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"She's a wise ole bird, that one", laughed dad.

"Come on dad, I think we have a few things we need to discuss, like were you really in jail all this time and if so how did you get out", asked hunter as he put his arm around dads shoulder and lead him off towards the entrance.

"Yes I', like to know that too?"I asked and began walking fast to catch up," and which bloody side your on", I laughed.

"British intelligence is the best in world you know, they have been dealing with lies a whole lot longer than America, but they have proved time and again to be our allies, so your , great, grandmother had them join our little club, she believed as do i , that the books should be kept separate, and well, a knew lie was born, the lie of war against the leaving of the crown, I mean that president at the time did want there country to be under American rule, but no one noticed that they didn't appoint a king or queen of there own, why they only have a president", said dad.

"You mean they didn't do it, because they found out about the keeper and the guardian" asked hunter.

"Exactly my son, the queen told him she would only have his allegiance to the truth, if they didn't appoint a monarchy of there own, that way securing there allegiance, to England and visa versa, at that time England had a lot of countries under there rule slash umbrella, that eventually knowing that they were going to war with a shit load of countries the president back down and agreed, plus the keeper at the time told him she would have the keeper bring back to life some off the worst villian's in history, and also bring the wrath of angels along with them and he sort of well, well he caved, I would too in his position, but look at them now, they have grown into quite the formidable force, and we are the best of allies, all do to the keeper and the guardian", said dad.

"Can you do that eve" asked hunter.

"Sorry keeper remember, I cannot reveal all that that I can do, but you see how that puts us in terrible danger don't you, I mean if the other countries got wind, they would try to kill us, but would fail because we are immortal so they would do worse, torture us for the secrets, that's why they must never know who is the real keeper".

"Me that's who", said hunter.

"Precisely, your daughters, daughters, daughters, are counting on it", I replied.

"British intelligence have wiped you from existence and you will be given new identities ", said dad.

"What do the Egyptians know?", I asked.

"Arrh well yes, a new discovery of old stuff from before BC, will be found and given to the government of Egypt, we have been protecting this site for a very, very long time, its been a place of Sanctuary, protected by us since the crusades, again another lie, we just let everyone think we came for the cup of Christ, but really it was a hunt for the keeper and guardian, the Catholics at the time got wind and well you know about the witch trials, another lie, they were killing anyone they thought to have special abilities, trying to exterminate the keeper, but the killing got out of control and a lot of innocent women were put to death, so they stopped the killing, but they never stop the hunt, never will i expect, but they don't a catholic war, there are to many Protestants, and they would be exterminated from bomb existence, so we war in silence, blame other countries for bombings and unexplained deaths, but its all for the greater good, because, you eve, you have the power to bring heaven and hell to earth", said dad

"Shit no pressure", I laughed.

"I know it's a lot love, but you have been deemed the worthy one, so god trusts it to you, you get that don't you", replied dad.

"Yes dad, I do and I am ready and willing to put my life and the life of my children on the line" I replied.

"Me too", said hunter.

THE BOOK OF SECRETS BY TRISTAN SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now