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I was bone tired as I sat in a room just off the ER, with Samantha, Marcus's wife sobbing on my shoulder, all I could think to say was , "I'm so sorry", over and over as I squeezed her hand, while we waited for m

Malcom to return , he had gone to identify the body, Marcus's body because his wife was in no fit state to go , she kept saying " I'll never see him again", over and over.

I knew instantly it was Marcus, by the look on Malcom's face, "Eve can you give us a minute please" and I quickly got up and left the room , but as soon as I closed the door I could hear her wailing cries as Malcom was telling her he was never coming home.

I sat outside the room, listening to her wailing cries , I felt like doing that myself, but was trying, like Malcom to be strong for her , about half an hour later Malcom came out and met a nurse and they both went back inside, 5 minutes later the nurse came back out. 5 minutes later Malcom stepped outside.

"What happened" I asked

"Hit by another car, the driver left him there to die, die eve, like his life didn't matter at all, they said he had this in his inner pocket and he handed me a envelope and it was addressed to me.

I looked up to Malcom and said "What is it". stupid question really, it was envelope but i couldn't understand why he would have one for me on him.

"Looks like an envelope addressed to you, I haven't opened it," said Malcolm.

I took the envelope and quickly opened it

Dear Eve,

so much has happened, they know I know now,

and they will be looking for the piece,

its at our meeting spot ask for john.

stay safe these are dangerous times


I quickly put the note in my pocket.

"Did you tell any one about this letter" I asked Malcom

"No, why, what did it say" he asked

"I cant tell you right now, its complicated, something he wants me to do, I'm sorry Malcom" I said.

"Mmm hmm, well, ill get Samantha home, you go do whatever he wanted you to do, and call me later", and Malcom slipped back into the room.

I took off for the ER doors, hailed a black cab, quickly made my way to our meeting spot, I asked the driver to stop a few streets from out spot in case anyone followed me, Marcus had said these are dangerous times, which was his code for make sure your not followed, Marcus, poor lovely Marcus, he always wrote codes like this when we passed information back and forth in our own little language, as we sent each other on scavenger hunts, when ever he was in town.

First line was always the same

so much has happened, they know I know now,

the second, what I was looking for and the third where too look, the fourth was how to conduct my search.

I looked around me, but saw no cars or people, id been asked to be dropped off a few streets back from our meeting place, and i quickly weaved in and out the back ally's and entryways to get to our meeting spot THE GRIFFIN pub, a little hole in wall pub, but we loved it, it was homely and usually quiet so we could talk, i had to bite back a sob at the thought id never be meeting Marcus here again, but Marcus always made time during his visits to England, he said he did it because my father asked him to keep an eye on me, but i knew better, Marcus felt sorry for what my father had done, a pillar of the community, my father had been arrested when I was 6 and put into a maximum facility, because of all the stolen art and antiquities, they'd found in our basement, dad had always protested his innocence, Marcus was his best friend, and fought for him over the years, with appeals and whatnot. Did my father know he was dead, did he care, probably not, he didn't care for me. He never allowed not one visitation.

Soon after my dad was sentenced, my mom, if that's what you would even call her, took off for husband number 2 and hasn't looked back, she paid hunters family to take me in, paid for school and stuff I needed, but as soon as I left college the checks immediately stopped.

"See ya later momma" I mumbled to myself as I crossed the road to the griffin.

A thought occurred to me , that this was another one of Marcus's trivial hunts, but still I felt obligated to see it through.

I opened the pub doors and slipped inside.

"Were closing" said a male voice from the behind the bar.

"I was looking for john" I said.

"And who might you be" asked the bartender.

"A fiend of Marcus" I quickly added.

"Well you found I'm" said the bartender.

"My name is eve, he said you would have something for me" I replied.

"what was the last thing he said to you" asked john.

"That he needed to speak to me" I replied.

It must have been the right answer because he dipped behind the bar for a second and brought out a small box "Here". said john.

I walked over and went to take the box, but john swiftly held it out of reach.

"Not so fast, he said to tell you, only open it when your in your safe place" he smirked.

"Okay I will", and held my hands out once more and he placed the box in my hands, I looked at it briefly, "Do you know what's in it" I asked.

"Nope, me and fellas tried to, no one could open the box" he said.

I quickly stuffed it in my bag "Thanks" I said and quickly walked out of the pub.

THE BOOK OF SECRETS BY TRISTAN SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now