Chapter 23

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Ever since Hook found out about Pan fancy his daughter, he's been making sure that she's away from him. So, the pirates moved the jolly roger away from the island and moved her on open water instead. Where he can keep his eye on her, and y/n, did not enjoy that.

One time, when her father was busy with fishing, she thought she was going to be able to sneak overboard by getting a lifeboat and take it back to the island. But Lawrence caught her and stopped her.

"Where were you going?" asked Hook as soon as Lawrence had told him what she was doing. "Leaving this prison" you said "You are going to see Pan, aren't you?" he said, y/n didn't answer his question, but he took her gaze as a yes.

"He's making our lives miserable" he said and y/n scoffed "he saved my life" she told him. "I know you see it that way but.." said Hook "That's the way it is" y/n interrupted him. "Listen to me y/n. Pan and the indians were working together, so Pan told them to shoot you. So that he could make us work for him in exchange for your life" he said. Y/N didn't believe one word of what he just said, so she just rolled her eyes on him.  "Pan knows everyone's weaknesses, y/n" he told her after seeing her eye rolling.

"He knew you were mine weakness, so he used your life to get what he want. Whatever he does, he does it because he wants something in return, that's how he works. Don't think you're special, to him, y/n".

Y/N took a step back as if she had been physically punched in the face at his words. She swallowed a lump in her throat trying to fight the urge to tear up in front of her father.

They both went silent.

Hook noticed how his words hurt her, but he didn't know what to do to make her feel better. He had no idea how to deal with these kind of situations. He has never have to apologize, because he's a pirate and they never have to apologize to anyone, so how would Hook know how to make her daughter feel better?

"Why would Pan use me?" she asked him after trying her best to prevent her tears from running. "Because i'm so unlovable?" she asked him, Hook didn't answer, he had actually no idea  what do say.

He didn't mean that, he didn't mean that no one like pan would fall in love with her, he meant that Pan can't possibly be in love with anyone! ut how could he tell her in a good way? If only Milah was here, she'd knew exactly what to say, he thought.

Y/N stood there, glaring at him, waiting for an answer, he had to say something!! Luckily the both got interrupted by the sight of a shadow flying in the sky. No one could see what he was holding, but everyone knew it was a lost boy. He just looked differently, he was wearing something that looked like a white dress, and had long hair...

Wait a minute, it wasn't a girl??

y/n had been here in a long time, and she had never seen a girl in Neverland before. All of the pirates looked at the shadow, dropping her off somewhere in the forest.

"If it's a lost boy, someone probably needs to tell the demon" said Lawrence, Hook and y/n jumped at the sound of the voice. "How long have you been standing there?" asked Hook "Long enough" said Lawrence. "I better get going" y/n said and walked towards the closest lifeboat, but her father stopped her. "And where do you think you're going, young lady?" he asked "I know the island best of us" she said, and that was true. Out of the entire crew, y/n knew the land better than anyone else. I mean sure, the other's knew the land well, but she knew all the good places, the deathly places and all those important stuff.

"Because you and the island's devil were having intimate relations with each other" he said, which caused y/n rolling her eyes off embarrassment. "Intimate relations" is another word for "sexual relationship" and the entire crew were listening to them! Now they all think she and Pan are banging each other, which they are not!

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