Chapter 18

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At lunch, the ominous presence of Jay's sadness was noticeable. It couldn't be ignored. The lunch hall gossipied about the fight now, and rumours still spread about Mike and Jay.

Dan, James and Thomas shared wary glances between each other, worried for their quiet friend who stared at the table, on hand rested on his cheek, not eating his food.

'He's not worth it, Jay,' James said, 'you were only together a short while anyways.'

'It's not just that,' Jay put down his hand, 'he took my first kiss, said he loved me, then lied in my face and acted like it was all ok until he got caught.'

'It was the fact that he lied, right?' Dan asked.

Jay nodded, 'I might have forgiven him, knowing he was drunk, but then he lied and he knew he lied. Twice. Twice! Knowing he would do that means he wouldn't be a good guy in a long term relationship.'

'I just want you to cheer up,' James stated, putting his head on the table so he and Jay made eye contact.

'I'm sorry, I'm not exactly being the happiest person right now. I'm probably making you all gloomy, too,' he almost laughed.

'No, you're not,' Dan smiled, 'we're just concerned.'

'I appreciate it, but I'll be fine.'

'Just tell us if you need anything,' Dan offered his help, making it known, 'we're always here for you, Jay.'

'Thank you, Dan.'

'Oh, how are things with Mike?' Dan asked.

Jay looked at him, 'they're fine?'

'He just seems to leave you alone now, doesn't he?' James realised just then.

'I'm glad. It's weird, I've gotten used to his insults, now it's vague glances from the rest of the school.'

'Why has he done that?' James asked.

Jay shrugged, 'morals?'

James laughed, 'Mike? Morals? You're really funny, Jay.'

'I know, but that wasn't a joke,' Jay stated, 'he's come to his senses and knows what he did was wrong, let's just be happy about it.'

'He's right,' Dan agreed, nodding his head, 'let's be thankful.'

Though Thomas said nothing, he still nodded along, agreeing. The bell rang, and due to Mike's temporary exclusion, Jay was alone. Sometimes he missed the girl who used to sit next to him, though they never talked she was a nice presence.

Thomas awaited Jay's arrival, to walk home with him. They rarely caught the bus, and enjoyed walking together.

'Weird day, but normal, too,' Jay stated, looking to the sky as they walked.

'Yeah, I get that,' Thomas said, looking the opposite way and down to the pavement.

'What are your plans for tonight?' Jay questioned, turning his head momentarily to look at Thomas.

'I don't know, maybe just do homework, walk the dogs and go to bed. I'm lazy.' Thomas smiled, Jay laughed at his final words.

'Me too, Thomas,' Jay said, 'I can relate to that struggle.'

'What's your plans, more exciting?'

'Depends how you view it,' Jay began, 'Mike is coming over so we can finish the biology assignment, we've almost finished it.'

Though Jay didn't notice, Thomas' faced dropped a little, 'exciting.'

'Like I said; depends.'

'Speaking if the devil, look ahead,' Thomas halted in his walking.

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