Stray pokemon and the Lighthouse!!

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We have been walking for a few days and Ash starts to complain that there is nothing but Spearow and then Misty starts to go on about being lost. On the bright side the Cleffa egg hatched and I called him Sprite.

When we finally start to set off there is a large rock with what looks like a weak Charmander on top. Ash trys to catch it but we come to the conclusion that it already has a trainer.

I activate the spikes on the bottom of my shoes and climb the rock to talk to Charmander. "Hello Charmander, my name is Willow and I am going to check your health ok?" I ask gently and he nods.

I notice that he is too thin for a normal Charmander and give him some poke-food that I made for fire type pokemon and also give him am ointment because his skin is too dry. "Are you waiting for your trainer to come and get you?"

"Yes. My master promised to come and get me later." He replays.

I call Flare out. "Flare will keep you company until they come. It it starts to rain you run straight to the poke-centre. I don't care what your master said, your tail could go out if left in the rain. Flare if he is too stubborn pick him up and carry him there." I say to the two pokemon before jumping back down and we continue on our way.

Not long after two pokemon come out of the bushes. They are both Sunny Castform. Ash is wondering which one to battle and catch when I just walk up to them, crouch down and begin to speak. "Hello you two. My name is Willow and I'm a pokemon trainer, do you want to come on my journey with me?"

They both look excited and quickly nod as they get into the poke-balls I had out for them and place them on my belt. When I stand up Ash realises that they are gone before noticing that I caught them. "Hey, I wanted to catch them pokemon!" He complains.

"1) Do you even know what pokemon they are? 2) They are Castform, the weather pokemon. 3) If you didn't spend so long complaining and talking you might have caught one." I say with a joking and serious tone before we all get to the top of the hill.

The others fall over in relief. "Babies, all of you." I say as I pass them and get to the poke-centre before it starts to rain with the others not far behind.

It is not that bad so I guess that Flare is trying to persuade Charmander to go to the centre for shelter.

I decide to call out the two Castform and give them names. "I will call you Forecast." I say to the male who is back in his normal form. I point to the female who is pink with a mango coloured mask. "And you Pattern." Both happy with their names they went back into their poke-balls to rest and relax.

The rain begins to get heavy and I get even more worried. Flare should have been back with Charmander by now.

The group of boys are laughing so hard and are so loud. I have the urge to record the conversation so I pull out my pokedex and record their conversation.

They are talking about abandoning Charmander and how it is weak. This is disgusting and I cannot keep my rage in anymore.

"Uh-oh." Ash says knowing the look on my face.

"What is it Ash?" Misty asks as Brock also notices my face and replays to her question.

"Willow hates people who abandon, abuse and neglect any pokemon. She has stopped many a trainer by spotting the signs faster than a Pidgeot can spot a Caterpie. I remember when she got 6 trainers inadvertently row in my gym 2 years ago when she stayed over for a month. Most had black eyes and broken bones because she had seen them outside of the gym and they were boasting about it. She helped every single one of them, giving them to worthy trainers or releasing them back onto the wild." He explains.

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