Tom Keifer Imagine

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                       November 1987:
  You took a deep breath standing on the top concrete step of your parents house with your boyfriend Tom Keifer. "Don't be nervous babe." Tom says gently rubbing your back, "Whatever your parents have to say about us doesn't matter." "You're so sweet." You smile kidding his right cheek before ringing the doorbell. You and Tom both fix your clothes as you wait for someone to answer the door. You are wearing a black button down and ripped jeans with red lipstick and black eyeliner. Tom is dressing a navy paisley button down and dark jeans with the same eyeliner you are wearing.
  "Vada!" your little sister squeals hugging you as soon as she opens the door. "Hi!" you smile looking down at her as she hugs your waist. The black headed 10 year old is wearing a solid hot pink pullover, acid washed jeans, matching Converse, and a matching scrunchie pulling back her hair. "Isabella this is my boyfriend Tom Keifer. He's in the band Cinderella." You say gesturing to your boyfriend. "Oh Tom." She says in a dreamy voice as she closes the front door. "Hi. I've heard so much about you." Tom smiles shaking her hand. You and Tom laugh as she runs into the family room after shaking his hand.
  "Mom, Dad, Vada brought her boyfriend to dinner." Isabella says standing in the center of the family room. "Oh she didn't she." your mom says closing her copy of Sears Magazine and getting off the couch followed by your dad doing the same. "I'm Emily and this is husband Robert it's a pleasure to meet you..." she says smiling widely unlike your dad. "Tom, Tom Keifer." he says smiling. Despite all the smiling in this room you could tell your parents disapprove of your lifestyle.
  After your mom excuses herself to go check on dinner, Isabella is pulling you and Tom into her bedroom. "That's you!" Isabella says pointing to her poster of Tom on her bedroom wall. "Wow." Tom says not knowing what else there is to say. "Will you sign it for me?" she asks handing him a Strawberry Shortcake pen. "Sure." he says taking it from her and walking across the cloud white carpeted floor to his poster. He quickly signs it and looks at the other posters that surround his those being Tommy Lee to the left, Kevin Bacon to the right, John Deacon above his, and Patrick Swayze below his.
   After ten minutes of Isabella showing you and Tom her Barbie Doll Collection, one being Peter Criss, your dad came to the door to say that dinner was ready. You were the first to walk down the narrow hallway lined on both sides with framed pictures of everything from your birth to vacations in Connecticut to your concert which just happened to be Alice Cooper. Tom was behind you and Isabella was behind him walking a little to closely and trying to hold his hand. The three of you walk through the newly remodeled family room that looks like something out of the Autumn issue of the Sears catalog and into the dinning room.
   "Do you need any help setting out the food, Emily?" Tom asks standing in the doorframe of the dining room you standing beside him. "No." she simply replies carrying out a large serving plate of Baked Chicken and putting on the large wooden dining table that was covered with a white lace tablecloth. "Are you sure? I honestly don't mind." Tom asks again this time with a smile. "I do not need any help." she says before going back into the connecting kitchen to get whatever else was for dinner.
     Once a steaming bowl of Macaroni and Cheese had been brought everyone sat down and began passing the food around the circular table. "So Tom what do you do for a living?" your dad asks passing a bowl of Cold Veggie Pasta to him. "I'm in a rock band called Cinderella." Tom says taking the bowl and passing the Baked Chicken to you. "And do you plan on doing that for the rest of your life or do you plan to get a real job?" your dad asks causing you to shift your eyes towards them. There was just something about the way he says "real job" in such a condescending way. "I do plan to play music for as long as I can." he replies in a confident tone sitting a little straighter in his chair. As the meal goes on your dad starts talking about his gun collection which of course you knew he did not have and your mom continues to tell all the neighborhood gossip about how Mrs. Rossburg has taken a job at Sears and her husband Pete is having to all of the cooking. Everything was decently civil until your mom looks you directly in the eye and opens her mouth to ask a question.....
   "So when do you two plan to get married? After all you two live together and probably do other horrendous things together with that following from MTV." your mom asks taking a sip of her water. "I don't know Mom. We haven't talked about marriage in a lot of detail." you say looking at her straight in the eye. "Well you better get a move on while you're young." she smiles wiping her mouth with her napkin. "We will get married when we want to because we're not all meant to be housewives." you say taking a long drink of your water. Once all the dinner plates were clear your mom starts collecting them taking them to the kitchen. "The Fruit Salad looks delicious." Tom says as she puts it in the center of the table. "Maybe Vada can make it for you someday." she says filling bowls and passing them around. "So how do you treat our daughter?" your dad asks turning to look at Tom. "Dad please don't ask him that." you say huffing slightly looking at him. "No baby I don't mind." he smiles looking at you before turning back to your dad. "I treat her with the love and respect she deserves." he says, "I wouldn't be half the man I am without my rock chic." "Aww." Isabella coos speaking for the first time because she was so star struck that she couldn't think of words. "Well that's wonderful." your mom says laying her fork down on her folded napkin. "Thank you." you whisper looking at Tom. "Anytime." he whispers back smiling like crazy. "Man I love this man so much." you thought finishing off the last of your Fruit Salad.
    "Bye lovie." you say hugging your little sister, "And remember we'll have a sleepover at our place soon and we can stay watching MTV." "Yeah!" she laughs before going to hug Tom goodbye. After saying goodbye to your parents you and Tom walked outside and got in your car to go home.
   "My parents can be pretty condescending at times when they want to be." you say walking into your shared house. "Yeah but let's not talk about it anymore. Let's just relax." Tom says wrapping his arms around your waist. You and Tom went upstairs to get ready for bed trying to forget all that was said tonight. "Were you telling the truth when you said the thing about how I make you a better man?" you ask crawling into bed wearing your favorite pajamas. "Of course I was babe." Tom says laying up against the headboard in his black sleep pants. "You're so sweet." you say cuddling up to your boyfriend. He smirks to himself as he uses the remote to turn on MTV. "I love you Cinderella Man." you say looking up at him as Joan Jett and the Blackhearts latest video plays on the tv screen. "I love you too Rock Chic." he says pulling you into a kiss.

Here's ya imagine! DancinonSunsetStrip
Word Count: 1331

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