Good Girls part 2

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        The movie was simply amazing! I loved it! Plus it has Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth and Robert Downey Jr. in it so that helps. But it was action packed and funny. It was just wonderful. I express my love for the movie to the lads, receiving some chuckles but also some of the same comments. 

        I am sitting in the front with Ashton, talking to the four of them about the movie. I don't think we said anything bad about the movie. I was really enjoying myself and then I received a text message. This time it was from my dad.  

Daddy Rivers: Alexis, please come home now. It is almost dinner time and I don't want you to be late. 

        I sighed replying to him quickly before putting my phone away. I turn to Ashton and quietly ask him "Hey Ash, will you drive me home now, please?" I say it praying that he gets the hidden message. I need to go home. Thankfully he does and just simply nods. 

        We arrive at my house and I say goodbye to the lads before going to get out of the car. I mean to put my leg out when Ashton grabs my arm pulling me towards him. He whispers "I'll text you tonight." ,in my ear before he winks and drives away. 

        I just smile to myself, what has gotten into him today? I chuckle before walking into my house. Once I'm in the house I call out "I'm home!" My mum calls back to me "Dinner is in 5 minutes dear."  

        I decide to try and find my siblings. I quickly find Laine, sitting in her room. "Hey Lainey what are you doing? How was your day?" I ask her striking a conversation. She looks a bit embarrassed "Oh nothing..." she replies going back to whatever she was doing before I interrupted. 

        I walk over to where she is sitting to see what she is doing and I am shocked. "Wow! Laine I didn't know you could draw like that! You're really talented." I applaud her. She was drawing a beautiful family portrait. It almost looked like a black and white photo of us.  

        "How come you've never told anyone you could draw?" I ask her wondering why she would hide such talent. She just shrugs her shoulders "I didn't think I was that good." She admitted. I chuckled and told her truthfully "You aren't good Laine, you're an amazing artist."  

        She beamed and went back to her drawing. I was going to leave her be but she called out to me "Yes Laine?" she looked nervous "Promise you won't tell mum or dad yet, I want to give this to them as an anniversary gift and I will tell everyone then." I smiled at her idea and told her that I promised.  

        With that I left Laine alone to go and find some more of my siblings. The next ones I found were Libby, Lottie and Lawson. They were in the family room watching some tele. I convinced them to come and help me set the table for dinner. 

        Soon enough we are all sitting around the table, eating the delicious supper of chicken, mashed potatoes and corn that my mother made. This is probably my favourite meal. After dinner we all go our separate ways again. I decide to do some of my homework before I take a shower and prepare for bed.  

        I change into my pyjamas which consist of sweatpants and a band t-shirt with my hair up in a messy bun. Then pull out my notebook again and begin writing. Writing whatever lyrics come to my mind, describing how I'm feeling. That is how I write. 

Yeah, when my world is falling apart 

When there's no light to break up the dark 

that's when I, I, I look at - 

        I stopped writing because I was interrupted by a constant tapping at my window. I get up and open my window. What I see surprises me. Down in my backyard are my friends. "What are you doing here?" I whisper shout at them.  

        They look up at me confused. I lift up one finger as if to say 'one minute' I grab my phone and turn it on. I then see that the lads have been trying to contact me for the last 10 minutes. So I quickly text Ashton back. 

        Lexie-Lynn: What are you guys doing here? 

        I wait for a few seconds before I get a response back. 

        Ashton <3: We are sneaking you out, for some fun ;) 

        I laugh at his comment before I realize it may have been too loud. I hear footsteps outside my room. Mum. She knocks and opens my door eyeing me "Hey darling, shouldn't you be getting ready for bed?"  

        I quickly glance at the clock. It reads 10:46. I nod my head "Yes mum, I was just resting a bit before bed." I say quickly lying. She nods her head and wishes me sweet dreams before she leaves my room. I grab my phone texting Ashton back. 

        Lexie-Lynn: It is almost 11 at night. Are you crazy?

        I receive a response immediately.  

        Ashton <3: So? Come on Lexie-Lynn, please? 

        I look out the window, down at them and nod my head. They all dance and silently cheer. I just shake my head. I expertly climb out of my window and unto the tree that contains my tree house. I quickly climb down and join the boys at the bottom.  

        Michael turns to me "I didn't think you were coming," he admits "You are such a good girl that I didn't think you would, anyways".  

        I looked at him with fire in my eyes. I shot him the finger before I walked right up to him and said very seriously "Listen carefully Clifford, "good girls" are bad girls that haven't been caught."  

        I turned around to face three faces that were in completely shocker. They all had their mouths hanging open. I turned around to face Michael and he was blushing with embarrassment and also looked shocked.  

        I just shrugged my shoulders before asking "So what are we doing exactly?" They glanced at each other like they were keeping a big secret. "We are going to the park, the one with the big hill, and gazing at the stars while we spill secrets and look out over the city". I didn't mean to but I laughed and said that I would join them, but not spill secrets.  

        We walked to the park in the dark with 3 blankets in hand. Once there we climbed the big hill and sat down watching the sky. Michael had his own blanket, Calum and Luke shared while I was with Ashton. We ended up seeing a shooting star and we all made a wish. I could guess what the lads wished but I wished for nothing because I didn't know what to wish for. 

        After a while I ended up falling asleep with my head resting on Ashton's shoulder. Ash decided that we ought to be getting home because it was late. We walked down the hill and split up. Luke, Cal and Mikey went towards their houses while Ashton and I went to ours. 

        Ash demanded he help me climb back into my room saying I was sleepy and would fall, especially since I was naturally a klutz. I agreed, too tired to argue. We both made through the window with no accidents and he tucked me into bed. I caught a glimpse at the clock, 3:03 am. Wow, what would my dad think of me now? 

        Before Ash left he bent over and whispered in my ear "Good night Lexie-Lynn. Just remember you will always be my best friend." Then he kissed me on the forehead and left, climbing down the tree. 

        What was that all about? Before I could worry about his words, I fell asleep and I had one of the sleeps I would have for a while.


Would anyone be interested in seeing the outfits of Lexie-Lynn throughout the story? If so please comment telling me and i will post my Polyvore account on my profile.

Thank you again everyone, this is the second part for Chapter 3. Again this chapter is in honourmof the release of the Good Girls video on Friday. The chapter was very long so I decided to split it in two. I hope you enjoy it, please tell what you think of the story, the chapter or the characters or even what i can improve on. I don't know when i will update next, hopefully soon but i don't know. Again ** I DO NOT own the song, it belongs to Miley Cyrus. I hope it is a bit more exciting then the first two chapters. More action is yet to come, and some sad parts. Bye! x

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