Chapter 6

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An Enderman, having listened to the conversation between Steve and Notch teleports back to Herobrine's castle. It knocks on the throne rooms door. Herobrine speaks in a slightly annoyed tone. "Come in." The Enderman teleports into Herobrine's throne room. Herobrine reads the Endermans mind so as to avoid having to translate the backwards speech. 'They speak backwards but they think forwards, makes my job easier' Herobrine thinks to himself. 

His emotionless face soon turns into a devious smirk, he drums his fingers on the arm of the throne. "Interesting. Very interesting. Thank you Enderman." The Enderman bows before teleporting out of the Throne room. With the information now given to him about how to release Ariadne's powers he approaches the room she is in. 

Ariadne is reading a book a servant was kind enough to give her, it is over an Illager named Erik the Red and his exploits. So engrossed in the book is she that she does not hear the bedroom door open and close. She is snapped out of the book when Herobrine gently taps her on the shoulder. She jumps and almost falls off the bed. "My, my, you startle easily Pandora." Ariadne/Pandora freezes up as Herobrine says this, her hands begin to glow a yellow white color and her eyes seem to get even bluer. The glow travels up her arms, soon her entire body is glowing, then as soon as the glowing starts, it fades away. Pandora falls seemingly lifeless to the floor, Herobrine catches her. 'Shit! Is she still alive?!' He checks for a pulse and breaths a sigh of relief when he finds it, it's faint but there. "Must have just been all of her powers releasing." He holds her in his arms and tucks a strand of dark brown hair that is in her face behind her ear. 

Herobrine's POV

I look upon her and softly mutter to myself "She's so beautiful." Are her powers affecting me?! Is-Is this what she can do?! No matter! I won't let Notch take her from me! He'll just use her like he's used everyone else! Even my twin brother Steve! I cannot believe that bastard is sending Steve down here to get her back! Manipulative asshole! I shake my head a couple times to get the thoughts out of my head, but they return as if stronger. Wh-Why do I feel this urge to protect this mortal woman?! Though. . .If Notch is involved in this which he most certainly is, she probably isn't mortal. I watch as she stirs a little, I can feel a smile tug at the corners of my mouth. I hold her close, what is this warm feeling inside my chest? It's. . .comforting, I've never felt like this before. Why is it that the thought of losing her to my brother Notch fills my heart with dread? Pandora softly groans, fluttering open her eyes. Surprisingly she does not freak out about me holding her, instead she nuzzles her face into my chest. I can feel my cheeks getting red with blush. "Mm, warm." she mutters out. I smile at this and hold her close to me. Within minutes Pandora is fast asleep once again. I chuckle a little, "I am quite warm. I have business to attend to, but. . .It can wait." 'Who knows how much longer moments like this will last for me. . .I was practically on Death's door the last time me and Notch fought, and it was only because of Steve pleading that I was healed. Whose to say I'll even make it out of this one alive? But I have a lot more to lose this time around than I did before.' I look down at Pandora and run a hand through her soft silky hair. 'A lot more to lose.

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