You Get Hurt

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Freddy Kruger
If he see you are hurt by any means. Freddy would ever ask what happened and if someone hurt you. Lets just say Freddy will torture them to death now if they are kids he will scared them for life.

Micheal Myers
He would never let that happened in the first place now if it was an accident he will path you up and comfort you. Now if someone hurts you let's just say you don't want to know.

Jason Voorhees
You guys are in the woods so you are bound to get hurt from just about anything, but usually he catch you or saved you before you got really hurt. Now someone hurts you Jason would ever scare them to death or get rid of them.

Chucky the Doll
If Chucky accidentally hurt you from his pranks or games. He would apologize many many times and do anything to get you to forgive him. Now if someone try to hurt you Chucky kill them.

Pyramid Head
It's Silent Hill anything and everything is coming after you. So Pyramid Head is by your side 24/7 usually carrying you in his arm especially in places that are to gross to walk around or you are tired, but if something try to hurt/kill you. Pyramid Head will kill them most likely brutality then he will comfort you  if you are scared.

Me: Sorry this is short guys this is what I can think of really 

Freddy & Chucky (walk in wearing maid outfits): this is ridiculous

Jason (puts a sign that's say): it's your punishment guys get use to it


Me (smacking Freddy on the head): Apologize to him right now Freddy and don't force me to get Pyramid Head

Chucky: Dude just do it before you get more embarrassed

Freddy (huffs and cross his arms like a child): Fine I'm sorry okay

Micheal (shaking his head)

Me: Anyways Pyramid Head is on babysitting duty but I hope you guys like this so far if you do comment down below and vote. Also if you want to request a certain scenario or a character you can comment down below or message me. But I wish you guys a lovely day and I see you next time

Freddy (screaming in the background): YOU LAIR!!!

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