Chapter 11/First Choice Ending

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((This is the ending if you chose for Pandora to leave Herobrine and go fight Steve. The ending for the second answer is in chapter 12 FYI.))

Original POV

Rage bubbles within Pandora as she looks down at Herobrine's unconscious body, the dried blood on his armor makes her blood boil. Knowing what she must do to keep Hero safe she picks up Herobrine's sword 'Hades' and teleports to where she figures Steve is. Not wearing any armor nor carrying a shield. She floats in the air effortlessly, glaring down at Steve. "You may be bound to Hero by blood, so he cannot kill you. But you mean nothing to me, so I won't hold back." Steve's mouth hangs agape at Pandora, shocked and terrified at this display of power. 

Pandora does not give Steve time to recover from seeing her, she teleports behind him and punches him as hard as she can, her fist glowing a yellow white color. Steve crashes into some Netherack, groaning in pain from the sudden blow. He stumbles out of the rubble, drawing the bedrock blade from its sheath, a small smirk on his face as blood drips from his chin. "Heh, you really don't play around." Pandora's voice is cold and icy. "No I don't." She charges at Steve, slamming her blade against Steve who is not expecting the kind of force Pandora generates. He finds it difficult to stand his ground, digging his heels into the ground. He looks at her with frustration and confusion. "You're clearly not human, so what are you?!" Pandora does not answer Steve's question and just glares at him. 

Steve's POV

'D-Damn she's strong!' I struggle to get out of the deadlock our blades are in. 'Why is she fighting like this?! I need to know!' "Why are you defending Herobrine?! He's nothing but a monster!" As soon as those words come out of my mouth, I know it was the wrong thing to say. She teleports out of the deadlock. I look all around but don't see her, then I feel a sharp cold blade against my neck. 'She's behind me, shit!

Original POV

Pandora holds the obsidian blade tightly to Steve's neck, cutting a fine line into it which draws some blood. The smell of human blood attracts the many different mobs to the battlefield. The mobs do not attack but rather watch the battle between Steve and Pandora. Pandora speaks through gritted teeth. "HE'S NOT A MONSTER! HE'S NOT EVIL! HE CRIES, HE BLEEDS, HE FEELS EMOTIONS JUST LIKE YOU!! You're not a man 'Steve'." She says his name in a mocking tone. "No, you're merely a SLAVE to Notch. A MAN CHOOSES! A SLAVE OBEYS! YOU CAME TO KILL YOUR OWN TWIN BROTHER BY NOTCH'S ORDERS!! YOU ARE MERELY A PUPPET TO A HIGHER POWER BOY!!" Anger rises in Steve, and though he usually fights fairly this sets him off. Without Pandora noticing he reverses the blade in his hands and stabs her in the side with a sweeping motion. Causing Pandora to remove her blade from Steve's neck. She stumbles backwards, placing a hand over the now gaping wound in her side. Blood flows onto the ground, she glares at Steve. "Th-That was a dirty move, NNGH!" 

Steve shouts in rage at Pandora. "HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A SLAVE!!" Pandora smirks at Steve. "D-Did you come here of your own accord, was it your ultimate decision to come to the Nether and 'rescue' me? Y-You didn't question the orders he gave you, you just did what you were told. Heh, a-a man chooses, a slave obeys. . ." Steve finds himself unable to speak in retaliation. 

Blood drips from between Pandora's fingers as she desperately tries to halt the bleeding. A small puddle of blood begins to form beneath her. She tries to use her powers to heal herself but is unable to do so. Steve takes advantage of this opportunity and stabs her in the stomach with the bedrock blade. Pandora's eyes widen, and blood dribbles down her chin. Before she can say anything, Steve rips the blade out of her then steps away. Pandora drops the obsidian blade which hits the ground with a clatter, then falls limply beside it. 

Steve's POV

'It's done. . .Now Herobrine cannot use her to overthrow Notch.' I turn around and begin to walk away when out of the corner of my vision I see glowing white eyes. 'IM-IMPOSSIBLE!' I think to myself. As I slowly turn my body to face him I feel my stomach drop to my feet, terror courses through my veins. The rage in his eyes is overwhelming, are those. . .tears in them?

Herobrine's POV

Sensing something is wrong I teleport to the battlefield and see my worst nightmare. Pandora lying lifeless on the netherack ground, blood pooling around her. Tears sting my eyes "N-No" I softly mutter to myself, turning my head I see Steve walking away. The bedrock blade dripping with blood, her blood. I glare at him, all I feel is hatred towards him. He then looks at me and we stare into each others eyes for a couple seconds before I run over to Pandora. Secretly hoping she is still alive. Kneeling beside her body I check for a pulse, sighing in relief when I find one but it is quite faint. With shaking hands I pull out the healing potion from my pocket and pour the contents down her throat, holding her head up so she does not choke on it. 

I stare at the gaping wound in her abdomen, it does not heal only the bleeding stops. Her breathing is becoming shallower and deep down I know she is not long for this world. Tears trickle down my cheeks and land onto her face. "P-Pandora. . .P-Please, d-don't leave me alone like this!! P-PLEASE!! ST-STAY WITH ME! Y-YOU'VE MADE ME SO HAPPY!! Y-YOU'RE THE LAST SHRED OF HAPPINESS I HAVE!! D-Don't you understand?!" I choke on a sob. "Y-You filled a hole in my heart that I honestly thought could never be filled." I hold her close to me, helpless as I watch the light slowly fade from her eyes until they are glazed over in death. Overcome with emotion I let out a cry of pure anguish. "AAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!" I break down into sobs. "PANDORA YOU WERE THE LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS OF MY VERY EXISTENCE!! N-Now I'm lost in the darkness once more. . ." 

I hear footsteps approaching and grab 'Hades' turning around, slamming the blade against Steve's. "WHY?!! WHY WOULD YOU TAKE HER FROM ME?!!"  "Notch said to 'take her out of the equation' if she did not come willingly. So that way you could not use her powers to overthrow him." Steve's answer sends me into a crazed frenzy. 

I let out a scream of rage, summoning multiple mobs to tear him apart limb from limb. "YOU'RE NOT MY BROTHER STEVE!! NOT ANYMORE!! SO DIE!!" I watch in glee as the Zombie Pigmen, Endermen, and Zombies surround him. When they are close enough they launch themselves atop him, his screams are music to my ears. Blood and viscera go flying everywhere as he is gruesomely torn asunder. I know he will merely spawn in the overworld once again. I glance over at Pandora's lifeless body and have a Wither turn her into a Wither Rose. I gently remove the rose from the ground and bring it inside my castle, planting it in a flowerpot. Vowing to myself that I will turn her human and revive her once I finally overthrow Notch. 

~The End~

((This is the BAD Ending))

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