The Unstoppable Bond

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Ok so before you start reading just know that when they say "TOUCHES ME" it means like hugs, playing with hair, knocking into each other, etc that kind of stuff! Nothing sexual things.....yet

Kirishima's POV
Today was like every other school day. I groan as I reach out to stop my annoying alarm clock from ringing. I sighed as I got up and did my morning routine. Brushing my teeth, washing my face, spiking my hair up with gel, etc. I walked down stairs to see my mom cooking what smelled to be eggs and bacon. My favorite! As I sat down my mom turned around and smiled as she set my plate in front of me "Good morning honey" she spoke "Morning mom!" I gave her a grin and I looked hungrily at my plate but didn't eat yet. "I made you two's favorite!" She said as she grabbed the other plate to put down. "Thanks mom we are both grateful and I'm sure he'll thank you a ton!" I said as I looked towards the door. Bacon and eggs weren't only my favorite. They were also someone else's too. Just as she placed the plate next to me I hear the same rhythm knock on our door. I run over and answered it to be greeted by a big grin. It was non other then my best friend Denki Kaminari.

I greeted him with a grin of my own and a hug like we always do. Although this time he leaped into my arms faster then normal and I think I spotted a hint of blush but only for a split second because he jumped into my arms to fast knocking my off my balance and falling over "Morning bro!" He said as he pulled back. After realizing we fell and he was on top and I was on the bottom deep blush spread across our cheeks. "G-Good morning!" Ugh I can't believe I just stuttered. Hopefully he didn't notice. He sat down causing him to press his 'thing' against mine. Earning a soft moan to escape my lips although I quickly covered my mouth with my hand somehow blushing harder. I saw a small smirk spread across his lips as he put more weight earning a louder moan from me. He stood up blushing and held out his hand to help me up. "S-Sorry...!" He speaks softly as I grab his hand. Stuff like this would always happened but never have I seen him smirk like that and never have I moaned. I whimpered at the loss quietly though so he wouldn't here. Something has been off with me lately. I've been feeling lonely every time I'm not with Kami. Every time his touch disappears. Every time we say goodbye. It all makes me feel really lonely. Luckily the goodbyes weren't for forever. We walk home together to whose ever house we just randomly show up at. And if the other stays to long we just end up having a sleepover. Which is like once a week. "I-It's ok! It happens!" I say smiling and scratching the back of my neck. "Mmmm~! What smells so good?" He sniffs the air then gasps slightly. "Our favorite?!" He asks grabbing my hands jumping up and down. "Hehe yup! Let's go dig in!" I say as I grab his hands back and pull him inside.

Kaminari's POV
"BYE MOM IM LEAVING!" I yelled to my mom as I left the house. I'm on my way to my best friend Kiri's house to meet up with him then....walk to school....together. This always happens! My face is beat red as I turn the corner. I've been acting really strange around him lately. My heart wants to jump out of my chest every time he grins at me. Every time he touches me. Every time he even talks to me. I know, I must be crazy. I'm sure this is just what happens in friendships when they last for a couple years.

Before I know it I'm already at the front of his door, my face still on fire. I give myself a second to cool down then knock my original knock. It always takes Kiri around 5 seconds or less to answer the door no matter what part of the house he's in. I put on my grin and open my arms ready for the grin and hug he always gives in return. The door clicks then opens. 3 seconds. As I see him I already feel my cheeks burn slightly. Trying to hide it I leaped into his arms faster then I normally do. Although he ends up losing his balance. We tumble to the floor and when we realized the situation we're in we both blush and look away. "G-Good morning!" He stuttered out. He's been stuttering a lot lately but I really don't think much of it besides the fact about how cute it is! W-Wait no! N-Not cute! I-I don't even like him in that way! I accidentally sit down on his 'thing' which causes him to moan softly. I smirked slightly, taking a liking into his moan and sat harder on him again earning me another moan but louder. Realizing what I have been doing a quickly stand up and hold out my hand. This stuff happens but I don't think have ever smirked at him like that nor have I ever heard him moan like that. At that I never even did that to him before! "S-Sorry...!" I stutter out. God I hate when I stutter. He wasn't the only one stuttering out a lot. He grabs my hand and stands up speaking softly as he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly "I-It's ok! It happens!"

I smile at him and smell something good. He seemed to have noticed because he smiles wider. "Mmmm~! What smells so good?" I ask. I then realize what it is with a gasp and grab both of his hands. "Our favorite?!" I ask jumping up and down. He grabs my hand back and giggles "Hehe yup! Let's go dig in!" He says as we walk to the kitchen.

Kirishima's POV
I can't believe that just happened! I blush at the memory and try to forget it by shaking my head slightly. "You ok Kiri?" I hear Kami call me by the nickname he gives me and I blush harder hiding my face by turning the other way. I loved that nickname when he said it. It just rolled off his tongue so well. "J-Just fine Kami" I used his adorable nickname too. Those nicknames were only used by us. Kami and Kiri. Kiri and Kami. We walk into the kitchen to be greeted by my mom. "Well good morning Denki~!" My mom said with a smile. Kami told her that she could call him that since it's what his mom calls him and he considers her his other mom *cough* mother-in-law *cough* as well since we're both like brothers. Though... I think I want something more.

We finished breakfast and we started walking to the bus stop talking about anything and everything. When we arrive to the stop we begin to panic because it seemed we missed the  bus! "Argh! We missed it!" Kami whines as he leans onto my back and opens his phone while I continue to panic and look at the bus times and stops. (Like the picture above 😂) "Oh no! Kami look up the-" "Already on it! I can read your mind~! Here ya go!" Kami says as he interrupts me and points the phone to my face. We eventually find a route and begin walking and talking. We somehow managed to get to class with only 5 minutes to spare. We sit down, Kami in front of me. Normally when Aizawa Sensei is asleep Kami and I would talk with other kids about things. When he was awake but wasn't paying attention I would fiddle with Kami's hair. He told me he loved it cause it felt good so I was happy to do it whenever. Today was a little different.
"U-Um excuse me K-Kaminari can I t-talk to a-about something i-important...?" A small voice squeaked out. Looking up, Kami and I see a blushing Midoriya. "Uh sure what's up Midoriya?" Kami said smiling at him. Midoriya's blush grew as he looked away
"C-Can we t-talk outside p-please?" He said looking at the door. Aizawa Sensei was sleeping so it was easy to just leave. "Sure I'll be right back Kiri!" Kami said flashing me a bright smile. I grew very suspicious and was about to get up and secretly follow them until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see...Bakugo blushing?!

No ones POV
Kirishima was confused as to why Bakugo AND Deku were blushing and seemed to want to ask something from Kaminari and him. Kaminari was just as confused for Deku wasn't saying anything at all. " Midoriya want is it that you need?" Kaminari asked confused. His emerald eyes looked up at Kaminari as his blush grew.

"Bakubro what's up? Why are you blus-" Kirishima was cut off by Bakugo yelling "SHUT UP SHITTYHAIR! I-I....need y-your help
w-with something..." Now Kirishima was dead confused.

"K-Kaminari seems g-good at this stuff s-so I n-need your a-advice and h-help with a
p-problem I h-have...." Deku's blush grew harder and Kaminari wasn't expecting that.

Kirishima and Kaminari were definitely not expecting the two to ask for help but they were definitely not expecting what they were about to say next.

Kirishima felt that Bakugo really needed his help so he did. "What's wrong?" He asked

Kaminari wasn't expecting Deku to ask him for help but he will gladly help a friend. "I'm here Midoriya...what's up?"

"I-I like a boy and I don't know what to do!"

Hey guys! I really hope you enjoyed the first chapter! It was a lot longer then I was expecting it and longer then other chapters in my other stories 😅oh well! I'll see ya guys next time! Have a great time!
Word count: 1,740 words

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