Chapter 22

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Let's Try Again:

Jay felt something when he kissed Mike, butterflies? Maybe, but it was a good feeling. He craved it like a drug, like he needed it.

He sat with his friends at lunch, struggling to explain how he felt.

'I think I might like Mike,' Kay started the conversation with.

James almost spat out his drink, 'excuse you?'

'I know, it's bad, but I can't help who I like.'

'In this situation you better control it,' James stated, 'you can't like him, of all people.'

'Maybe you just feel sad because of Shawn, so you're hooking to Mike because he helped you or something?' Dan said.

'Maybe you're right,' Jay looked down.

'Shawn seemed alright,' Thomas spoke, looking down as he said so.

'He was, he was nice,' Jay agreed, 'he still is, I think.'

'I think you still like Shawn,' Dan leaned forward with crossed arms.

'Of course I do, I wouldn't have broken up with him had he not done that,' Jay said.

Dan hummed and nodded.

'He made a mistake, we all do,' James shrugged.

'Yeah, but it still hurt.'

'Things hurt but they heal, that's the point of life and existence, to move on,' Dan wisely spoke, 'we're not saying to forgive him and get back together, but you were so happy with him.'

Jay looked down again.

'You know you were.'

'I just don't want to be hurt like that again,' Jay stated, 'I can't go through it again. It sounds pathetic, but I'm emotional like that.'

'We know, and we wouldn't be saying this if we didnt think Shawn was a good guy behind it all,' Dan spoke, 'he made a mistake, he lied and cheated, we completely understand why you got upset. But is he the type of guy to do it again?'

Jay thought before answering, 'no.'

'There got are then,' Dan leaned back again.

'It's your choice,' Thomas spoke again.

Jay nodded, glancing to them all once, 'ok, I'll text him to meet me.'

Jay did exactly that, he text Shawn to meet with him after he had finished work. They would meet in the works where they had once had a date together. Their first date. Jay smiled at the thought of it. They were right, he was happy with Shawn. He felt loved and gleeful.

He stood in the park, dark drowning the sky, but leaving a pink tint in the sky. Jay stood by a tree, close to the entry gates. Lost in thought, fighting down smiles as he thought of Shawn, he didn't realise the gates opened and someone entered until that someone placed his hands around Jay's waist and into a hug.

Jay gasped, turning around once the arms disappeared.

'Shawn, you scared me!'

'Do you really forgive me?' Shawn's eyes pleased for forgiveness, for a second chance.

Jay found himself nodding, 'I do, I forgive you.'

Shawn smiled, bright and merry, gums showing. Both went in to hug one another tightly, breathing in each other's scent and being warm in the embrace. Jay missed Shawn, he did the moment he left in.

'I missed you so much, Shawn, I'm sorry.'

Shawn moved his head so their foreheads were touching as they looked at each other with smiles, 'I missed you so much more.'

Jay giggled, 'shut up, you didn't.'

'I cried almost every night, so I think I win,' Shawn still smiled despite the sad yet truthful statement.

Jay lost his smile, 'I'm sorry, Shawn.'

He shook his head, 'don't be, I understand why you broke up with me. I did a horrible mistake, multiple mistakes. I thought you'd never come back to me, but I'm so glad you did.'

'I'm glad I did, too,' Jay said.

Shawn pecked Jay's lips before taking his hand and dragging him along the path.

They laughed as they talked, hand in hand in a bubble of happiness and love.

It wasn't until the shadow that had been approaching them for the last minute was in sight, and the face was visible.

'Mike?' Jay questioned.

Mike looked down to their conjoined hands, 'you're back together?'

Jay and Shawn gave each other a glance before nodding.

'Yeah, we are,' Shawn answered.

'He's right, we are,' Jay also answered.

Mile felt his heart drop, 'why are you back together?'

'Why do you care?' Jay questioned back.

Mike swallowed harshly at the question. He looked away from them before walking around the couple and getting away from them.

The other two glanced behind as Mike walked walked away, before continuing on their late night stroll.

Mike couldn't get the image of their joined hands out of his mind. They way they happened to fit perfectly, a puzzle fixed together.

In his pocket, his phone pinged loudly and made an echo in the house,

???: I told you to stay away from Jay, this is your last warning.

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