Chapter Six: Trolls and Parasites

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Bella stood by the fire, starring into the flames. Thorin's words circling in her mind over and over again: 'We can handle this. You don't need to get hurt.' She laughed at that thought. The dwarf never showed concerns for her safety, he just didn't want her in his way. He didn't believe she could defend herself. The woman decided she waited long enough, they hadn't returned in quite sometime. The trolls had been too much for those stubborn dwarves to handle. Bella pulled out her sword and charged into the bushes. 

As she ran, she could feel the branches whip passed her; hitting against her clothing. Bella soon saw a glowing fire coming into view. From what she could see, their was three trolls and the dwarves were scattered everywhere, with there blades slicing in every which way they could. The woman jumped out of the bush, in front of Ori and stuck her blade in one of the trolls leg, making it yelp in pain and stumble backwards. Thorin snapped his head in her direction, and hissed under his breath. Slicing a trolls arm when it tried to grab him. His attention immediately went back to the woman, as he watch her swing her blade and slice with such accuracy; her movements were dead on, so she just missed being squashed by the creatures. Ori unfortunately got snatched by one of the trolls, and the troll held him up in the air. Dwalin was on the ground, for Thorin to use as a step and launched himself into the air slicing the troll in the face, and it dropped Ori on the ground. The prince swung his blade once again and sliced the troll on the back of the leg.

Thorin turned to his left to see Bella beside him and he yanked her by the arm, while the others were still fighting off the trolls to give the hobbit time to release the ponies. " What are you doing here! I thought I told you to stay away." Thorin protested.

"Hmm, and what? Did you actually think I was going to listen to you?" Bella growled. 

"Yes. I was hoping you had some common sense in that head of yours but clearly I was mistaken." He declared.

"Yeah, you were mistaken; thinking I would stay behind while my friend is in danger. You may not think he's worth saving, but I do." She jerked her arm away from Thorin and they both looked up to see a troll charging right at them, with a knife. The dwarf pushed the woman out of the way and she stumbled backwards and fell on the ground. A rough grunt escaping her mouth. Thorin went to stab the creature when it swung it's blade and nicked Thorin in the arm making him yell from the burning sensation he now felt on his upper arm but he ignored it when he saw the trolls now had a hold of their burglar. 

"Bilbo!" Kili yelled about to take on the trolls, when Thorin stopped him. 


"Lay down your arms...Or we'll rip his off!" A troll ordered. Bilbo looked at the leader, nervously for him to comply with the creatures orders. Thorin glared at the hobbit, he had been nothing but a major pain, no good for nothing pathetic little frighten man. He let out a noticeable huff, but slammed the sharp end of his blade into the ground. The other's soon followed, tossing their weapons in a pile and they were being lined up and the trolls began tying them up in sacks. Thorin looked over and saw no signs of the young woman and thought to himself, what a perfect time for her to actually listen to him. Bella had managed to crawl behind a giant stone before the trolls spotted her. She watched two of the trolls tying some of the dwarves to a log and placed it over the fire. 

"Ooh, that's hot. that's hot, that's hot!" Nori cried out.

"Don't bother cooking 'em. Let's just sit on 'em and squash 'em into jelly." One of the trolls suggested. 

"They should be sauteed and grilled with a sprinkle of sage." The troll, wearing an apron stated. The trolls tensed up when they hears the snapping of branches. 

"What was that?" One of them questioned. Bella leaned up against the rock, hoping they didn't see her. Thorin managed to spot her and noticed she didn't listen to him after all and then noticed the troll coming from behind the rock.

"Bella, look out!" Thorin yelled. Bella gasped when she looked up to the see the troll coming and it yanked her up in the air.

"What do we have here?" The troll asked, as he sniffed her.

"Let me go!" She demanded, but the troll didn't show any signs that he heard her.

"I think it's a woman." another troll insisted as he walked over to the other one to look at her.

"Is this really necessary?" Balin protested. The troll tied the woman up in a sack and dropped her on the ground beside Thorin.

"The does sound quite nice." The stupid troll agreed. The dwarves tied around the log continued to shout their protest as the trolls discuss how they would like their dinner to be cooked, but none could agree on the same thing. 

The hobbit was the only one to catch certain words the troll turning the log said and he had a plan forming in his mind. 

"Wait!" Bilbo bellowed, managing to stand up and hop over closer the trolls. " You are making a terrible mistake.

" You can't reason with them, their half-wits!" Dori shouted.

"Half-wits? What does that make us?" Bofur questioned. 

"I meant with the, uh, with the seasoning." The hobbit clarified.

"What about the seasoning?" The cooking troll hissed, getting closer to the frightened burglar.

"Well, have you smelt them?" Bilbo asked. " You're gonna need something stronger than sage before you plate this lot up." The dwarves shouted at him in outrage. Bella hoped this hobbit had a good reason for doing this.

"What do you know about cooking dwarf?" The troll demanded.

"Shut up. Let the, uh, Flurgaburburhobbit talk." The cook insisted, his interest peaked and waited anxiously for the hobbit to continue on. Bilbo now felt the pressure he was under and had to think of something quick before these dumb creatures figured out what he was trying to do.

"Uh, the secret to cooking dwarf is..."The hobbit stuttered, trying to find the right words to say. 

"Yes? Come on. Tell us the secret." The troll urged 

"It's uh, yes, I'm telling you. The secret is to skin them first." Bilbo announced and the dwarves yelled at the hobbit, shouting curses at him. Thorin turned to look at Bella.

"Still think he's worth saving now?" Thorin grumbled at her, raising an eyebrow.

"He wouldn't need saving if you would have just listened to the wizard and kept going, none of us would be in this situation!" She growled at him. Suddenly a troll came over to them and picked up Bombur and dangled him over his mouth about to eat him when Bilbo says the most ridiculous thing, making the troll toss him back onto the group. 

The hobbit had the trolls thinking the dwarves had been infested with parasites. The company began to yell at the hobbit, not seeing what Bilbo was really up to, except for the woman and she nudged Thorin in the back, hoping he would figure it out before the hobbit's wasted efforts were lost. 

Thorin kicked his youngest nephew in the back and they all seem to get it and went along with the idea that they were full of parasites. The trolls were infuriated that they wouldn't be able to enjoy their dinner liked they hopped. Dawn was nearly here. When out of nowhere the wizard appeared on the ledge above them.

"The dawn will take you all!" Gandalf yelled.

"Who's that?" A troll questioned.

"No idea."

"Can we eat him too?" The troll wondered when Gandalf slammed the bottom of his staff into the rock, cracking it and letting the sun pour into the clearing. The trolls began screaming as the daylight shinned on them, slowly turning them into stone. 

The dwarves cheered and laughed to see the wizard had come back, that he hadn't completely abandon them. Bella rolled her eyes, wondering when Gandalf was going to appear. 

"Oh, get your foot out of my back." The fearless dwarf bellowed, not wanting to be stuck on the log any longer.

[I would Like to know what you all think of it so far!]                                                                                            Thank you Charlotte <3  

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