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I finished my last bite, hunter said "Come on what did you find", I spluttered the coffee I was drinking.

"What makes you think I found something", I said and placed the coffee cup back down on the saucer

"You have this look when you find something, its the exact look you have right now", he said turning his head to the side looking at me, daring me to say , no way your wrong, I slumped back" Fine, I did find something", I replied.

"I knew it, come on then lets have it", said hunter.

I got up from the table and made my way to my rucksack and pulled out the golden tube, and held it out in my hand to him, "She was holding this, so I kind of took it", I winced.

"oh shit, now Interpol will be looking for us, not content with jail on one continent you have to want us be in jail on two", he barked, but he still took the tube and started looking at it, smiled, even when he's mad, he still loves anything old".

While I went to school learning about art and how to restore it, he learned anything he could on archeology, anything old just fascinated him, the way puzzles did me.

"well its from the roman era", said hunter feeling its weight in his hand.

I took it and looked at it, feeling the weight, then i looked at the ends, "look" I said pointing to were a roman coin was welded into the bottom.

"If I'm not mistaken, that's really her, well her coin that is, look it has a picture of her on it and the words, a silver denarius, Serilim, it reads",I said.

But he beat me to it "Service" , said hunter.

"Something seems off to me, like in history we are taught that she and Servilia hated each other, what if that was lie, and they were in cahoots", i said.

"With what", said hunter.

"That's the million dollar question, but it must be something the catholic church was so willing to lie about", I replied.

"It kind a looks like one of those contraptions , but instead of pottery its gold, the one on that film with tom hanks ", said hunter.

"The Da Vinchi code", i said.

"Yes , that's it", he replied.

"well Da Vinchi's era was 1452, and roman empire united in 1453, quite possible it was made after one of his drawings", I replied.

"Well if that's true, we need a code word to brake it", said hunter.

"Well if they were in cahoots, and it has Servilia's coin, we have two options, its either Servilia, or servilim", I replied.

"How do you figure that, it could be Brutus or Julius or Atticus, it could be anything even apple like in the film", hunter said back.

"It could be , but why put Servilia's coin on the bottom, so it has to be one or the other, what to do , what to do"?, I replied.

"Fuck it" said hunter and moves the golden squares in place to spell servilim.

The bottom end clicked and a scroll popped out and fell in his lap.

"Oh shit , it actually worked, its usually you who works these things out", said hunter.

As he picked up the scroll a old key fell out, I picked it up to look at it.

"Where, or what does this open", I say.

"Maybe this can help us find out", he said opening the scroll.

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Nec Uvit







"For I praise who has killed to keep safe life and death", I say.

"What do you think it means", says hunter.

"I'm not sure, but what ever this letter is , its nothing to do with the pearl, its pointing to something more , sinister, something that will rock us to the core", I said quietly as thou someone could here my thoughts, it could lead to your death, that's sinister to me, I mused.

"Okay look, before things turn down a dark path, I say we get some more sleep and figure what to do tomorrow", hunter says back quietly, putting the scroll and the box and key on the bed side table, he scrunched down on the bed we had somehow been lying on together, and brought me down with him under the covers, hugged me to his chest and buried his head in my neck, "Sleep baby, even I'm solving shit, you need sleep", he chuckled, I elbowed him lightly, "Whatever, i was just about to do what you did, but you beat me to it", I smiled," What ever, I still beat you to the puzzle , let me bask in the glory, it doesn't happen often", he chuckled back, but squeezed me tighter to him, we were asleep moments later, content in each others arms, I had to make sure there were more of them.

THE BOOK OF SECRETS BY TRISTAN SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now