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"Okay lets read the scroll first, see if gives us clues to what the books are?", I say.

"They look Egyptian to me", says hunter.

I open the scroll "Its papyrus" I say "Feel it".

He reaches over and touches the corner with his finger and thumb "Yep", he says.

"Okay lets see what it says", I say unfurling it.

רק אם שלך ראוי

את שחור פנינה הוא


"It looks like slave language, Hebrew", said hunter.

"Only if your worthy, the black pearl is key, that's a rough translation", i said.

"About right, so this does have to do with the black pearl, but we don't have it , so we don't have the key", says hunter.

"You are the Archeiologist, so your understanding is better than mine, how ever I disagree", I said.

"How so", he replied.

"See look at the books, they both have an indentation on the front", I said.

"Yes", said hunter.

"Pass me the key", I said

"Okay", said hunter and went to my pack to get it, he got it out and came back to the bed were he had gravitated to again.

"Here", he said handing it to me.

I looked it over in my hand, looking at the pearl, on the head of the key, I fingered it, suddenly when my finger touched it, it light up, and then light faded.

"Did you see that", I said.

"Yes, let me try", and he fingered it too, but nothing happened, so I tried again, and once again it lit up.

"Well it responds to you, does that make me not worthy", laughed hunter.

"Shut up , you are plenty worthy, maybe it only responds to a female's touch", I said.

"Oh i see these are so old they were in the garden of Eden, and when eve tasted from the tree of knowledge, the serpent gave her theses instead, so many lies" he said rolling his eyes, his hand on his chest , over his heart is if he was shot, he mocked.

"Maybe", i said.

"You cant be serious, the book of life, and the book of the dead, I was joking, its a myth", he said

"Some myths turn out to be true", I said.

"Well there's no writing on the front like that mummy movie", said hunter.

I put my figure to the pearl again, but this time I held it there, and when it lit up I pushed down, all of a sudden it popped out a bit, to revile what looked to be a small handle underneath, I pulled on the pearl, but it wouldn't budge, next I twisted it and it began to move, I quickly twisted until it eventually it popped out in my hand.

Hunter was silent

"Looks like a black pearl key now, doesn't it", I said looking at the pearl with a handle, the length of the other key.

"A key within a key", said hunter.

"It was your idea", I said.

"How so", said hunter.

"At the library, you said a key with in a key, I went with it", i said.

"Well okay lets see if it fits our books", said hunter.

But before we could, there became a frantic knocking at the door, we jumped up, I put everything way, while hunter peeped through the whole, he nodded at me , I nodded to him.

He opened the door to find the old women who brought us food before and she pushed past hunter into the room, fast.

"Hurry you have to leave we don't have long, use the balcony then the fire escape" she said

"Why", said hunter.

"Because young man, there are men down stairs, wearing black outfits and sun glasses, looks there packing, I've seen enough movies, to know there government in some way , so hurry, GO!, I'll stall them as long as I can, I told them I would come and see if you were still in your rooms".

I was packing all our stuff as she was talking, once she was done , i was too, "Come on hunter lets go", I said.

He kissed the old lady on the forehead, and took my hand and we hurried to the balcony.

Once outside we traversed the fire escape, and out into the little back street, we headed left and took off running, but which way to go, we just left the car were it was and took off on foot.

THE BOOK OF SECRETS BY TRISTAN SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now