bye bye Butterfree, Lavender town and Saffron city

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As usual Misty and Ash are arguing about being lost. Again. It is quite easy to tune them out and I wander ahead, not forgetting to tell Brock first and I tell Sage to fly up because it is a bad mountain pass soon and it could be dangerous.

As the pass opened back up there is failed where you can see the sun in the sky and thousands of Butterfree as Sage lands back down still with the eggs. "Look at them all. It's amazing." I say as I pull out both Roman who has evolved into a Butterfree on the island and Aria who is now late enough to ride on.

Roman flies up high and waits for me and the others to get up there as Sage takes off and I get on Aria who flaps her wings a few times before she takes off, shaky at first but gradually gets better and is soon steady.

"Go on Roman, go find your love and have children of your own. I will never forget you." I say resting my forehead against his.

"I won't forget you either mama. Thank you." He says before flying to the crowds of Butterfree to find his love. I see a lovely, slightly blue-er Butterfree and they interact for a bit before they dance together. I am happy for him.

We then begin to fly in the direction of Lavender town ignoring the strange looks we get from other people in hot-air-balloons.

"Willow!" I hear three people chorus and I look over that direction seeing Ash, Brock and Misty in a green balloon so Aria and Sage fly towards them.

"Where are you going? Don't you want to release Roman so he can have babies?" Ash asked me.

"Roman has already gone and found someone that he likes and they courted each other. I am just happy that he found someone that he likes and likes him back." I reply as we glide together through the sky.

"Then where are you going?" Misty interrupts looking confused.

"Lavender town. I have a feeling I need to go there. I will meet you in the pokemon centre in Saffron city. Don't attempt to fight the gym leader until I get there because I have a feeling that something bad will happen if you don't." I quickly explain as the egg from my bag begins to glow and I bring it out as a white light blinds us momentarily and in the eggs place there is a shiny male Gilgar looking up at me. "I think I'm gonna call you... Santoku."

I quickly catch him in a poke-ball and bid farewell to my companions before counting on our way to Lavender town.

We got there just before the sun has began to set and we land close to the rumoured to be haunted tower and returned Aria so she can rest as Sage lays down with the 5 remaining eggs, she didn't want to let them go or possibly be harmed in the tower.

"Alright Sage, I will be back out at around dawn so don't worry about me. I'm still a glow-stick remember? I have plenty of Psychic energy to protect me." I say before I enter the tower alone, leaving my bag with her so any Ghost pokemon can't mess around with it.

Looking on the first two floors I see no pokemon but I can tell they are there from the energy they give off. By the time I get back to the front lobby area I tie my jacket around my waist to cover my poke-balls that consist of the usual 5, Sage's, Nessie's and 7 empty balls on the other side.

By now it is getting dark and the pokemon will hopefully be more active. I first start to hear laughter as I walk up to the third floor but don't turn around although I stop to make the game a little more interesting.

Gently tugs of the hair and breathing down my neck makes me giggle a bit as I go into what looks like a bedroom. It was mostly empty with only a small metal cot and a wardrobe in the corner. The wardrobe seemed to be in good condition and the handles move, so playing along I walk over to it.

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