Chapter 12/ Second Choice Ending

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((This is the ending you get if you chose the second option. To stay with Herobrine's unconscious body. Enjoy!))

Original POV

Pandora kneels beside Herobrine's unconscious form, and rests his head on her lap. Tears go down her cheeks as she talks to herself. "Wh-What's going to happen to us now Hero? Wh-What will happen?!" Her tears drip onto Herobrine's face. His face twitches slightly at this, causing Pandora to smile a little. A sense of calm washes over her, and she dismisses the negative thoughts in her head, wiping away the tears on her face. Suddenly she feels a hand on her shoulder, she turns around to see a man who looks exactly like Hero minus the glowing white eyes wearing full diamond armor. 'This must be Steve' Pandora thinks to herself. The other mans voice was firm. "Both of you are coming to the Overworld with me." Pandora speaks in as diplomatic a manner as possible. "But sir, I think it would be prudent if we waited for Herobrine to wake up before going to the overworld through a portal." 

Steve scoffs at Pandora's pathetic attempt at diplomacy. "Nice try sweetheart, but I don't have time for this. We must go NOW!" He glares at her, anger in his eyes as he roughly grabs her and Hero by the arm before quickly teleporting over to the portal he entered the Nether in and stepping into it. Fifteen seconds later he steps out into the dungeon beneath Notch's castle still holding onto both of them. Three meters ahead of them stands Notch, king of the Overworld. Steve bows before Notch and forces Pandora to do so as well. "BOW BEFORE YOUR KING!!" He barks at her. She does as she is told, becoming more unsure and scared of 'Steve' by the second. 

Herobrine groans softly, coming to. Notch gives Steve a pair of glowing chains his voice deep, gravelly, emotionless. It sends chills up and down Pandora's spine. "Take these and bind both of them. I do not want them escaping." Steve nods his head. "Yes my Lord." Pandora begins to panic, not wanting to be held prisoner. She struggles against Steve as he puts the shackles onto her, then onto Hero. "My lord, should they be in the same cell?" Notch rolls his eyes. "Yes. I know what I'm doing. The walls are made out of reinforced obsidian, nothing can break them. Trust me Steve, these two are not going anywhere." "Y-Yes my lord, I-I do apologize for questioning your judgement." Steve drags Herobrine and Pandora into a rather large cell and attaches the shackles to Nether brick fenceposts. He then leaves without another word. Pandora watches as Steve and Notch ascend the tall staircase out of the dungeon. Jumping when she hears the entrance door to the dungeon slam shut with a bang. Waking Herobrine up fully and completely. 

Herobrine's POV

I awake with a start and look around. My heart sinks upon seeing that I and Pandora are in Notch's palace dungeon. Memories of being tortured burst forth in my mind, the scars I received from the torture sting in pain. My body clearly remembers the pain I felt back then, as does my mind. I see Pandora chained to a nether fencepost with enchanted chains, even in the dim light I can see the bruise on her arm. It is in the shape of a handprint. I scoot as close as I can towards her, my voice laden with concern. "Ar-Are you okay?! They didn't hurt you did they?!" She shakes her head no before hugging me tightly. I hug her back. "I-I'm sorry. . .I wasn't strong enough to prevent this. I-I failed to protect you." I hang my head down in shame, separating from the hug. 

"You did not fail Hero. You did all you could to protect me and keep me safe. N-No one has ever done that for me before. You truly live up to your name." I look at her with confusion, she smiles. "Hero. That's exactly what you are. You're a Hero, to me." She rests her head on my chest, I cannot help but smile at her comment. From deep within me arises strength, energy, power, and determination. I hold her close to me. "I'll get us out of here Pandora, don't you worry." 

I yank hard on the chains restraining me, cracking them slightly. With the strength of Heracles I break free of my shackles. I then go over and free Pandora. She looks at me with surprise, I just smile at her. "Let's get out of here." She nods her head and I bend the prison bars just wide enough for the both of us to get through. Before she goes up the stairs out of the dungeon I stop her, pointing to the two guards standing at the door. "D-Don't kill them Hero. They are merely doing their job." I sigh at this but for her sake I will not kill them. I teleport behind them and slam their heads together making them fall unconscious. Fishing the key out of one of their pockets, I open the dungeon door, gesturing for Pandora to follow me. She does so. "I'm going to teleport the both of us out of the palace, hold onto me." 

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