chapter 14

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~Erica's P.O.V~

My mom woke me up this morning by turning on the lights like she usually does.

I get up and put the hood on from my koala onsie and look out the window to see piles of snow. This is pretty sad but what ever. So I put on leggings and my favourite shirt that said 'just sayin'. I ate me some cereal put on my winter boots my gloves my jacket and was on my way to school.

When I was walking I met up with laura and my other friend Ella and we walked the rest of the way together. "My legs hurt" I said

"Me too"-Ella

" people should just excrsie like this"-Laura

"I dislike this cold"-me

" doesn't everyone?"-Ella


And we just stayed at our usually place we hang out at the beginning of the day. Not a lot of people came to school I'm guessing its because of the amount of snow. 

There was only 11 people today.









Sarah and the other

Erika. To be honest it was better with only 11 of us.

We did our usually subjects we just didn't learn anything new. Well mostly we did art. We had gym to but instead of our usual separate basketball gamed we used the scooter boards.

We went to science after and watched 'The Lorax'. But we didn't finish it but luckily we had science after recess too. And we  finished it then.I really like 'The Lorax' don't ask its a pretty good movie.

Then we had frnech don't really care about frnech tho. We just did Olympic stuff and yeah. So lucnh came and I was sad which doesn't really happen at lunch but I was sad cause the day was going by really fast. But we ate where we usually do and talked and shit. But insted of going out for recess we watched to auditions for our talent show.

Noomie auditioned she sang. And I still can't get over the fact at how good she was. Laura danced and might I say to good to be true. Like bruh.

"Today was fun aye? Look how Canadian I am"-me

" you're so lame"-Lenzo

"So are you"-me

" lets do more art"-Nick

"Yeah ok"-laura

" today went by fast"-Sarah


" buttttt it was fun"-noomie

"You got a point there"-kyle

" yeah yeah ok let's get arting"-Lenzo

"Arting?"- me

" yeah"-lenzo

"Okey"-me. And just like that the day was over and we all walked home and did what ever we all do at home. Well I play my game league but i don't know what anyone else does so let's leave it as a mystery.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2014 ⏰

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