Chapter Forty: The Dragon Is Dead!

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Bella was standing beside Bilbo watching as the dragon flew towards the forsaken town on the lake. The sound of bells could be faintly heard on the lake warning all the people that danger was coming and to run for their lives. The young woman could feel her heart racing she was sure the Hobbit could hear it as well but was too distracted by what they had just unleashed to notice she had suddenly taken off.

The young woman couldn't just stand there and watch the beast unleash its fury onto the town. People she loved and cared about were there! Fearing for their lives because of them. She had to do something, distract the beast or something before he set fire to the lake. The rest of the Dwarves came running out of the mountain over to Bilbo when they saw the Half-breed taking off.

The remaining company were starting to mutter to each other, wondering what she was doing and where she was going. Thorin looked in the direction he saw his men pointing and saw Bella running towards some stairs. The Dwarf King took off after the young woman, shouting her name but she kept on going the others weren't far behind their leader.

By the time the half-breed got to the stairs she was panting, but she couldn't stop. She could hear Thorin and the others calling her name but she chose to ignore them and began the climb up the stairs that led up to a platform of one of the towers that had a clear view of the lake. Bella began shouting at the top of her lungs, calling the beast everything she could think of to try and get it's attention on them and not the town.

The leader reached the stairs and made haste up them, running towards the shouting woman. " Bella stop!" Thorin ordered as he grabbed a hold of her from behind trying to stop her from signaling the beast to return.

"Let me go Thorin!" Bella yelled at him as she struggled in the Kings hold, trying to tear his arm from around her.

"Bella there's nothing we can do its too late!" Thorin tried to tell her. Bella managed to get loose from the Dwarfs hold. Watching as the dragon flew all over the town just taunting the frightened people. The Half-breed turned around and saw Thorin was close behind her and she unexpected shoved him by his chest away from her.

"How can you say that! My brother and his children are there! Your nephews! Oin and Bofur!" Bella screamed in anger at him as she pointed behind her at the lake. "We did this Thorin! The dragon should have never left mountain! "

"Do you think I don't know that Bella! I am scared for my kin as well! But there is nothing more we can do, the beast is out of our reach!" The Dwarf shouted back at her.

"Those people don't deserve to die! We have to stop it!" Tear were coming down her face as she feared the worse for those facing that awful monster they had unleashed upon. Thorin just looked at her with an empty expression. She hadn't been this angry with him since he almost left the Hobbit behind in Goblin-town. But their was something different in this anger she had towards him, she was yelling at him like she was blaming him for this.

When the Half-breed saw them all just standing their doing nothing she went straight for the staircase where Thorin was standing. " Out of my way Thorin." Bella demanded.

"No. Your not going anywhere." Thorin replied firmly.

"I have to something Thorin! I can't just stand here and watch them all die!" The woman tried to shove passed Thorin but he was at least three times stronger then her and held her against his chest and eventually he could feel her fighting less and less against him as she cried into his chest, muttering through her tears that Thorin could barely hear. The king ignored the numerous looks he was receiving from his kin, his only priority now was keeping the young woman calm before she tried to make another suicidal attempt to go after the dragon.

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