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Once we reached the bottom, we found another tunnel, but this one was not made from man made stone, this one was made of cave stone, and covered in cob webs.

"Booby trapped, giant spiders?", said hunter.

"No I think this is way older, and its been undisturbed for a very long time", I replied.

"So no creepily large man eating spiders then" said hunter.

"Never say never", I replied, but began to make my way through the tunnel, pulling the cobwebs down as I went.

"What's that awful smell", said hunter

"I don't know", I said

It took 20 minutes to make our way down the tunnel, but arrived at what looked to be an old door, but was obviously eaten by wood mites long ago, I punched through the remaining wood and stepped into the opening beyond.

It was cold and dark, and it smelled of something awful.

"Wow, its rank", said hunter.

"That would be the guard who followed me down here", said a female voice.

"It can't be" I said

"It can't be who", said hunter.

"My mother", I said.

"Tell me, did you bring the key", said my mother stepping out into the light".

"Yes, but how are you here, and not on some cruise with husband number 15 million or what ever", I asked.

"Hand over the key of your own free will and I will", she said.

"Not so fast mummy dearest", said hunter, he had always cursed my mother for leaving me, the way she did, ever my champion.

"Yes why of my own free will", I asked, something was amiss.

"Just give me the key girl", said my mother.

"I will if you tell me what's going on", I snapped back.

"FINE", she snapped back.

"The books can only be used by a women, and your god forsaken father has had me trapped down here ever since, the cavern must have a mistress", replied my mother.

"He loved you, why would he trap you down here, it doesn't make cense", I queried.

"Because he's a vengeful ass hole that's why", she snapped.

"Why what did you do to inn cure such wrath" said hunter.

"Arrh hunter, always sticking your nose were it don't belong" said my mother.

"MOM, just answer his question" I snapped, no one attacks hunter on my watch.

"Fine, I had a little tryst and he got all bent out of shape about it", she said.

"With who?", asked hunter.

"ME", said a male voice behind us.

Hunter and i jumped apart, to reveal.... Malcolm.

"Arrh my love, your right on time", my mother cooed.

"Ewe, your with creepy killer pants", I asked.

"I prefer you call me step dad", snapped Malcolm.

"Ewe, i just threw up in my mouth a little, never gonna happen", i snapped back.

"Give her the key of your own free will", snapped Malcom.

"No", said hunter

"Fine", and Malcom jumped forward and stabbed hunter in the leg, "Next ones gonna be fatal", he said.

"Hunter"I cried as he went down on one knee, I rushed towards him, but my mother grabbed me from behind, holding me back from getting to him.

"Let go" I struggled.

"Give us the key of your own free will, think of hunter, you wouldn't want him to die would you".

And there it was the fate I had to outfox.

"Don't do it baby, they are monsters, think of what she and him would do with power like that", said hunter.

"Shut up, get on with the ritual, give her the key of your own free will", said Malcom punching hunter in the knife wound.

"Arrh", he cried.

"What to do, what to do", i said out loud.

"Your for it now" said hunter.

"Hunter do you trust me, the only way is through", I said

He nodded once, and winced from his pain.

"No you can't have the key, and not my free will", I said.

"Fine", said Malcom and lunged forward stabbing hunter in the chest, he pulled back and looked at me smiling.

Then my mother let me go and I sunk to the floor putting his head in my lap, I looked up and said the line, I had been dreading saying, "Did you have to kill him".

It was just as the necklace had predicted.

You can't change fate

Malcom laughed a wicked laugh and said "I have a back up, bring him forward", and two men who I hadn't noticed till now, pushed an old man forward, his hands were bound and his mouth taped, but there was no mistaking who this was..... My Father.

"Dad", I screamed and putting hunters head down shuffled over to were he was shoved, and I ripped the tape from his mouth.

"Arhh", said my dad.

"Dad, dad are you okay, "I said and he quickly pulled me to him and whispered in my ear, and nodded and I nodded back.

You can however change what happens after.

"Arrrh such a sweet reunion", cooed my mother, "Now give me the key".

"Fine, I give you this key of my own free will", and I threw the key at feet.

"Excellent", she said and picked it up, and went to stand by Malcom.

"Give me the knife I want to run him through for keeping me trapped down here all this time, lover", she cooed.

"Here my love do your worst", smiled Malcom.

She then took the knife, but instead of killing my dad, she stabbed Malcom instead.

"What", she laughed, "you cant honestly think, I would let him have it do you, ITS ALL MINE, he did everything I wanted, shame I had to kill him, but oh well, now you two", she said pointing to the two men who had arrived with Malcom, "lets go, I have things to do, leave them here to rot, bye sweetie checks in the mail", and with that they left, leaving me with a dying hunter, my dad and a very dead Malcom.

"Hunter", I cried and sank to my knees once more and pulled his head into my lap.

"Why, w why d did y you g give it t to h her" croaked hunter.

"Yes its true I give her the key, but not this", and I pulled the pearl from my pocket.

"Hurry we don't have much time", said my dad.

"Okay what do I do" I asked.

THE BOOK OF SECRETS BY TRISTAN SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now