Chapter 17

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Civil Minds:

Jay made his way over to the house he'd never thought of going before; the Verdez Resident. Whilst he knew the surrounding area of where Mike lived, Jay wasn't sure if the house. Most people knew the Verdez, after all, they owned a business. Of course they did, who else would?

Some believed they were snobs. Others high class and posh. Some didn't even know of them. But some thought too highly of them, as though they were royalty.

Early in the morning, not too early of course, Jay made his way to Mike's house. After chatting last might, Mike eventually let out that he felt stuck in a box he couldn't escape. Jay practically invited himself, saying he would be over in the morning to talk face to face. At first, Mike said no as Jay would have to skip school, but Jay insisted.

Jay knocked on the door, waiting for an answer.

'Oh, hello,' Mike's mother answered.

'Hello, I'm a friend of Mike, I'm here to help work on a biology assignment,' Jay explained.

'I see, shouldn't you be at school?'

'Well, I have an exception,' Jay lied right through his teeth, 'because of health issues I'm allowed a day off each week.'

'Oh, alright,' she said, 'come on in then, he is in his room. Second door on the right, second floor.'

Second floor. There were multiple floors?

In awe of the house the moment he walked in, Jay couldn't help hit stare at the expensive decorations and furniture. As Mike's mother turned to watch Jay, he felt obliged to walk up the stairs to find Mike.

Second door. Jay stood outside it, waiting a moment. His hand knocked on the wood, he waited for an answer.

'Come in,' a hoarse voice spoke.

Jay entered the room, Mike was sat on his bed, hair messy and eyes sleepy.

'Sorry, did I wake you?'

'No, I just went to sleep really late,' Mike said.

'Are you alright?' Jay questioned.

'Yeah, why wouldn't I be?' Mike almost became defensive.

Jay tilted his head down and gave a look that Mike understood.

'Let's go downstairs, my brother I'd next door,' Mike said, getting up from his black quilted bed.

Around his room was much darker in contrast to Jay's. Sure, the walls were a darker shade of white, but the furniture was darker, there was a noticeable lack of decoration, and the black net over the window blocked off most sunlight.

'Alright,' Jay stated, following Mike down the stairs.

'Mike, sweetie, I'm off to work. See you tonight,' his mother appeared from the corner to say a single sentence before taking off out the door.

Mike didn't even have the chance to say goodbye.

Jay was led to the beige living room by Mike, who acted as though he wasn't yet there. But the moment they sat down, a fair space apart, he finally noticed Jay.

'I didn't think you'd come,' Mike admitted.

'Why not? I want to help you.'

'You could've just come after school,' Mike suggested alternative possibilities, 'I always figured you were the good boy type of guy.'

Jay laughed a little, 'I am.'

Mike smiled at his statement, but lost it straight after, 'so, what now?'

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