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When we arrived back we decided to have a short nap before dinner.

After our nap, we ate lamb shank and roast potatoes and veg and gravy, we drank wine and beer, and talked about Egypt and the many pieces found here over the years.

Once Jarod brought out the sticky pudding, the talking stopped and we ooh'd and arh'd at his English creation, "No here likes it, its so good to finally have a reason to get my Mrs Beaton on", said Jarod.

"Arh good ole mrs B, nothing like her cooking is there" I said.

"Nope" both men said in unison.

"So", said Jarod, "where do you want to go looking, its a big place, do you have a map or something".

"Mmmufin" said hunter with a mouth full of desert.

"We will let you know in the morning if we need your taxi services Jarod, are you free, tomorrow", I asked.

"For my English pals, you bet" said Jarod.

"Thanks" I said back and began to finish off my glorious desert.

We finished dinner and then returned to our room, hunter got out the map and began to lay it out on the bed between us, with legs folded in a sitting position we studied the map, It looked just like a map bought at the gift store.

"Where do we go, wouldn't be simple to just write go here and look there", said hunter.

But I knew better, my dad and I used to play with maps all the time, I began to fold the corners of the map and made it into a giant childs paper fortune teller, then i unfolded 7 then 6 then 1 and the paper teller had a picture of Damanhur.

"I would like to go to Damanhur please", I said showing hunter the paper teller.

"Okay radom place, we will come to visit you tomorrow", said hunter as he took the paper teller from my hands and placed it on the night stand and curled his arms around me, pulling me to him, "Sleep first, my little puzzle girl", said hunter.

"Puzzle women", I said.

"Puzzle women", said hunter, and brought the sheet over to cover us and then closed the netting right after.

One thought popped into my head before I drifted off to sleep, that I would check with the neckless again to see if telling hunter he was marked for death, had changed anything.

I awoke in the dark to the sound of shuffling around the room, I tried to wake hunter but he was fast asleep, I quietly peeked back the netting, and caught Jarod trying to be quiet , but failing, going through our things.

I silently untangled myself from hunter and deftly made my way from the bed to right behind Jarod, who was muttering to himself going through my underware draw, thats not creepy, at all i thought.

"Found anything you like" I said

"Oh shit you scared the crap out of me" jumped Jarod, "Its not what it looks like", he puts his hands up in the air as if i was about to arrest him.

"Its all in the safe , Jarod", I said squaring my shoulders for a fight.

"Its not what it seems, well it is what it seems, I am looking for the stuff, but its not what you think, I was hoping to exchange what you have to save my brother from the bad man", says Jarod.

"What bad man", I asked

"The bad man Malcom, he told me to pick you up at the airport, and keep you buzy till he got here, but I thought I could out fox him, I was wrong", he said and huffed and sat down on the bed.

"When will he get here", I ask sitting down beside him.

"In the morning, he will kill my brother for sure now", said Jarod buring his face in his hands, and started to cry.

"How did you come to know him", I asked

"My brother has a gambling problem, the man he owes money too, he is also a very bad man, his name is Nicholas Franseco he is a big time Italian crime boss in England, we fled here to escape him, but he found us, he told us that if we did this thing for Mr Malcom, his debt would be forgiven", said Jarod.

"I wont let him, or Malcolm hurt you Jarod, or your brother, just tell him we escaped in the night, not a lot he can do about that" I replied.

"Infact lets use this opportunity to our advantage, tell him the authorities came and took us, but wouldn't tell you were too", I said

"How will that help, he will be even madder the authorities have you", said Jarod.

"Because Jarod, he will going checking with the authorities trying to find us and that will put him on their radar, plus while he's off looking for us, we will have more time to find our next location, stay one step ahead my dad used to say, and misdirection is the best offence", I replied back.

"Thank you" said Jarod, "I will leave now and tell my brother".

"You might want to tell him to pack for a few days and go and find place to stay, just till he's gone", I said back.

"Yes yes very good idea, I'll do that now", and with that he got up.

"As soon as Malcom leaves go to your brother and leave, and dont come back, go to Brazil or some place that has non extradition laws, that way he can't make the authorities bring you back to England". said

"Okay I will do that, I better hurry and tell my brother" and with that he left the room.

Now to get hunter up, we need to leave now.

THE BOOK OF SECRETS BY TRISTAN SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now