Do I?

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Kaminari's POV

"I like a boy and I don't know what to do!"

Midoriya came to me with a worried expression and then this happened. "I-I know pretty stupid huh?" He mumbles as his face turns a bright red. "N-No! It's not stupid at all! It's ok if your gay! I'm all for it! B-But....why are you telling me this...?" I ask him as I put a hand on his shoulder. "W-Well because I thought you would know what to do because your with Kirishima..." the colour drained from my face "I-I.....WHAT?!" I couldn't even talk! "Y-Yeah! Aren't you with Kirishima...?" He asked looking up confused. " were not dating...! W-Were just f-friends is all....only
f-friends..." Dammit Adrien how could you??

My gaze fell to the ground. I felt my heart drop at those words I said. "I-It doesn't look like you like it though...?" Midoriya says as he looks at my face. I just kept quite.

      When I looked at Midoriya he was looking out the window that was on the door. He was staring at Bakugo who was talking to Kirishima with a smile and blush plastered on his face. I'm guessing I had the same expression just looking at Kiri. I can only assume that Midoriya has a crush on Bakugo. He sure wasn't looking at Kiri. When he turned to look at me and smiled and I started to speak "I guess you have a crush on 'Kacchan' huh?" I said with I giggle. He nodded and said "Kaminari...since your face had a smile and blush....I can only assume have feelings for Kirishima?" My face shot up at his question. Do I have feelings for Kirishima? I-I think... "Whoa Kaminari are you ok?!?!" I felt my legs give in and I fell to the ground. I felt tears trickle down my cheeks as well.

    "M-Midoriya... I think I do like Kiri..." but as I said that I started to cry. "H-Hey! That's ok! I don't judge! After all I like a boy too!" Midoriya started patting my back as I started weeping. "B-But I don't want this to affect our relationship! What if he doesn't like me back? He won't ever talk to me! Are friendship will be ruined just because I have stupid feelings for h-"
"Kaminari? What's wrong?!" I got cut off by an all too familiar voice....Kiri! When I turned around and saw him I just couldn't look him in the eye. I got up and ran as far as I could. I don't know where I'm gonna go I just need to leave!

5 minutes earlier

Kirishima's POV
"Y-You like a boy?" I asked Bakugo with a confused look. "What!? Am I not allowed too?!?" He yelled at me "N-No! I-I mean yes! I- ugh! No what I'm trying to say is that I didn't take you as a guy to know...not ever fall in love with someone kind of guy..." I whispered out as Bakugo looked pissed but his expression changed to a shy one I only get to see every so often. "S-So why are you asking me...? I'm not all too good at this stuff you know..." I said scratching the back of my neck "Well because your with Kaminari obviously" he spoke in a matter of fact tone.

      "I-I..... WHAT?!" I screamed to loud to care. "Yeah! Aren't you together or something?" he asked with a confused look "Um no we aren't...!" I said which kinda made my heart drop. "But you have a crush on him right?" Bakugo spoke as he looked out the window on the door. When I followed his eyes there was Kaminari talking with Midoriya. When I turned to look at Bakugo there was a small smile and blush spread across his face. I'm guessing he felt me staring and turned to look, that expression now changed. "With that face I can assume you have a crush on 'Deku' huh?" I said laughing a little and to my surprise he looked away blushing hard. "Y-Yes....and judging by your ugly face it looks like you have a crush on 'pikachu' no?" He said using the nickname I sometimes use for Kami. My face blushed dark. Do I have a crush on Kami? Maybe...

   I ran my fingers through my hair as I leaned against Kami's desk which was behind me when Bakugo confessed. "You do don't you?" He said with a smirk. I didn't know what to do. I'm pretty sure I know the answer though....
"Y-Yes I Kaminari as a...crush" I spoke quietly. "Let's confess together then!" He said as he took his hand out for me to grab, way to excited about this whole thing. I hesitantly grab his hand and stood up and we run to the door and I'm shocked at what I see.

   Kami is one the floor crying while Midoriya seems to be patting his back to comfort him. "Kaminari? What's wrong?!" I said as I ran up to him but when he saw me he got up and ran. "KAMINARI!" I shouted. I was about to run after him only to be stopped by Midoriya grabbing my hand. "HEY! LET ME GO!" I yelled as I felt tears come to my eyes. This always happens. I can't stand it when I see him cry! It makes me sad! "HE'S CRYING! TELL ME WHY!" I said to Midoriya. "I-I'm sorry I can't tell you...but you need to leave him alone right now..." he said quietly. I calmed down only enough for me to walk the opposite direction to the dorms. I was done for the day.

Kaminari's POV

    I run as far as I could. I just couldn't look Kiri in the eyes right now. I ran out of the school building and into town. I stop running when I reached the mall. I sat down on the bench in tears until I felt a hand wrap around my neck (basically the samething that happened with Deku). "Ahhh how pretty~!"  a  pitched voice rang out. "w-who are y-you?" I asked trying to pry their hand off my neck "Oh don't worry I'm not going to hurt you sweetheart~" Ok I now I knew for a fact that the voice belong to a girl around my age.
"W-What do you want with me?!" I spoke out. "Oh nothing to much sweetie just come with me ok~" she said and before I had time to reply, everything went black.

Kirishima's POV
I locked myself in my room. I have an idea as to why he was crying. It was me. He probably overheard my conversation with Bakugo and he doesn't like me so he started crying or something.

I was lost in my thoughts until I heard loud frantic banging on my door. It might be Kaminari! What do I say when I see him though?! I walk up to the door and open it only to be disappointed but relived at the same time. "Y-Yes?!" It was Bakugo and behind him hid a worried Midoriya. "IT'S KAMINARI! HE WAS KIDNAPPED BY THE LEAUGE OF VILLAINS!" Midoriya said right before Bakugo was about to talk. I'm guessing he couldn't hold it in. "WHAT?!"

Would you believe me if I told you I wrote that on a airplane? Cause I did.
What can I say? Kirishima is a soft boy. Sorry it takes so long to update I'm just really busy cause school started back up again.....blah
Well bye!
Word count: 1296 words

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