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It was a late night in the lab and Tony was exhausted. He has been working on a new AI for in case something happened to Jarvis. He has been working on it for a couple days, living off of coffee, protein shakes and donuts. Bruce comes down to check up on him every now and then, but mainly to see if he collapsed from sleep deprivation.

A couple more days later, Bruce has had enough. Tony hasnt came up for bed, to eat or anything. It was time to get him to stop working for at least a couple hours to sleep and eat. Going down to the lab, Bruce heard the familiar sound of Tonys music blasting through stereo system. Tony himself was seated at one of his lab tables working on his project. The music was to loud for Tony to hear Bruce come in. "Jarvis can you turn this down please?" Bruce asked the AI.

"Will do Dr. Banner."

"Thank you." Bruce said. The music turned down and Bruce walked up to Tony.

"Hey! I was listening to that." Tony protested.

"You can listen to it later Tony right now you need to get some sleep and eat some real food."

"Cant right now Brucie. Im working."

"No you were working. Now youre gonna sleep."


"Tony. Now. Before I get angry."

"Alright alright fine. Will you be joining me?" Tony said with a smirk, getting off the stool to walk up to Bruce.

"Maybe but only if you listen."

"Oh Ill listen." A still smirking Tony said walking into Bruces arms. Bruce returned the hug then pulled Tony along with him up the stairs.

Once upstairs and away from the lab, Tony started feeling tired and hungry. They walked to the kitchen and tony sat down at one of the seats. Steve and Bucky were already in the kitchen drinking coffee and eating cereal and talking. "Damn Stark you look like crap. Have you even been sleeping?" Bucky asked, taking a drink.

"Buck be nice." Steve told him. Bucky just shrugged.

"Wouldnt you like to know, Barnes. Hey Cap cant you control your metal boyfriend?" Tony asked with a small smile. Bruce came over and gave Tony some juice. Tony was about to protest but one look at Bruces face made him rethink it. Steve and Bucky left shortly after, probably to go pick on Sam. Bruce sat down by Tony with a plate of fruit and vegetables with various dipping sauces. Tony picked up a strawberry and ate it. He leaned against Bruce while still eating. Bruce draped an arm around Tonys shoulders, holding him close. Tony snuggled in closer and closed his eyes, within minutes Tony was passed out against Bruce. Bruce picked him up and carried him to bed.

Tony woke up the next morning stuck to Bruces back. When Tony shifted to sit up, Bruce shifted over to Tonys legs. Bruce rested his head on Tonys thigh, hugging him close. Tony smiled down at him and started petting his hair. Bruce let out a soft sigh and tried to snuggle closer to him. "Bruce, time to get up." Tony said.

"I know, but I'm comfy."

"I know you are." After they got up and got dressed they headed to the kitchen for breakfast. The smell of pancakes and waffles could be smelt from the halls. They walked into the kitchen to find everyone sitting and kind of talking. Steve's head was resting on Buckys shoulder. Sam had his head resting on Rhodey. Nats legs were resting on Clints chair and Clint was making breakfast.

Tony and Bruce sat down at the end of the table. Tony put his head on Bruces shoulder. It was clear everyone wanted at least five more minutes of sleep, but worked needed to be done. After breakfast, everyone headed to the common room where they started waking up more.

A few hours later, the Avengers were called. Thor was off world, back on Asgard dealing with his brother. Tony called his suit to him and everyone got ready to go fight a giant snake someone decided to experiment on. Everyone loaded up on the Quin-jet and took off.

A couple hours later they defeated the snake and helped clean up some. Tony went to look for Hulk to calm him down so he could get Banner back. Tony located Hulk. He touched down and called his suit off for now. He slowly walked up to Hulk who was throwing things around. "Hey Jolly Green time to calm down. Can you do that for me please?" Tony said, touching him lightly on the hand. Hulk jumped back slightly. The green of his skin became more white as Hulk turned back into Bruce. When the transformation ended, Bruce was on the ground. It always hurt some when he turned back into Bruce. Tony came over and helped him stand.

Once everyone was back at the tower, Tony took Bruce up to their bedroom to take a nap. Tony laid him down on the bed and took off his shoes and socks. Tony took off his own then climbed into bed beside Bruce and pulled him close. Bruce cuddled up to Tony and sighed. Tony draped an arm across Bruce and Bruce buried his head into Tonys chest. He fell asleep shortly after leaving Tony alone with his thoughts. Tomorrow he had to finish the backup AI, But for now he wasnt gonna worry about it. "I love you, Bruce." Tony said. Bruce shifted closer in his sleep and sighed again. Tony smiled then snuggled down and went to sleep himself with only one thing on his mind. He would definitely have to plan a vacation for only those two for a week.


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