out a rice ball to her as I crouch onto her level.

As she takes the food she shocks me with Thunder and jumps back. "I'm sorry! I don't know how to control it yet!" She clutches her arm whilst still holding the rice ball.

"No harm done. But where did you learn that move?" I enquire and she shrinks back. "Hey, hey, hey. You don't need to tell me then, I think I know what happened. The last trainer you had was an ass and doesn't deserve a lovely kind-hearted pokemon like you." I say with a gentle smile.

"You really think that?" She asks.

"I don't say anything I don't mean." With that I have my arms full of happy fur and arms around me. "Would you like to travel with me and my other pokemon? We are travelling with my brother and friends but left them behind because we didn't want to wait when we can keep going."

She thinks this over for a moment before jumping back and finally remembering the food in her hand. Taking a tentative bite at first before quickly devouring it.

I reach over to hand her another but three blurs run passed, with the rice ball being avoided. Another cream blur ran past, snatching the ball out of my hand and eating it.

This enraged the female Mankey and she ran after them all as Sage took to the sky to follow them as I ran after all three, keeping a good pace with the female whose eyes are now a deep enraged red.

When we catch up with them the male Primeape is looking down proud of himself. The female uses Ice Punch and Iron Tale, knocking the Primeape out cold.

"What was that for!!?" Ash shouted at us as Mankey's eyes turned back to blue and he returned Primeape.

"Your Primeape stole the rice ball I was giving to Mankey and she was not happy." I explained. "What is your name anyway?" I ask her.

"I have been called Prima before and I quite like that one." Prima replied.

I throw a poke-ball towards her and she goes inside happily, now being caught. "Weren't tutoring a pokemon to learn those moves the only way she would have known them?" Brock asked.

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