I'm so sorry!

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Kirishima POV

      My eyes open to the nurses office ceiling. How do I know? I've been several times with Midoriya. I slowly got up and saw...well almost all the Bakusqaud and a teacher. Sero, Mina, Bakugo, and Midnight. "Oh look he's up!" Sero said rushing over followed by everyone else. "Oh how are you feeling?! Do you need anything?" Mina asked worriedly. Bakugo, well obviously stayed quite. "I'll go get the medication." Midnight said as she ran into another room. At that moment my memories hit me like a wrecking ball.

    "WHERE'S KAMI?!?!"  I yelled which caused even Bakugo to jump. "SHHHHHHHHH he's right behind that curtain!" I heard a familiar voice say from behind me. It was Aizawa! He....he had some bandages wrapped around his body. "Is-" I was about to ask how Kami was doing until he interrupted me. "Before you ask I must tell you....Kaminari was...well he was brainwashed. Not by a quirk but by a machine. It cause his appearance to change as well. As you may have already saw, his hair was changed to black with a yellow bolt instead of the opposite and his eyes were dark brown instead of gold. Thankfully-" Aizawa was speaking before I stood up from the bed. It hurt a ton but it doesn't matter right now. "Can I see him please?" I asked "Yes but get back in bed right after," Aizawa said as he pulled back the curtain revaling a sleeping blonde with several bandages, scratches, bruieses, etc. "Oh Kami...." I whispered as I placed my hand on his cheek. "After that attack he pulled off everyone was severly injured. Good thing All Might and I  arrived when we did. It looks like he put up a pretty good fight before the brainwashing got to him...he hopefully will wake up soon." Aizawa ended. Thank god is beautiful hair was back. I really hoped he'd wake up soon.

Timeskip brought to you by *drumroll please~!*...Jojo Siwa's hairline!

   I was sitting on a stool next to the unconscious Kaminari. I guess I fell asleep because I woke up to movement. I fell asleep on him! I sat up straight and my eyes met with beautiful golden ones. "K-Kami.....y-your awake!" I said as I wrapped my arms around him.
"K-Kiri....!" He squeaked out and hugged me tightly. "I'm so sorry!" We said in unison. We both giggled at that and boy did I miss his laugh. It was like music to my ears. "I'm sorry...I hurt you...." he whispered after we stopped laughing. "No its my fault for not being carful! I'm sorry!" I told him as I placed my hands on his face. "Kiri-" he got intruppted by a loud slam from the nurses room. "Is he awake?" it was All Might! 

"Sir-" I began to say with a worried tone. 

"Can we talk to you guys? If it's ok for you both to move over to the teachers louge that is...?" Midnight said with a worried expression.

"Sure! I'm ok-" Kami started to stay as he tried to get up but he fell. Luckily I caught him in time.

"Whoa! Kami I don't think you-" I got cut off by him grabbing my shirt tightly. 

"K-Kiri.....can you carry me on your back...please...?" he whispered with a flushed red face.

"O-Oh s-sure! G-Good idea" I said as I patted his head and bent down so he could get on.

He hopped on my back and I stood up. "Ok let's go!" 

Another time skip because I can

We arrived at the teachers lounge and we sat down in the chairs they had. "So what's up?" he asked as I helped Kami sit down. "Well...we want to explain the situation to you guys..." Nezu spoke as he hopped on the table. Other teachers like him we're already here before us, waiting. "Ok fire away" I said as I sat down. Kami just stayed quiet, avoiding eye contact. "So we caught Dabi and Toga before the got away and asked them a few questions..." All Might started. He said 'Before they got away' does that mean what I think it means.... "It turns out Dabi and Toga hypnotized Kaminari and tricked him into being their slave and changing his looks as well. They saw how powerful his quirk would be and knew it would be easy to take advantage of...." Aizawa said as he crossed his arms and sighed before continuing. "They.....They also got away. Kaminari if you know where they might be...." he touched Kaminari's shoulder to tap him out of the somewhat trance he was in. "S-S-Sorry....! I-I d-don't k-know...!" He said as he quickly stood up and waved his hands in front of his face while walking backwards. "Whoa there Kami! I-It's ok! Your not in trouble.....!" I said as I carefully walked towards him. He stopped and calmed down and looked as though he was about to say something but stopped and closed his mouth. 

"Is there something you wish to tell us Kaminari?" All Might asked gently (Little bit of a Harry Potter reference I'm sorry I just watch the second movie!")  he hesitated and opened his mouth to speak. "Y-Yes...I actually might know....who is behind this all...the kidnapping, the attacks, hurting you guys, and brainwashing me......its... its" he said quietly. We all waited for him answer. 

"My father....."

Sorry for the long wait! School (aka hell) is being a real pain in the ass right now! I will come out with another story later I just wanted to end this chapter like that because it felt wired to write any more! 

Hope you like it so far~!


Word count: 950 words- I know! I'm sorry its so short~!

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