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We arrived at the castle some hours later. The doors open. I step out and take Ryan's hand. She steps out after me. My brothers trail behind us. The castle doors open and we step in.

"So what are we going to do?" Dante asks. My voice lowers. "We're going to go to the dungeon and-

"Sons!" My dad booms. I sigh and roll my eyes, turning around. "Father." I said. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Neither did I. I was looking for you and figured you disobeyed me and went out or that vacuous festival."

"I decided to come home early." I chuckle nervously. "I found no interest while I was at the Springs."

"But you and the boys were so excited to leave and explore your Kingdom. Especially you Keith." he studied me with slight suspension. I could tell that he was confused as to why I would be so excited about something and then care nothing about it.

"I know but I then realized that it's not interesting there and my duties lie here." I say clearing my throat at the end, looking down.

"Hmm. But how would you know if you didn't leave the house?"

Dang it. He caught me. Well this had to be the end. I wasn't going to ever be allowed to leave the walls until I actually get to rule the Kingdom. I clear my throat and continue taking.
"I just wanted to come back."

"So that means we can get right back to duties right?"

I sigh and internally roll my eyes. My hand drags across my face in irritation. "I guess s-

"Actually your majesty," Ryan cuts in. "Keith and I were going to privately discuss our further decisions for my birthday ball in a couple of months."

"Is that so? And how long will that take?" My Father begins to question her. She looks at me for some help but I shake my head. She was not going to bring me into the lie. I could never lie straight to my Father's face. It scares me too much.

"I don't know. But this just has to be perfect for me, you know? It's my eighteenth birthday." She says a little reluctant.

"I understand. Go on. Keith; you and I will return to duties tomorrow morning. It's getting quite late. I'll see you in the morning to discuss plans over breakfast." And with that he walks off to his suite in the west wing of the castle palace.

"Thank you." I do a small bow, for no reason. He was already out of sight. Turning toward my brothers, I see they already had their attention on me waiting for directions as to how we were going to help them free their friends. "Meet us in the library once it looks like you've gone to sleep." I tell them.

"To discuss finding our friends, right?" Myles asks. I nod.

"Why can't we just go now?" Dante asks.

"We can't just walk up in the dungeon. It's not that simple."

"It is when this is our house." He says in an obvious tone. I guess he was kind of right.

"It seems like her sister made it clear that she was going to be able to handle everything." Ryan says. I look at her in slight annoyance. I could tell she wasn't exactly fond of Andrea. I didn't know why though. It's not like Andrea ever did anything serious to upset her. She's independent so of course she not going to fall at my feet like any other girl. She could care less about where I stand and how much money I have, so she talks to me like I'm any normal human being. Because I am. So I don't see the problem with her. She is little defiant, but I can't get mad at her for that. It seems like she's gone through a lot. She's very protective over her brothers. Maybe something happened to make her to defensive. Because I knew it couldn't have been my Father. He's a little tough, but he always makes the right decisions for us and for the Kingdom. Without him, a lot of people would be suffering. So I always have to be thankful for him. He may be rough and all but at least he knows how to run things. I can never get mad at that.

My Prince, His Majesty{Keith Powers}Where stories live. Discover now