I'll Protect You!

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Kirishima's POV

"Your father....?'' Aizawa said with confused look. "Yes...." Kami whispered as he took a grip on his pants. When I saw that I instantly grabbed his hand and creased my thumb over his hand. "How do you know this?" Nezu asked gently. Kami hesitated before answering. "Dabi told me....he said that my father just wanted to see me again but...." he quickly cut himself off by placing a hand over his mouth.

"Kami....what do you mean by 'see you again'?" I asked him. "I.....as soon as I turned 10 years old I ran away from home, and nice newly wed couple saw me wondering around and asked if my parents were around and I told them the truth. I told them that my mother died from a terrible sickness and my father started drinking and treating me as his slave. They felt for me so they decided to secertly take me in. All these years later and not a single missing child report came out for me. I guess I got lucky until now....he paid Dabi and his gang to bring me back home and which gave them a chance to attack UA. I'm sorry it's all my fault! I should just go back-"

"NO! If you think we're stupid enough to let you just go to your father who treats you as such?! You must be crazy! You got the best family here at UA why would you want to leave?!" I cut him off as I grabbed both his hands tightly which shocked him slightly. "Kami....I'll protect you!" I told him confidently.

"He's right. We wouldn't just abandoned you like that Kaminari." All Might said from behind me. From the sound of it, all the teachers in here got up and stood behind me. All Might placed his large hand on my shoulder and Aizawa walked behind Kami and placed a hand on his golden hair.

"We will dig more into it but I think you two had the roughest out of all of us here. Some rest would be good for you two" Aizawa said ruffling Kaminari hair. "Yes. Aizawa is correct. But we just want to inform you to stay on the look out for anything odd and if so please tell us immediately, and also we want you to know that we all love and charrish everyone at this school...including... Minoru Mineta..." Nezu mumbled the last part but we all heard and laughed. It was nice to see Kami laugh after that meltdown he just had. "Alright.... thank you, I'll take Kaminari to his room then head to mine. Thanks again." I said as I lead Kaminari out the room. "Anytime. Come back if anything suspicious happens!" All Might shouted from behind us. I turned around to smile at them but the door closed quickly and I swear I could have seen some blood trickle down All Might's mouth but I just shrugged it off and continue to walk next to Kami.

I turned over to look at Kami and we made direct eye contact for a split second but he quickly looked away and sped up his pace. I quickly ran up to him and stopped right infront of him to block his path. He looks up at me confused but then looks away once more. I grab his chin and force him to look at me but gently. "Why are you avoiding me?" I asked as I looked him stren in the eye. He just darted his eyes away. He was being very fusterating. "Kami!" I slightly yelled at him causing him to flinch but he shrugged my arm off and ran past me.

I just ran right after him. I chased him all the way to his room before he shut the door in my face. "Kami!" I started banging on his door but I didn't want to activate my quirk because I could break the door, get in serious trouble and possibly hurt Kami in the process so I used the next best idea. I stopped banging and made a slight quiet owl sound. "Kami! Was that an owl I just heard?! There might be an owl outside your window!" I spoke through the door which quickly opened to him screaming and jumping in my arms. It was so cute cause he very much hates owls so he'd rather be with someone then alone so I took this opportunity and quickly grabbed his arm, ran inside, closed, locked the door, and pushed him agsinst the wall while smashing my lips against his. He just stood there and once I parted and realized the gravity of the situation and our faces were both flushed red. Redder then any tomatoe you'll ever find.

"S-Sorry! I didnt mean to-" I was intruppted by the feeling of his lips press against mine once more. I was shocked for a second but kissed him back. This small kiss eventually turned into an intense make-out session. I licked his lips for enterence but he denied it so I pushed my leg between his legs roughly causing him to make a beautiful sound. I took this opprtunity to shove my tongue inside. We fought for dominance and in which case I won. I explored all around his mouth then parted for a breather with only a string of silavia connecting us. "Will my little pikachu tell me whats wrong now~?" I asked him as I scooted closer to his face.

He opened his mouth and looked as through he was about to speak but then shut it quickly and shook his head slowly. "No~? So your not going to talk to me at all~?" I asked a little disappointed. He shook his head once more and I smirked as an idea popped into my head. "I know how to make you speak quite loudly my love~" I purred against his ear softly. My hands crawled inside his shirt to each side of his stomach.

"Pfft-" Kaminari slippled out before he started dying of laughter. "HAHAHAH
HHAHAHAHAHAHA O-OK OK I-I'LL TALK J-J-JUST P-PLEASE S-STOP-HAHA" I started tickling him all over. (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I BET I JUST TRICKED YOU RIGHT THERE MUHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Ok but seriously I wasn't planning on doing that but don't worry I gotz the smutz and lemonz forrrz everyonez right now!) "Haha I knew this would make you start speaking!" I said as I hoverd over him and mounted him so he couldn't escape. Although that took a turn for the worst.

(Sumt warning from now until next chapter)

As I was tickling him, and, because I was mounting him, his body shook very rapidly like when you tickle a five year old. It was quiet cute but it made me get a slight bonner and arousded. And before I knew it I was gently grinding on top of him. He let out a squeaked sound as his him hips grinded with mine. "Gah~!" I moaned out as Kami bucked his hips up. I grabbed his arms and pulled him up to where he was sitting on my lap. He kept grinding as he moaned out beautiful sounds. "K-Kami~" I bucked my hips up like he did once before and bit my lip. It felt really good until he stood up and hoisted me up then pushed me down on the edge of the bed so I was sitting on the edge.

He sat on his knees and look up at me while unzipping the zipper of my pants with his teeth, pulling off my pants and boxers, and just stared and it. "b-big..." he muttered out as he looked as if he was thinking something. "Y-Yes I know its big but- AH~!" I began to speak until I felt something warm and wet cover the tip of my cock. I looked down and made eye contact with him but he didn't look away, he just stared back as he continued to lick the lip. "S-Stop t-teasing~gah~!" He somehow managed to say but he just continued to lick the tip on purpose. You don't understand how painful it felt~! I grinded my hips and muttered out quietly "y-you are getting a punishment for that~" and at that he went full deep throating me.

Sorry guys that's all I got for right now. I wanted to keep writing but I have to eat then go to bed. I'll try to post tomorrow but no promises! Bye for now~!

Word count: 1426 words

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