Lost of Family

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We have arrive in Genovia and the whole security team came around Andrew and I as we get off the plane. I hope that my mother is doing better. Just before we left University, my dissertation went though and was graded. I am now officially done with college. Andrew is waiting on few more test scores to be announced. After that he is done also. We get into the car and drive to the Palace. The Genovian flag is hanging at half mass. I start to get nervous. That can't be a good sign. We arrive at the palace and we exit the car. I run to my mother's and Father's chamber. I knock on the door. I hear nothing so I enter. I see my mother lying on the bed looking sickly and close to death. I see my father sitting next her in a chair looking sickly and depressed. "Mother , Father. I came back. How are you feeling today, Mother?" I said. "Alexandria, is that you?" My mother said sickly. "It is, Mother." I said as I was walking closer. "I am dying my sweet little papillon. You will be a great Queen. I love you. Take good care of your brother and your sister." My mother said. "I love you too, mamma. I will." I said trying not to cry. "I will always be with you and your siblings." My mother said just before she closed her eyes. I could feel that she was gone. I began to cry. The woman who gave me life, who taught me how to act like a princess is gone. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see it was Andrew. I wrapped my arms around him and I just cried. My father had no emotion left. He just stood up from the chair and left the room.

It is the next day and my father hasn't been seen since my mother died. The staff and the whole country is in mourning. Andrew hasn't left my side. I cried last night before bed, during the night, early this morning and after breakfast. Lois has been crying and Richard had been crying also. I walk into my father's studies. I see my father sitting in his desk chair playing with his wedding band. "Alexandria, did you know that your mother declined my marriage proposal. She said that we should get to know each other first then get married. That is what we did. We got to know each other. I see the way you look at Duke Jacoby of Kennelwith. I want you to know that I give you permission to get married. I am afraid that I will not be able to walk you down the aisle. Now that your mother is gone. My heart has been broken. I love you my Alexandria. Watch over your siblings and your country. You can send in your siblings and your grandparents." My father said. "I love you too, papá. I will." I said trying not cry. I walked out and sent in the rest of the family.

1 hour later.

My father has died. He died of a broken heart. The country is in mourning again. I will not be crowned queen until about a week. This is not how I wanted to become Queen of Genovia. I wanted my parents to be there. Nothing ever seems to work out the way it supposed to.

5 days later

I am sitting outside in the garden under a Genovian Pear Tree

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I am sitting outside in the garden under a Genovian Pear Tree. When I was child I would run into the garden and sit under this same tree for hours. Now, I sit under this tree. A woman who is going to be Queen in two days. I know I am ready to become Queen;however, I wanted my parents there for it.

"Darling, the staff told me this is where you would be

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"Darling, the staff told me this is where you would be. Is everything okay?" Andrew said. "My King, in a few days I will be crown Queen of Genovia and I will have to marry. My parents are not here anymore and I have to rule without their guidance. My King, my life is not turning out the way I planned it." I responded. "Darling, I will be there for you. Princess Alexandria Elizabeth Regandi Renaldi of Genovia, I love you and I could not live a day without. You will never be alone, because I will always be there for you. Now, I imagined to doing with under different circumstances;however, now seems like the right time." Andrew said as he is getting down on one knee. "Princess Alexandria Elizabeth Regandi Renaldi of Genovia, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Andrew asked. Andrew opened up a little blue box and there was the most beautiful diamond ring ever.

 Andrew opened up a little blue box and there was the most beautiful diamond ring ever

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I think for only a second. "YES!" I yelled. Andrew slipped the ring onto my finger. Andrew and I are engaged.

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