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"Are you sure we have to leave that nice comfy bed" yawned hunter.

"Yes most definately, as a told you before Malcom is on his way and we need to not be there when he arrives", I said checking the last car door handle on the street we were on, and the door opened.

"Got one", I said as I got in the car, leaned over to open the drivers side door to let hunter in.

"Why are we stealing a car again", said hunter opening up the door and getting comfy in his seat and then began to look for spare keys.

"Because people might be watching car rental places, now hurry up and get going", I said , just as he flicked down the visor and a set of keys dropped into his lap.

"Okay I'm going, where are we going", he said putting the keys in and starting the car.

"Damanhur", I said.

"Right, random place, here we come" and he reversed from the spot and took off for the road ahead.

We road through much of the night.

"So where do you want to look first", asked hunter.

"Well i thinking, if you wanted to, lets say hide the smell of death where or what would you use", I asked.

"What are you talking about", asked hunter.

"Look we have the book of the dead right" I said

"And the book of the life" said hunter

"Yes, but you don't need to cover life do you, think about it, it was hundreds of years ago, what did they use back then to treat dead bodies, to ferment them in the after life", I asked

"Salt", said hunter

"Precisely, and where would you fine the salt here" I asked back

"correct me if I am wrong but isn't there salt flats at the base of mount Sinai", I quizzed

"Which is in Damanhur", said hunter.

"Exactly", I said, "To mount Sinai, please".

"You know Damanhur, sounds a lot like dam her", he chuckled.

"Oh shut and drive. moron", I laughed back

On arriving at the base of the mountain, the sun was just coming up.

"So where to now, puzzle women", asked hunter putting the car in park.

"Well now we go on foot, lets have a look around and see if we can find a clue as to what to do next", i replied.

"So basically no clue, fantastic lets do that", said hunter.

We exited the car and began to look around we had just reached the east most part when two armed guards stepped out from behind a sign.

"Halt" they said.

"Oh jolly good you speak English, we came to look at the beautiful mountain, got lost from our party, can you tell me what does that sign mean" I said pointing up above them.

"You no pass, see Zaranik Protectorate", one guard said putting his rifle up higher.

"Okay there Rambo, no problem we will go back the way we came, no point in ruining your lovely gun with brain matter and the such, toddle loo", and I waved quickly grabbed hunters arm and took off in the other direction at a rather fast pace.

"Slow down, they have gone now" said hunter looking over his shoulder.

"Look", O said coming to a stop.

"They are obviously hiding something back there, so I say lets go into town get some food and supplies and comeback at night fall, if we have to go inside that mountain wont you feel better knowing we have supplies, while we do", I asked him.

"Excellent thinking as usual", said hunter.

We made it back to the car and took of for the nearest town, once there we got a room paid in cash of course, then we made a list of things we might need and split up taking half the list each, to get the things we would need.

When I returned to the hotel, hunter had already beat me to it, and was whistling in the shower.

"Hi honey I'm home", I half shouted over the noise of the shower.

"Okay honey, I think we should take a nap, seen as it only took an hour to get the things we need", shouted back hunter.

"Agreed, I'm completely warn out", I replied.

"You know, it's weird you don't sound like you any more, I mean its you voice and everything, but you have this English/American accent now, totally hot", said hunter turning off the shower, I dumped the stuff on the bed, as was heading towards the bathroom, when he came out wearing only a towel, and a fluffy one at that.

"You don't say" I smiled

"Oh I do say, and if you go in the shower and wash that camel smell off, I might just show you how much", he smiled back

"I do not smell like a camel", I smiled

"Oh I beg to differ" he chuckled and kissed me quickly and pushed me towards the bathroom door, giving me a swat on the arse just for good measure.

"Fine, maybe a fluffy camel", I smiled and pulled the black dress all the way up and off, giving him a sneak peek of me in my underwear, before disappearing into the bathroom, but chuckled when I heard him groan as I left the room.

We took a short nap after hunter showed me just how totally hot he thought i was with my new accent, then we packed up things while getting dressed and stepped out into the night air.

"Just stick to the plan, okay and everything will be a okay", I reminded hunter.

"Will do, I got ta say I am liking this outfit your wearing" he smiled.

"Shut up and get in the car", I smirked back, "Just stick to the plan, and don't get side tracked by ogling".

"I can't help it, I had a crush on the princess Jasmin from Aladdin all through 9th grade, so sue me", he smirked back.

"Oh really, how much of a crush" I smirked back.

"A big one", he laughed.

"Oh my god, I played the princess in Aladdin in 9th grade", I laughed back

"Exactly, you were wow, just wow", he smirked back

"Okay Casanova, dial it down a notch, your losing focus, look were on the wrong side of the road", I laughed pointing to the opposite side of the road we were on.

"Oh shit", said hunter as he course corrected the car, "my bad". he chuckled.

With almost no traffic on the roads we made our way back to the mountain base in no time at all.

THE BOOK OF SECRETS BY TRISTAN SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now