Chapter 1

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((Note, before you read this I want to let you know that I do not know everything about Herobrine but I know the basics. If I get something wrong or go against the lore, please forgive me. This is my very first time writing a Minecraft Story and I just recently got into it, late June when I bought it. In addition at various points I will include Herobrine's POV. Hope you enjoy it. Also this story is going to be slightly silly despite the title.))

"Ugh it's so hot out here. Why the Hell did I think it was a good idea TO ENTER THE FREAKING DESERT BIOME?!!" Ariadne groans when she remembers why she came to the Desert Biome "Oh yeah. . .sugar cane and terracotta. Right." Ariadne in the process of making a splendid little home out of red terracotta in a Plains Biome. Hence why she is out in the desert, the sugar cane is for making paper so she can make a bookshelf and possibly a cake as a reward for finishing the home. The light becomes dimmer. She looks up at the sky and sees that night is falling quickly. "Shit, the mobs will be out soon! I'm not prepared for a fight!" She mentally curses herself and thinks; 'Dammit I knew I should have packed my Diamond sword and bed. All I have is this wimpy bow and arrow from a fried skeleton who stayed out in the sun this morning. That ain't going to help me much.' Ariadne snaps out of her 'feeling sorry for myself state' and enters survival mode. She takes the bow and arrows and aims one at a zombie ambling towards her. Waiting for it to get close enough before firing. 

The arrow flies true and hits the zombie in the center of the forehead, killing it. Before she can congratulate herself on an awesome shot, she feels an arrow graze past the top of her shoulder, causing it to bleed. Turning around she sees a skeleton wearing an iron helmet. With that one shot the bow she is using breaks, so she looks around for another potential weapon, however none can be found.  But she gets an idea. . .'I have a bunch of cactus in my inventory, maybe I can use that to my advantage. Just have to make sure I don't run into them myself.' Ariadne had a lot of them as she was wishing to dye her white bed green and you need cactus to do that. She was already out in the desert for terracotta and sugar cane, so why not get cactus. Ariadne takes the cactus out of her inventory and darts past the skeleton, towards a Creeper intending to plant a cactus next to it, hoping the Creeper would run into the cactus and kill nearby mobs. The skeleton is sorely confused as to why a human would run towards a Creeper when Creepers are far more dangerous. The Creeper backs up a little bit, although they were known for blowing up, they saved that as a last resort as it ended their lives. 

Not liking this one bit the Creeper turns around and shuffles away as fast as it can. Which is not very fast to be honest. Ariadne lets it go as it was not looking for a fight and neither was she. She is not well armored enough to go up against a Creeper anyway. She only has leather armor but she is intent on getting the Skeleton's Iron Helmet at least. A loud 'BOOM' shatters the typical night sounds in the desert. The groaning of Husks, the gurgling of Zombies, the clacking of Skeletons, the hiss of Creepers, and the chirping of Endermen are gone. Ariadne looks around, trying to find the source of the sound but figures it was just a Creeper that ran into a cactus. While the hostile mobs are temporarily distracted Ariadne wastes no time and she gets to work planting cactus around the mobs that are hostile.

Ariadne soon finishes planting the cacti and retreats to a distance, she waits for the hostile mobs to take notice, mostly out of wanting to see the fruits of her labor. 'I am nothing if not resourceful, plus I get the feeling this is going to have amusing results.' She thinks to herself as a Husk got stuck on a cactus she planted. Its flailing about causing other Husks to come and help it, soon there are over four Husks stuck to one cactus. It is all to much for Ariadne so she began laughing like a Hyena, catching the attention of a nearby unamused Enderman who saw her while she planted the cactus, teleports over to her and just says "?Yllaer" before disappearing, going back to The End with a block of sand. 

Ariadne's laughs soon die down to chuckles, she continues to watch as a creeper gets stuck on a cactus close to the Husks. The Husks start freaking out, Ariadne watches with glee as the Creeper explodes, killing itself and the Husks, along with a couple skeletons who were unfortunate enough to be in the near proximity of the Creeper. Ariadne then notices the sky becoming pink "DAWN!" She says out loud to herself. A skeleton seeing the coming sunrise races to a nearby cave, just in time as the sun was now high enough in the sky to burn Zombies and Skeletons. Ariadne takes advantage of this and slays as many Zombies and Skeletons as she can, gaining many experience points and useless loot. Afterwards she sighs. "Well, I have enough Rotten Flesh to get an Emerald from a Cleric, but the closest village is quite a distance from here. If I keep walking, I'm bound to come across a village."

Ariadne begins the long arduous trek in the search to find a village and get the Rotten Flesh off her hands. As she is walking she feels a raindrop land on her arm. 'In the desert?' She thinks to herself. 'It never rains in the desert Biomes save near rivers. . .I've got a BAD feeling about this. . .' At that very moment a bright flash of lightning blinds her followed by a giant crack of thunder. Ariadne is thrown back by the force of how close the lightning strike was. Her ears ringing and her vision spotty as she sees a figure illuminated by the bright flashes of lightning. Ariadne's stomach dropped and terror fills her heart upon seeing those white eyes  'H-HEROBRINE?!! IM-IMPOSSIBLE! NO WAY! NOTCH SAID HE BANISHED HIM!! THERE'S NO WAY HE COULD---!' Ariadne's train of thought is cut short as she passes out, the last thing she see's before falling unconscious is those glowing white eyes and an evil smirk. 

((Hope you enjoyed the first  chapter!))

Edit: ((I edited quite a bit of stuff in here, I think it's a lot better than it was and the story flows a little more smoothly.))

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