When You Act Bad

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Freddy Kruger
Sometimes you are Freddy's handyman when it comes to being bad to especially scare people in their dreams. Though when you do it out of character/act. Lets just say it's 50/50 he will either be in shock or makes you do it again when scaring someone.

Micheal Myers
Surprising you are usually an angel for Micheal so when you act bad in front of him. You usually get punished by him like a father would do. So that means you sit in a corner grounded for a while or you will be ban from something for a while.

Jason Voorhees
Jason wouldn't know what to do when you act bad or get into trouble. So you usually get away with stuff a lot of time till Jason decide to pull you back and try to show you what you are doing is wrong.

Chucky the Doll
You are Chucky partner in crime in mainly pranks. So he doesn't really react when you do something bad. He think it just funny most of the times. Unless it something he cares about he will do something about it. He won't kill or harm you it will be probably as a payback depending what it is.

Pyramid Head
You don't do anything bad in front of Pyramid cause you know better cause he would leave you alone for a while. So you try your best to not into get trouble cause last time you did. You was left alone while silent hill was active for a hour. Which felt like a lifetime for you. So needless to say you won't do it again.

You two are usually acting childish and pulling all kinds of prank. So like Jason he doesn't know what to do when you do act bad. So you got spoiled badly every time cause you usually get your way.

You sometimes act bad cause there are some bad habits from living on the streets. That you still have them time to time but Dracula does punish you for bad behavior or you do something bad on purpose. He might give you a light spanking on the bottom sitting in the corner or grounded for a while.

Me: I'm so sorry guys for posting really late I been working like crazy cause of the holidays but I will be trying to update more. So I hopefully see you guys soon.

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