Meeting His Friends

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Freddy Kruger
Friday is usually a loner before he met you. He never really had any friends which he said. Maybe you could count Jason, but I don't think they're really that much of a friend. Since they still kill each other all the time. I guess you can say that Chucky could be his friend as well because they do have some things in common, but you never know. Well it all depends how he want you to meet you some the other slashers. So chances are you probably will meet Chucky first, before you ever meet Jason just in case Jason still tries to kill Freddy.

Micheal Myers
Michael does get along with Jason enough to call him a friend of sorts. While he personally don't you meet the others for your own safety, but if your going to meet one of them. It would be Jason and Micheal won't leave you two alone. Just in case.

Jason Voorhees
Just like Micheal in fact and considering he still wants to kill Freddy. Which yikes if you ever seen or be in the middle of those fights. Good luck little one.

Chucky the Doll
Oh boy this is a hard one not because he is jackass jerk to others most of the time. And he may or may kill his all of his old friends. So if you meet anyone that he knows chances are is going to be Tiffany. Who might just want to spoiled you to death (not literally but you get the point).

Pyramid Head
You guys live in Silent Hill and everyone knows that PH can't leave. Plus many of the monsters living there still tries to kill you everyday. Now surprisingly one of the bubble head nurses. Takes care of you when PH have to cover some of personal business. So you got close to this nurse and PH won't kill her as long she takes good care of you.

Boris do I literally need to talk about this. Bendy and Boris are best friends. And this lovable ink dog watch over you when bendy need to do some things (or his other sides are coming out that he doesn't want you to see).

His brides are most likely your going meet no matter what. He literally make sure they don't hurt you at all since you are a precious small bean that's need to be protected.  So I'm going to let you guys on how your first reaction with them cause there is so many scenarios with any of them.

Me: I'm so sorry not posting for a long time. I hope it's good enough for you guys I hope you see you guys soon but I wish you guys a good day.

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