Chapter 25

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Jay looked at his phone on way to school, confused as to why Mike hadn't unlocked his number. Every text didn't send and came up with the same message. He was still blocked, and was a little saddened by it. Maybe Mike was mad at him for something? Or didn't want to be friends?

Upon arrival to the school, Jay turned his phone off and put it in his pocket. He adjusted the bright blue bag on his shoulders before walking into the classroom, his first lesson. Mostly empty, only two girls in the corner. Jay barely remembered their names. Mike walked in, surprisingly early, taking a seat where he always sat, right next to Jay in biology.

'Hey,' Mike smiled a moment to Jay.

'Hey,' Jay greeted back, 'why didn't you unblock my number?'

Mike looked at him, 'I lost my phone. I didn't realise until I got home.'

'Oh, makes sense.'

'Worried I was still ignoring you?' Mike smiled.

Jay smiled back, 'well, yeah actually.'

'How adorable.'

The bell suddenly rang and student piled in, including Mrs Miers who started the lesson.

At lunch, whilst some students switched their books, Mike was one of them. Once he closed his locker, he suddenly noticed the stares people gave him. Most pointed at their phone and looked up at him, whispering to their friends. Gossiping, reading something, laughing.

Something was wrong.

They knew something he didn't.

Mike tried his hardest to ignore the stares, finding it difficult. The moment he walked into the lunch hall, more eyes stared at him and someone spoke.

'Well, if it isn't Tinkerbell!' Mark announced, the room was already quiet.

'What the hell rumour have you spread now?' Mike felt his first curl into balls.

'Rumour? Not false this time, fairy boy,' Mark said. The nickname worried Mike, what had he done now? 'Everyone knows your gay, don't try denying it.'

'I don't have to try, I just will. Because I'm not gay,' Mike rose his head.

'Aren't you?' Mark reached into his pocket, pulling out a phone. Mike's phone, 'your texts say otherwise.'

Mike's heart dropped, skipped a beat and his eyes became scared. But his gave shower anger.

'This is your phone, isn't it?' Mark asked, tilting the engine aide to side in his hand as though taunting a child, 'I've let out screenshots of texts which admit your gay. You can no longer deny it, Verdez. You're gay and now you're out, fairy boy.'

Mark walked forward, throwing the phone to Mike who caught it. Mike looked down at the phone, then back at the man he detested.

'I fucking hate you,' Mike said, not too loudly but for Mark to hear.

Mike stormed out of the room, slamming open the doors that swinged back and hide Mike away from the rest of the gossiping people.

Once the doors was closed, Mike ran out of the school and onto the fields  where he reached the school and wall stood against it. His breathed quickened and his eyes watered.

Everyone knew. Everyone.

What if his parents found out?

He dreaded that above all. If they found out, he would be outcatsed from the Verdez family. Forgotten. His breathed quickend at the thought of that.

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