I have a cousin who lives in America

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It is the next day. My maid came in and woke up me like she does everyday. I got ready for my busy day. Today, I have more meetings and lunch with Uncle Phillipe. I am looking very royal today. I hope my sister does to in her own way.

I walk down the grand staircase into the dining hall where I am 20 minutes early

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I walk down the grand staircase into the dining hall where I am 20 minutes early. I put my napkin in my lap and cross my legs at the ankles. I drink my tea well I went for my family to join me. My parents entered the dining hall and sat down. "Alexandria, your uncle Phillipe will be in town today. Are you excited?" My mother said "I am, mother. I wonder about the topics we going to discuss at lunch today." I responded. My brother and sister walks in. My brother of course looks like a prince. Today, my sister wore a dress. It isn't very royal but it is a dress.

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"Hello, Father and Mother

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"Hello, Father and Mother. I hope we are time for breakfast." Prince Richard Alexander Regandi Renaldi said. "Hi, Father and Mother. I am on time for breakfast." Princess Eloise Regandi Renaldi said politely. My parents had a shock look on their face. We all sat down and waited for my grandparents to come in. Ten minutes later. "Shall we eat?" My grandfather asked. We all nodded. We ate breakfast and drank tea, well everyone expect my sister. She doesn't like tea. We talk about our day and how we are. We finish eating breakfast and go about our day.

3 Hours Later

I am now sitting having lunch with my Uncle Phillipe. "Alexandria, you know how you have always wanted a cousin. Well, 15 years ago I had a child with my ex wife. I am going to America, more specifically San Francisco to meet her and tell her that she is a princess. I know that you are next line for the throne of Genovia. I would prefer her to know about my family. I cleared with your parents and grandparents. I would like for you to come with me to meet her. I think it would be good for her to someone her own age, who is going through the same thing." Prince Phillipe Renaldi of Genovia said "Of course Uncle. I have a cousin in America. What is her name?" I responded "Her name is Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldi." Prince Phillipe Renaldi said. "That is a lovely name. When are flying to meet her?" I responded. "We will be flying there in few weeks just in time for her to start her first year of high school." Prince Phillipe Renaldi said. "I shall be ready. Uncle what is high school. Is it like our secondary school? I will make sure to bring my schoolwork with me." I said. "It is like our secondary school. Your tutor will be coming with us so you can keep up with your schooling." Prince Phillipe Renaldi said.

Few weeks later

I am on Genovia One, flying to San Francisco, California, United States of America to meet my cousin Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldi. It has been 10 hours. I am now getting off Genovia One and heading to the embassy. I am looking outside the window taking in all of the city. Later today we going to meet up with Mia's mother Helen Thermopolis at their house. We have arrive at embassy. Uncle Phillipe and I exited the limousine and headed into met the staff. "Welcome, your highnesses. I am Charlotte, I will be assistant if you need anything well you here in San Francisco. Please follow me to your rooms." Charlotte said. My uncle followed Charlotte upstairs, I follow behind them. We get upstairs and Charlotte points to one of the rooms. "Princess Alexandria Elizabeth Regandi Renaldi, this is your room. It has a bathroom inside for you, along with a desk so that you and tutor can do school work. Your highness, you can let the staff know if you need anything at all. The maids are aware of your morning routine. Let me know if there is anything else, your highness." Charlotte said "Thank you everything is fine." I responded. I walked in and saw the maids unpacking my luggage and laying out my clothes for tonight's dinner. I nod my head as they curtsey.

A few hours later

We are heading to meet Helen Thermopolis. It is cold tonight so I am wearing pants.

 It is cold tonight so I am wearing pants

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We are now heading to Helen's house. My uncle Phillipe told me that Mia might be there and it is my job to make her feel fine about the whole being a princess. A few moments later, we arrive at Helen's house. My uncle and I exited the limousine, we walk to the door and knock. "Phillipe, it is so nice to see you again. You must be Alexandria. It is nice to meet you." Helen Thermopolis said. "May we come in?" Prince Phillipe Renaldi asked "Yeah, come on in." Helen Thermopolis responded. We walk into the house, there are paintings everywhere. "Are you an artist?" I asked "I am. I painted all the paintings you see. Do you paint?" Helen Thermopolis responded "I do not paint, I am an artist of a different type. I am a skilled musician. I play the violin, viola, cello, upright bass, piano, Piccolo,harp, Flute,
Oboe,and I also sing opera. I am ballroom dancer." I responded "Wow, you are very talented. Would you like some tea or water?" Helen Thermopolis responded. "May I have some water." I said politely. "Here you go." Helen Thermopolis responded "Thank you." I responded. We sit and talk for a few hours. "Mom, I'm home." Mia said "We are over here." Helen Thermopolis responded "Whose we?" Mia asked "Mia, this is your dad and your cousin." Helen Thermopolis responded "Hello, Amelia. I am your father, Phillipe." Uncle Phillipe said "Hello, Amelia. I am your cousin, Alexandria." I said. "Hi, it's nice to meet you. What is going on,mom?" Mia said "Your dad has something to tell you." Helen Thermopolis said "Amelia, you might want to sit down. I am the Prince of Genovia and your cousin is the Princess of Genovia. Which means you are also a Princess." Uncle Phillipe said "Wait, stop and freeze. I can't be a princess. I am just Mia." Mia said "You are not just Mia. You are Princess Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldi of Genovia. You are the sixth in line for throne. You don't have to rule. We would like for you to know the people of Genovia. Your mom and I have already decided that you will be joining us in Genovia for the summer." Uncle Phillipe said. "I can't be a princess. I do not want to be a princess. I am still waiting for normal body parts to arrive. No, I will not be a princess." Mia said storming off to her room. "If you will excuse me. I believe this why I came." I said. I got up from my seat and began to walk to Mia's room. I knock on the door. "Who is it?" Mia asked "It is Alexandria. May I come in?" I responded "Yeah." Mia responded. I walked in to see there is cat on the bed. "If you are here to tell me that being a princess is great and that is fun. You can walk right out the door." Mia said. "I am, but I wanted to tell you that you are not alone in this. You have myself, your father and your mother to help you. I was born into the princess title and I have done it by myself since I was 12 years old. I never had a normal life, you have had 15 years of normalcy. I got 16 years of being a princess. I am here to help you learn that being a princess is not all bad or good." I said "You know what you make a pretty good speech. How can you help me? I don't know the first about being a princess." Mia responded "I will teach you. Come by the embassy tomorrow after school and we will start. Oh if you have any pantyhose wear them and bring some heels. Don't worry cousin I will help you." I responded. We walk back downstairs. "Is everything okay?" Helen Thermopolis asked "Yeah, I am going to the embassy tomorrow after school. Alexandria is going to help me get use to being a princess." Mia said " Thank you Alexandria. We should be heading back. Amelia, I love you very much. I hope we can get closer together." Uncle Phillipe said. We walked out and headed back to the embassy. May be tomorrow will be great.

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