Meet Again

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Freddy Kruger
Before long after the first dream of Freddy being really nice to you (That's a shocker). You couldn't wait till nighttime to see your dream demon friend again (yes you two become friends).

In fact you was getting impatient during all dinner as you keep staring at the clock wanting to be your bedtime already. Yet your mom wasn't so happy about you being so impatient for whatever reason.

Though did that stop you at all. Nope as soon dinner was done and you put your plate away. You start to get ready for bed and start to think which stuffed animal you wanted for the night.

That was before your mom give you a lecture of being patient and not eating your food fast. Luckily though it was just a lecture and your mom finally tuck you in for the night.

As soon she turn off the night. You close your little eyes and fall asleep despite you was somewhat hyper. You dream back to the boiler room again and start looking for Freddy.

It have became a routine for you two. To do a mini hide and seek game before you talk or whatever you wanted. Though this time you notice you couldn't find your friend at all and start to get upset.

Freddy was hiding really well before he notice that you were about to cry and decide to come out before he start to feel guilty.

"Y/N don't cry now I'm right here." Freddy said in a gentle voice and hold his arms out (his claw is gone still).

You hiccup and hug him tightly saying that you don't want that to happened again. You can feel his hand gently rubbing your head.

"I promise Y/N now let's go play other games." Freddy as he takes you to play your favorite games for the rest of the night.

Micheal Myers
It was the day after Halloween and school is back to business which means you have to go as well. Yay you always thought since the girls there usually pick on you for being weird.

It always happens no matter what the teachers do but when you walk to school today no one pick on you. You wonder why since you gotten so use to it.

Then you start to hear the rumors from everyone. Literally everyone like teachers are taking about. It was something dealing with the boogy man.

'What or who the boogy man and why is everyone scared about it.' You wondered as your foster parents never told you about the town boogy man at all. Not even a mention of him.

So you are highly confused till it was time to go outside for a bit. Usually some of the girls would pick on you during this time since the teachers don't really pay attention. Well no one did in fact they stay away from you.

You didn't know at the time but Michael was standing behind you (technically there's a fence there so you got the point). Till you turn to see him. You recognize him quickly as the nice man from night before.

You wave at him and Michael wave back. You smile at that knowing it was him and you walk to the fence. You talk to him while he listen or nod his head here and there. Till the teachers call you back in again.

You thought you never see him again till he was still there and your bullies stay away from you in fact they didn't look at you. As you walk up to him and hold his hand once he hold it out to you. You soon found out his name is Michael when he wrote it down on paper that you give him.

He stop couple houses before yours so that your foster parents doesn't see him. Though you still ask him if you can see him again and he nod his head yes. You smile happily and walk him. Though you didn't know at the time Michael scare your bullies to never hurt you again.

Jason Voorhees
When you wake up and get dressed for the day. You went to the woods again to look for the guy. As you wondered who he was and you wanted a friend since the kids at the camp don't want to be.

Which made you sad and sadly your sibling doesn't notice a thing. Without noticing again you got lost once again in the woods. You groan in annoyance and mentally facepalming yourself.

'Great just great Y/N. Mange to get lost once again.' You say to yourself as you didn't notice Jason walking behind you.

Till he gently tap on your shoulder and you scream from the sudden appearance. Jason flinch and back away thinking you are now afraid of him. Once you catch your breath and able to say you were just surprised.

It made him feel better knowing your not afraid of him. He even smile under his mask once you ask him to be your friend. Jason nod his head yes and he hold his hand out to you. Which you took and he lead you to his cabin so that you two can play games till you have to go back.

Chucky the Doll
He's basically with you everyday and likes to prank you a lot. Sometimes you get annoyed other times you prank him back. Chucky actually become your friend quickly despite him talking about he wants a real body and all. (Sorry this is really short but I didn't know what else to put there)

Pyramid Head
You finally woke up what seem like hours and realize you are still in this town. You couldn't remember the name of the town, but you do remember the giant man with a Pyramid helmet. You quickly look around to you are alone in a room that look old and dusty.

'Strange' was all you can think of till you hear the door opening and what sounded like metal scraping across he ground. You got scared and try to hide, but there wasn't a place to hide beside under the covers. The sound got closer and closer to you till it stop.

You held your breath till you feel the covers pull off from you. Your eyes widened in fear as you see him again. Pyramid Head is right in front of you. You close your eyes shut thinking he will kill you. Like what he did to that monster back there. You waited and it seem forever.

Till he felt his hand gently rubbing your trembling back in a comforting way. You soon got the hint that he wasn't going to hurt you at all. You open your eyes to look at him as he pull his hand away.

You ask him for his name and he tap on his helmet(????). You ask if it was Pyramid Head and he nod his head. You told him your name and pet your head gently before he pick you up in his arm. You squeak in surprise till you realize you are hungry and maybe you thought he was taking where to get food. Pyramid Head manage to find some food for you while looking out for other as you eat in silence.

Me: Aww my killer boys being so sweet and fluffy

Freddy (groans in annoyance): Do you have to say that

Me: Well of course it's not everyday I see that

Chucky (shaking his head): it's because you like to show it off to everyone

Me (act like I'm hurt): Well I never do that

Michael Jason & Pyramid Head (standing in the background again just watching the show)

Freddy (mocks me): Yes you do

Me: Whatever you need to clean your room mister or so help me before I kick your tushy

Freddy & Chucky (mocking me more)

Me (eye twitch and look at the silent three boys ): Oh boys do me a favor and teach them a lesson

Freddy & Chucky (slowly leaving the room)

Michael Jason & Pyramid Head (silently chases after them)

Me: Alrighty then. I hope you guys like it and comment down below which is your favorite so far also vote since I think they are use to help the books to get notice or something (idk the voting thing is confusing) anyways I wish you guys a good day and I will see next time.

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