Chapter 19

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Who Knows It?:

The morning dawned and Jay made the decision once again; he went to the coffee shop. He didn't want Shawn to be the reason he didn't go, he decided he wasn't going to be limited on what to do just because of a person.

And so, in his familiar bright clothing that was recognised by the barista before entering, he walked into the shop and stood at the counter.

'Hi,' Shawn dryly spoke.

'Hi, can I have-'

'I know your order, Jay, stop acting like we're strangers,' Shawn snapped, but his voice wasn't angry, just drained from happiness.

In fact, Jay noticed the reflection of light in his eyes. Was Shawn crying?

Jay looked down and placed down the money, walking away to collect his coffee. Just when he thought it might make it out once his coffee was handed to him, Shawn spoke,

'I still love you. You're the first person I've ever fallen in love with'' his voice cracked, tears threatened to fall from his eyes.

Jay wasn't sure what to do in the situation.

'Please, Jay, let's try again, I won't do it ever again,' Shawn begged, 'just give me a second chance, I'll never do anything like ths tot you again, I won't lie.'

Jay grabbed his coffee with both hands, he knew his eyes were watery but ignored and whispered through a cracked voice, 'you just did.'

Leaving it as that, not being able to ay more knowing he'd break into tears, Jay walked out. He quickly walked out and stood at the alley. His knees fell weak and he collapsed to the ground, crying silently.

During English, George and Dan were still sat together. They talked minimally, due to lack of known common interests. Once their small talk was over, it didn't leave much. George wanted to continue, but found nothing to say.

'Why poetry?' Dan actually stared conversation, 'it's boring, no one wants it.'

George looked his way, 'yeah, it's also completely useless. I can't pay my taxes with the knowledgement of adjectives.'

Dan laughed af the joke, 'worth a try, I'll let you know in a few years if it works out. If not, I'll try Shakepeare facts or something.'

George laughed with Dan and felt the lesson went well. It was his plan to get Dan to like him, become friends and hopefully one day have Dan return the feelings Georbe had been feeling. The problem was; Dan wasn't gay, he never felt he was and that was how it had always been. George was aware of Dan's sexuality, but what was the harm in trying?

Once lunch came, Dan was the last to get to the table but started talking instantly,

'George has been acting weird with me lately,' he said, 'in English, he talks to me like we've been friends for years.'

'George?' James questioned.

'There's only one George we know, James,' Dan rolled his eyes.

'Oh, that one! The one who's friends with all the bullies? You've made a great friend there, Dan,' James said, just a hint of sarcasm dripping off his tongue.

'Don't have a go at me, have a go at Jay, he's friends with Mike now,' Dan blamed the spotlight and Jay.

'Thanks,' Jay stated.

'Sorry, Jay, but it is weird,' Dan admitted, stating a fact.

'Your situation is weird, too,' Thomas added in.

'Yeah, what does he say?' James took interest.

'Small talk mostly, occasional jokes about English,' Dan shrugged.

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