Chapter 10

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Herobrine's POV

Soon, I step out onto the portcullis. Waiting there, as I expect is Steve. 'I will win this fight.' I think to myself before waiting for him to make the first move.

Steve's POV

I glare at my brother, gritting my teeth as he stares at me with those glowing white eyes. He knows why I am here, no point in talking. Both of us are waiting for the other to make the first move. 'Might as well give him a show before I finish him with the powers granted to me by Notch.' I do a couple mock charges first, he does not even flinch. 'Screw it, I'm here on a mission! I need to finish this quickly.' I teleport behind him, kicking him into some Netherack. He looks at me with utter shock, it feels good to see him so surprised. I chuckle and while he is already down charge at him with my diamond sword, he raises his and blocks me. Sparks fly as he struggles against me. Suddenly I feel the wind being knocked out of me and fall backwards onto the ground. Gasping for air I sit up to see Herobrine wielding two enchanted diamond swords now running towards me. He goes to stab them into me, I roll to the side so they penetrate the ground instead. Giving me just enough time to get back to my feet. I go to slam my sword against his side as he struggles to pull the swords out of the ground, but am blocked by him. 

Herobrine's POV

The hatred in my brothers eyes towards me hurts. 'He's actually trying to kill me this time!' I think to myself. Out of the corner of my eyes I see him get ready to hit my exposed side with his sword, 'good thing I feigned struggling to pull the swords out of the ground' I block his strike.  'I can't fight like this, I need to create some distance between us.' Using my powers I summon a Wither to serve as a distraction for Steve while I come up with a battle plan. 'Steve will have his hands full with that, haha.' Much to my dismay though, Steve dispatches the Wither with ease. Double jumping before teleporting behind it and slicing it's heads off. 'Dammit! Notch must have given him some of his powers! Shit. This is not good at all!

I summon over three Endermen to me and Steve's location. They attack him without hesitation, he struggles to fight the Endermen off. Teleporting all over the place in an attempt to throw them off or get the drop on them. 'That will DEFINITELY keep him occupied for a little while.

Steve's POV

'Damn him! He's using these as a distraction! He doesn't have a battle plan, he's trying to buy himself some time. Well, I don't have time for these fucking kids games!' I teleport behind Herobrine and stab him in the back, however his armor deflects my blow. He turns to face me, anger and pain in his eyes. Finally he speaks. "I don't want to kill you Steve. I really don't want to have to kill you, but I will not let you take Pandora from me!" 

I drop my sword in shock, 'SHIT! H-HE KNOWS HER REAL NAME!! B-BUT HOW---' "An Enderman who was listening in on the whole conversation between you and that devil Notch reported all he heard to me. That is how I found out. Did you forget I could read minds Steve?" He smirks, god how I hate that smirk. I pick up my sword and swing it at Herobrine's neck, he blocks it with his bare hands. The sword shatters as soon as it hits his skin. "She is happy here with me Steve." "LIAR!!" I scream out in frustration, drawing out a sword made of bedrock that Notch made using his powers. 

Herobrine's POV

 I feel a cold chill go down my spine as I look at the sword Steve now holds. 'Shit! That's the same sword that nearly killed me those many centuries ago!' He swings it at me, I dodge. "H-HOW CAN YOU EVEN WIELD IT?! ON-ONLY NOTCH CAN!!" I shout to him. I get the answer that I suspected, Steve lets out a laugh. "NOTCH GAVE ME SOME OF HIS POWERS, SO I CAN WIELD IT! YOU SHOULD SURRENDER NOW HEROBRINE!" He points the sword at me, 'I don't stand much of a chance against that sword, but I am stronger now than I was centuries ago!' I draw forth my own special blade, obsidian crafted in Ender Dragon Flames. 'Time to really test 'Hades'.

Without hesitation I teleport to Steve and slam my blade against his, hot sparks fly as the two powerful blades collide. 'I CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE!!' I mentally scream to myself and press harder against Steve, aiming to have him cornered into some nearby Netherack to force him into surrender. Steve suddenly disappears from sight, before I can react I feel Notch's sword cut me many times as Steve teleports all around me. It slices through my armor like it's made of wet paper. 

Remembering my promise to Pandora I teleport away from the field of battle and into the room I told Pandora to be in. She looks up at me with horror as I weakly smile at her. "I-I made sure to k-keep my promise to you. Q-Quick grab that pink potion on the shelf next to you and hand it over to me." She does so and I gulp down half the contents, the wounds become mere scars. Pandora hugs me tightly, I can hear her muffled sobbing. 

I wrap my arms around her, my voice solemn. "I-I'm sorry Pandora. I-I can't defeat him, my powers are nearly spent." I feel my legs starting to give out from under me and I know I have exceeded the power limit Notch put in place for me. I fall to my knee's, dropping the obsidian blade 'Hades' onto the floor. I look at Pandora, her features becoming blurry. "P-Please. . .D-Do forgive me. . .P-Pandora. . ." She says something to me but I cannot understand it, soon everything fades to black.

((You the reader get to decide both Pandora and Herobrine's Fates! Choose one of the two actions below! One action will result in a good ending/true ending and the other in a bad ending))

 Leave Herobrine and fight Steve.


Stay with Herobrine's unconscious body.

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