chapter 7

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I woke up on this Monday morning and its starting to get cold out now...whoo hoo yay. I say with no expression. I get up change and go downstairs to eat. Its only 7:10 and I leave to walk to school at 7:55. I was watching 'Ruby Gloom' so the time would pass by. My mom was just sitting at the table drinking coffee and playing on her iPod so I figured she wouldn't care if I changed the channel.

So when 'Ruby Gloom' was over that's when I know I need to go put my shoes on and get my back pac ready.

And I was off to school.

When I got there I was first 'yes' I said to myself. I like being first. Then laura showed up then Colton then Nick and Lenzo then noomie then Sarah then kyle. And other people where there too.

It was really cold I only had on a flannel and a sweater I didn't think it would be this cold. I'm so dumb. When the bell rang for us to go inside I like defrosted but I was still extremely cold. At least today we have math gym then music. For math we did adding and subtracting integers. Then gym came which I was really happy for cause we play volleyball and I love volleyball.

We had a good game in gym. But then we had music. I don't hate it but its not my favorite thing to do. And yay it was snack. Fast start to our day huh?

I don't usually eat snack. I don't know why. Eh whatever.

And when recess came I went downstairs to go practice my instrument so I can get better at trumpet.

When that was done it was weird cause this day was going by pretty damn fast. That's awesome.

And then we had French then after French we had more math. Then what I have been wait for all day... LUNCH!!!! I went to my locker got my sweater and left (I go home for lunch) and laura came with me. When we made it to my house 'Go Diago Go' was on. He was riding a lama. Hehe fun.

We ate garlic bread and left SL we can make it back before the bell rang for recess. And when we got there I gave Lenzo the lucky charms bar that I always bring and either give to Lenzo or kyle its kind of our thing.

And because it decided to be cold I sat on the floor with Lenzo and laura. And everyone else came to sit with us. So it was a huge long line of people sitting trying to get warm.

I was putting my head on Lenzo's shoulder cause why not. And Colton came around and threw his jacket at us so why not use it as a blanket. We where honestly to death freezing Bruh.

So while me and Lenzo where cuddling like there was no tomorrow because of how cold it was other people where kinda doing the same just huddling and stuff trying to keep warm it was fun.

I told Lenzo that my hands where cold

"Bruh my hands are freezing"-me

" mine aren't"-lenzo

"Don't have to rub it in man"-me

" to late"-Lenzo. And somehow we ended up holding hands but I wasn't complaining. And after that long period of time I was really comf and just starting to get warm... The bell just had to ring. I didn't want that moment to end but school hates me so... Yeah.

I still had coltons jacket so I pit it on cause I was still cold and why not. And kept it. He he I like boys sweaters and jackets.

The rest of the day consisted of art cause we have that kind of teacher. Awesome teacher that is. It was fun. And just like that the day ended and we all walked home together when I got home I play some GTA and some BLOPS (only cool ppl would know what those are). And just like that it was night time and I was tired as fuck. So I went to bed non stop thinking of what happened at lunch

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