How They Find/Meet You

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Freddy Kruger
Your mom had just put you into bed as she start to tuck you in for the night. Before she left your room. You ask her to leave your nightlight on and she did before saying goodnight.

She left the door open since the past couple nights. You been having a nightmare about a burnt man.

Your mother believes and thinks it just a dream, but for you it seems all to real. As soon you close your e/c eyes and fall asleep. Once again, you found yourself back in the boiler room.

You whimper softly, but mange to put on a brave face. Until you hear his laugher behind you.

"Well Y/N we meet again." Freddy said, as you found out his name from the first dream.

You turn around to see him though this time he didn't have his 'scary claw' as you put it.

You tilt your head in confusion since he always had it with him every-time you saw him. He look at you with confusion written on his face.

"Mister, where is your scary claw?" You asked.

"Well kid, I left it behind so I don't scare you this time." Freddy said.

You was even more confused till he said this, "I want to be your friend Y/N."

Micheal Myers
It was Halloween that night. Your foster parents dressed you up in this cute (favorite costume). That you wanted to be as since the first time you saw it in the store.

You giggle as you turn around for your foster parents. They clap their hands for you after you did your little twirl.

"Now Y/N you can go around the neighborhood by yourself since your old enough, but come back if you want more candy from other neighborhoods." Your foster mother said.

"Yes mom I will." You said as your grab your candy bag and head out for the night.

You see kids and adults wearing all kinds of costumes. Some of them did scare a bit. Nevertheless, you skip around the sidewalk till you reach a house that have their lights on.

You go up to the house and knock on the door. You say trick or treat and they give you candy. You done that for couple more houses till you can feel your bag getting heavy.

As you are kinda dragging it on the ground for a while. Till you spotted some older kids egging some person house who didn't have their lights on.

One of them quickly spots you as you try to go the other way to avoid them, but one of the other older kid stops you right in your tracks.

"Looks like you got lots of candy there kid. So hand it over to us." The older kid demands.

You was scared, but at the same time you stood your ground, "N-No it's my candy not yours." You said with a somewhat shaky voice.

"What did you say kid." The older kid said as he get into your face.

You were about to say something till you saw a tall man wearing a strange mask and a blue mechanic suit behind the older kid. The other kids saw the tall man and runs away from fear.

The older kid turn around to see what was scaring his friends. You can see his face turning pale and he runs away with his friends.

You sigh in relief and look up at the tall man. As he walk over to you and kneel down to your level.

"Thank you mister." You said kindly and hand the tall man some candy.

The tall man slowly accepted your gift and pet your head softly as a 'thank you.' Before he got up and held out his hand.

Horror Characters x Child Reader Scenario Where stories live. Discover now