Chapter 4

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It's Just Coffee:

Mike awoke that morning, groggy in the head and not in the mood for going to school. But that was his mood on most mornings. He still lifted himself up, not fully opening his eyes yet. He unconsciously went about his morning routine. 

'Mike, hurry up! I need to go to work, since you've lost your key you can't stay here!' His mother shouted. His father was at work already.

'Coming now!' he shouted back, voice still a little hoarse.

'Yeah, hurry up Michael,' his older brother taunted him.

'Shut up, Pete!' Mike said, 'right, I'm off, see ya!'

Mike said, grabbing a piece of toast and walking out the door with his bag just slung over his shoulder. Mike walked along the pavement, eventually reaching the coffee shop he went to every morning. 

'Hey, Mike,' one of the baristas greeted him with a smile.

'Hey, Shawn,' he greeted back.

'Regular order?' Shawn asked him, already writing the order down despite not yet receiving an answer.

'Yup, thanks,' Mike nodded his head in a friendly way. Mike moved to the side, waiting to get his order served.

Just then, the little bell rang to signal that someone had just walked into the shop. Mike turned his head to see an oversized yellow jumper with light blue jeans and grey trainers. There was only one person he knew that would dare wear a neon yellow jumper in public without shame in that town. 

'Hello, don't think I've seen you before, what can I get you?' Shawn greeted the boy, leaning forward and looking into Jay's eyes.

'Um, hi, can I get a small Americano to go please? Two sugars?' Jay asked, Shawn smiled brightly at him.

'You're so adorable, of course you can. What's the name?' 


'It will be ready in a moment,' Shawn smiled at him once more before turning around to give the order on paper to his co-worker.

Mike stared at the conversation they had just had, then watched as Jay just stood there, not acknowledging Mike. He had expected to see fear in his eyes, even for him to walk out and never come back. But Jay didn't move an inch, he remained stationary. Mike wasn't sure on what to do, so he tried to ignore him. Jay seemed fine on the outside, but was nervous on the inside, for 2 reasons; Mike Verdez was about 5 feet away from him and any moment Jay knew he would say something, and the barista who had just served him as cute as hell. 

'Here, Mike,' Shawn said, handing him the drink.

'Thanks,' Mike murmured.

'And Jay, here you are,' Shawn said, Mike noticed the change in his voice. It became smoother, softer, more flirty. He also noticed the body language, how Shawn leaned closer to Jay, 'oh, wait, I just need to do something before I give it you.'

Shawn grabbed a pen and wrote something onto the cup before giving it back to Jay, 'my name's Shawn, by the way. Have a good one, ok?'

Jay blushed when he saw that written on the cup was Shawn's number, he smiled nervously, 'oh, yeah, um, you too,' he smiled shyly at Shawn, who was smiling brightly at Jay.

Jay walked off, still ignoring Mike, and was soon out of the coffee shop. Mike turned to Shawn, who was still smiling and staring at the door.

'Didn't know you was gay,' Mike stated.

'I'm not,' Shawn said, Mike gave him a funny look which made Shawn laugh, 'Bisexual, I just thought he was cute and gave it a shot. Would have been embarrassing if he was straight.'

Mike chuckle a bit, 'no, he's gay. He's open about it.'

'Oh, you know him?' Shawn asked, before getting a certain look on his face, 'oh, wait, did you two ...' he trailed off.

Mike furrowed his eyebrows a moment before realising what was being assumed, 'oh, no no no, I'm straight.'

'Ah, sorry for assuming.'

'No, it's fine. I mean, I don't even talk to him,' Mike decided to leave out the part where he went out of his way to make Jay's life horrible, 'well, see you later.'

'Bye,' Shawn smiled.

Mike rushed out of the shop, going off to catch up with Jay. Thankfully for him, it was a sort of alley where nobody would see them. Mike grabbed onto Jay's collar and slammed him agains the wall with a thud,

'You little shit, you brat,' Mike hissed at him through gritted teeth, 'what? you think you're better than me? Don't do your gay actions in front of me again! Understood?'

Jay didn't answer, this only lit the fuse onto Mike's anger.

'Speak!' He screamed, his nails digging into Jay's exposed arms. One os his hands moved to Jay's face, where the nail on his thumb pressed into Jay's cheek, 'Speak to me!'

The longer Jay didn't speak, the more angry Mike got. His nails dug further and Jay felt tears prickle his eyes as Mike's nails caused blood to spill from his wrist and his cheek. But he still didn't do anything. The only thing he did do was look up, to finally meet the gaze of Mike.

Mike didn't even know his eye colour, the only eye contact they had ever had was on the bus, but even that was only a split second. His emerald eyes were deep, piercing, yet soft and visibly glazed with tears that didn't fall and wouldn't. His eyes stared past his brown hair that had fallen down over his glasses. Mike's hand pressed against the frame of Jay's glasses, pushing them up above his head, taking his hair back with it and exposing his forehead. Mike let his grip loosen as he stumbled back, as though Jay's eyes were possessing him.

'That actually hurt, Mike Vertez, but I suppose that was what you wanted, right?' Jay quietly spoke.

Mike's eyes widened, not expecting him to speak. 

'What? N-no, I didn't-' Mike cut himself off.

The loose grip Mike had on him allowed Jay to push off his hands and walk off, 'I've got to get to school,' Jay said, before walking off. Mike saw Jay wipe his cheek where blood had spilled. His eyes kept the glazed coat of tears as he walked off and his voice remained soft and delicate, like glass that could break, but never sharp.

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