Chapter 13

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Saturday Party:

That Friday night, whilst Jay lay in his bed playing around on his phone, it pinged in his hand.

Mike: can you not do your gay shit in front of me? You don't want me to tell you again.

As Jay looked at it, he couldn't help but notice the lack of mean nicknames from Mike.

Jay: don't look then. I can't help who I am attracted to, it's the same with you and girls, isn't it?

The question at the end made Mike's gears grind in anger and fury, but he tried to remained calm as best he could. Truth be told, he never had an actual interest in girls. He had used the 2 girlfriends he had ever had. One for his first kiss, one for his first time having sex. Both were unimpressed with the idea of being used for selfish reasons, but still girls swooned over Mike. Although he never paid attention to them.

Mike: what is that supposed to mean?

Jay: you know. Stop denying your feelings.

Mike: don't tell me how to live my life.

Jay: goodnight, Mike.

Of course, Mike didn't respond. Instead turned off his phone and went to sleep.

The next day came quickly and before Jay knew it, it was 6 o'clock. The party started at 6, and the taxi was due to pick Dan up at 6, too.

Jay awaited the arrival of the taxi, meeting up with Thomas since they lived close together.

'Weird going to a party,' Jay started conversation.

'I know, I've never been to one,' Thomas said.

Jay shook his head, 'neither. I'm not a people person.'

'I can relate to that,' Thomas smiled.

Jay and Thomas laughed. They looked up at the sky, a canvas of pink, orange and painted blue. A pretty sight, relaxing and beautiful.

The beep of a car startled them both. Approaching from the right was a taxi, inside was someone waving in the front seat.

'Come on, get in already!' James yelled from the backseat.

The two exchanged a smile at James before climbing into the backseat. Dan was sat in the front and greeted them,

'You looked so bored.'

'Thanks,' Jay stated.

Dan giggled, 'it's true, though.'

'I want to go to this party, but at the same time I don't. You get me?' James said.

'I get that, James,' Jay agreed with him.

'I do, too,' Thomas also agreed, shuffling in his seat. Thomas was actually dreading the party, but didn't want to be left out.

'We'll leave early. Dan, you stay and make friends, you need them,' James smiled brightly at his friend, who joked a glare at him.

'I'll throw you out of this taxi if you're not careful,' Dan threatened.

'Lovely thing,' the taxi driver said, she giggled after saying that.

'Sorry, I haven't made the best impression of myself,' Dan apologised, turning to the elder lady.

'Don't worry, you have humour to cover it up. I've had actual rude customers and those who give me murderer vibes, you are truly fine,' she explained.

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