Chapter 1

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DISCLAIMER:  I want to confess that not all parts of the stories are mine. I want to sincerely apologize for using paragraphs from other fanfiction stories without permission. I acknowledge that this was an unethical action, and I deeply regret my past behavior. At the time, I was in a difficult place emotionally, and writing was the only thing that made me feel good at the time. I just found out I suffer from PTSD after losing a sister in cancer, and I have abondonment issues. Which means everytime i'm alone, I get flashbacks from that trauma, and I usually don't socialize with other people because of social anxiety. which is probably why I write fanfiction in the first place, to connect with people, and because I didn't have enough confidence to come up with my own chapters, I stole parts from others. I mean, the story is mine, but some parts are stolen. I truly regret this, and I hope we can put this behind us. After all, there are worse things in the world.

Moving forward, I understand the importance of respecting the original authors' work and will refrain from engaging in such actions. I want to express my gratitude to the talented authors whose paragraphs I inadvertently included in my work. I wish them the very best, and I hope that readers can understand and forgive my past mistakes. Please know that I am continually working on personal growth, and I appreciate your understanding and support. Thank you.

I will never do it again.



so i started off this book when i was 16 and now when i'm older and more informed i realised how dark this book actually is.

so there's a few things that i will warn you about:
Sexual exploitation
Abuse physically and mentally.

I realise that women has actually experinece these and might get anxiety and ptsd attacks from this so this is just a warning.
But i want to ressure you that i mean no HARM!

This is a young baelfire x reader in the beginning. Peter Pan x reader later in the book.

Once upon a time there was a girl and her name was y/n. She had y/e/c eyes, and long/short y/h/c hair. She was beautiful, but she was lost.

Her mother was a prositute and hated y/n. She got pregnant with one client, Named Killian Jones and had her, even tho she didn't want to have her at all.

"Y/N!" Shouted her mother from downstairs, y/n opened the trapdoor and walked down at the Ladder, she lived in the attic. The house had only 2 bedrooms, but y/n's mother had the one of the  bedrooms and used the other one as the vine cellar. "What do you want?" Snapped y/n as she walked down to the living room.
Y/M/N slapped her "don't talk to me like that" she said "Be more grateful y/n, i could've send you to a Foster home" she said and took one bottle of whiskey. "Sorry" said y/n and rolled her eyes "Why did you call me
y/m/n?" Asked y/n with a fake smile "my landlord is coming over for dinner tonight" and y/n groaned, she hated the landlord, "i have plans tonight" said y/n and her mother laughed "who would've want to be friends with you?" She asked "you're staying home tonight, and you'll be cleaning the house as Well.." said
y/m/n "fine" said y/n, she knew better then to argue with her mother.

So, y/n started to clean the house when her mother left for work... When she come home y/l/n searched the whole house, to make sure that it was clean. Unfortunely, y/n had forgot to clean the top shelf of the bookshelf. Y/M/N pulled her finger against the top shelf, and found a lot of dust on it, her finger was very grey. Y/N's eyes widened opened, "I'll take care of it" said y/n and got the washcloth "Well, Why would you when you didn't do it when i asked you to!" Snapped y/n's mother "It's just the top shelf! He won't notice!" "That's not he problem y/n, when i ask you to do things, you have to do it perfect! Otherwise, you're nothing but a disgrace!" She shouted and you felt tears on your cheek. "I'm sorry" you said "Well, I've would have to give you punishment but, the landlord could been here any minute, so, I'll clean it and you'll get dressed... put on a dress!" Said your mother, you nodded and you did What she said.

The landlord arrived, his name was Nottingham, people also knew him as Sheriff Nottingham. Another one of y/m/n Clinent's.. "Sheriff Nottingham! This is an honor!" Said y/m/n and hugged him "I'll always Come for dinner with my best girl!" Said Nottingham and grabbed y/m/n ass, as he put his arms around her, Eww, he's such a pervert, thought
y/n. "You remember my daughter, right?" said y/m/n "of course i do" said Nottingham "y/n, right?" He said with a flirting smile, y/n felt sick as he smiled. "Yes, sheriff Nottingham" said y/n with her fake smile.

They started to have dinner and y/n was waitress, "Thank you, dear" said Nottingham to y/n when she gave him some food. "You're Welcome, sir" said y/n and gave her mother her Plate, "Why don't you sit here" said Nottingham and pointed at the chair next to him "and have dinner with us?" y/n didn't want to, but she saw the look at y/m/n's eyes and she realised she had No choice, so she sat down to Nottingham and she felt his hand at her thigh... y/n wanted to put her hand away but she knew he'll be mad and then your mother would've killed her.. so she let him touch her, but she left as soon as the dinner was over.

The next morning, y/n was eating breakfast and told her how Nottingham fancied her.. "What are you saying?" Asked y/n, in fear, because she knew what her mother meant. "You know the deal i have with Nottingham, i don't have to pay rent as long as i sleep with him for free and whenever he want to" said
y/m/n "unfortonely, yes" said y/n "Well, you're in luck, because he wants to include you in the deal" said y/m/n. "But i'm younger then he is" shouted  "you're soon 18, y/n" "he's 40!" shouted y/n "Well, you've No choice! Because you'll sleep with him even If you don't want to!" Said your mother "Or else?" "We'll lose the house and he'll arrest me for you know, it's illegal to be a prositute and you.. welll.. you'll be his slut No matter What you do! But If you take this deal, you'll have to sleep with him once" said your mother.. y/n cried, she didn't want to agree, but her mother was right. If y/n said No, they would've lost the house and her mother would be locked up in jail, and you.. Well, Nottingham would've adopted you and you'll be his sexslave.. so, you Agreed To the deal, because you'll rather sleep with him once, then to be his sex slave...

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