Chapter 6

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It's a Date:

In school, Mike had noticed the scar on Jay's cheek which he had left. It was as though he hadn't, it didn't feel real to him that he's actually harmed Jay, as though it hadn't kicked in. Today, Mike had resumed to his evil behaviour, throwing insults to Jay and shoving him into lockers. 

Turns out Mike's movement of seats was permanent, much to both of their dismays. Biology went from being 1 hour to 10, at least it felt like that. Mike taunted Jay, but Jay didn't respond again.

'What? Lost your tongue again?' Mike asked, staring at Jay. He wouldn't dare admit it, but he wanted to see his eyes again. Those green orbs that sucked him into a trance.

'Why did you talk to me? Talk again! Your funner when you react! It's better,' Mike stated. 

Just then the bell rang and Jay got up, just before he left when the class had already rushed out, he turned to Mike and almost whispered, 'You don't have to hate me, you know?'

Then he left Mike dumbfounded, walking out like nothing had happened. That scar was all Mike stared at, he felt guilty, but admitting it would ruin his reputation. And high school is all about reputation, so that wasn't an option for him. Mike had no choice but to leave the classroom, not being able to say anything else, considering only the teacher was in the room. She didn't even know he was there.

At lunch, Mike sat with his friends at the loud table filled with many students, but he kept glancing over to the quiet table to his side. Where the same 4 students sat every day, no more and rarely any less. Jay sat with his friends, listening to James' story about how he believed pigeons were part of the government and spying on people. Strange, but from James it was normal.

Mike and George talked, since George's back was to the table Mike took an interest in, it mean Mike could glance to them and George would just think he's glancing around, not wanting to make too much eye contact and be weird. It was then that Mike saw it; Dan touched Jay's face, and when he crossed over the cut on his cheek, Jay flinched. Hard actually, as though he'd been burned. Mike swallowed and looked back at George. 

'So, wanna come?' George finished his sentence, waiting for Mike to answer.

'Wait, what?' Mike suddenly realised he had no clue what his friend had just said.

George chuckled, 'seriously, what is it with you lately? Wanna come to Hanna's party next week?'

'Oh, yeah I will, at her house?'

'Yep,' George confirmed, 'but seriously, what's wrong?'

'Who said anything's wrong?'

'Your face,' George replied, 'and your attitude.'

'I'm fine, it's nothing, George,' Mike assured him, but George was wise enough to see through this lie.

'Are you gay?' George suddenly asked.

'What the hell? No! Why would I be gay?' Mike exclaimed, earning weird glances. Even George's face frowned a little.

'Rumour has it the barista at that coffee shop near the school is gay, and you talk to him a lot.'

'I talk to him when I get a coffee, I just found out too,' Mike told him.

'Fine, I believe you,' George stated.

When the bell rang, Mike instead followed Jay, who was going to the bathroom. He wasn't sure what drew him to follow Jay, but he did anyways. He stood a moment, looking from the door as Jay observed the cut on his cheek in the mirror. Mike decided to move forward, absentmindedly yanking Jay's collar to pull him back.

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