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I wake in a cacoon of strong arms and legs, he is breathing slow measured breaths on my neck, I go to move , I have to pee, from the long flight and vodka I did the day before. The morning light is starting to stream in through the windows and birds are starting to sing, but as I go to move, his strong arms tighten.

"Oh no you don't" he breaths, his eyes are now fluttering open, and are fixed on me.

"I have to pee, and charge my phone" I say, giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

His face scrunches up like he ate bad food, but relents, letting me go, but his eyes are fixed on me and as I trapeze across the room , his eyes narrow watching my every move as thou I might disappear the moment he takes his eyes off me, I hate that I put that there.

"Leave the door open ajar" he says

I cringe on the inside , knowing my assumption was right, but leave it ajar.

As I take a pee and then flush and wash my hands, return to the room, Hunters eyes are tracking my every movements as I slip back into the sheets beside him.

"Good morning" i say.

"It is now" says Hunter.

"Your almost out of toilet paper" I say with a smile and kiss his nose.

"Ask me if I could give 2 fucks about anything but you right now" he replies, his hand stroking my hip bone, swirling his thumb in lazy circles, which has my lady parts sitting up taking notice.

"Would be even better if Marcus wasn't dead" I say , I don't mean to say it loud, but I realise he's heard me because the circling has stopped.

"What do you mean, Marcus is dead", he asks.

"Sorry, I meant to tell you yesterday, its how I found your letter, but things went the way they did, and I didn't think to tell you after the first kiss kind a fogged all my brain receptors", I say back.

So I cuddled closer and regaled to him the story of yesterday, and the day before, what happened , and about how I had come to be here.

He was silent all through my story, but then was I was done he asked.

"Show me the box" and I quickly got out of bed still naked and went to the living room to get my bag, I turned and was heading to head back the bedroom, but little did I know he was hot on my heels.

"Didn't want to let you out of my sight again" was all he had said as an explanation, again I cringed on the inside, my thoughts confirmed once more.

"I'm not going anywhere again, you have my word on that" I said, he knew my word was always solid, i never went back on my word.

His face relaxed a little at that and he sighed and said "Show me".

I quickly took out the box from my bag and handed it over.

"Chinese box" was all he said and quickly went about opening it.

He then studied the letters and then the library card and then the tile.

"I mean it looks genuine, but we will have to get it dated" he said.

"Yes, they were watching my place and I figured they would watch my work place too, so I haven't had the chance to do that" I replied

"Well, I know a place" said hunter.

"But I thought you never wanted to get into looking for the book anymore" I said.

"Yes I know, and as soon as you walked out the room, I regretted the words soon after" replied Hunter.

"So you will help me then" I asked.

"Baby, if you think, your leaving myside again, your dead wrong" he said.

"But you said you regretted the words" I replied back starting to get annoyed

"No, baby I do regret them, that's the point , what I mean to say is, if you go looking , I go looking" he said and my anger vanished in a poof of girly red mist. Poof gone.

He took out his cell phone and began to type into it quickly.

"What are you doing" I asked.

"Asking my friend Jeff, if we can use his antiquities business to check the date" he said.

"You cant tell anyone about the tile, it might be stolen" I replied remembering the policeman.

"What do you take me for and amateur", he replied, "I told Jeff i had a vase i need dated quickly for a client".

"Oh good, sorry I freaked out a little" I replied back feeling a little more relaxed.

His phone buzzed a second later, and hunter typed something back and then looked up and said "Okay that's settled, he gave me the code to get in, we have to be quick thou because his employees will be in at 10, so we have 2 hours to get there and date this tile".

"okay , getting dressed now" it was only when I went about picking up my clothes when he said.

"What are doing".

"picking up my clothes to get dressed, I didn't bring anything with me, there wasn't time", I replied.

"Go look in the closet and the draws, the clothes you left are all still there", he smiled.

"What, all of them, I would have thought you would he chucked them", I was gob smacked.

"They were you, no way was I parting with them, they were there just waiting for you to come back and claim them, plus with them here I felt closer to you some how, chuck them, I could never" he replied.

Smiling I dashed off to the bedroom and quickly sorted threw the draws and the closet and got dressed, as I did, so did he, well i took a little longer, girls do, clothes and picking the rights ones are in our nature, boys just fling on the first thing they find, that aren't smelling like yesterdays old socks.

Once dressed we left and quickly made our way in his car to his friend Jeff's place of work, hunter entered the code quickly and as he grabbed my hand we meandered are way through the antiquities building to find the testing and refurbishing room, to me it felt like the room of requirement, I was oohing and arhing at stuff, if he would just let go of my hand for minute I could look at all the new stuff the room had, but hunter just said "we don't have time, later", Bossy much.

Hunter went to one of the empty work stations and set to work trying to scrap of a little of the tile, in order to asses it in the microscope, I went to the computers data base trying to find anything in his inventory that we might be able to make a match too, but nothing seemed old enough.

An hour and half later, we had agreed the tile to be authentic, but as to how older than the Egyptians, he or I couldn't be sure.

"Come on, we have to leave" said hunter.

"I'm just accessing my old works data base to see if they have anything like it, 2 minutes" I replied.

"SHUT IT DOWN NOW" shouted hunter.

"Why" I asked puzzled.

"Because, if its safe to say they are watching the place, then they might know your accessing the data base, get out now", he responded quickly.

"Shit" I said as I exited the data base.

"Do you think they caught me" I asked tentatively.

"its definitely a possibility, but they would only be aware of Jeff looking not us" he replied.

"Do you think he'll talk" I asked.

"Nah Jeff's an old buddy of mine, plus in antiquities game no one blabs, you know that, too many thieves, plus I only mentioned a vase, nothing about a tile, come on lets clean up and get going before the staff arrives".

"On it" I said and went about cleaning the computer of any of the search history, or data I've been looking at.

10 minutes later and we were on our way back home, and discussing what to do next.

THE BOOK OF SECRETS BY TRISTAN SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now