Chapter 5

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Next day arrived and Y/N had pain in her eyes for crying so much.. she haven't been up yet.. she could barely sleep. "Y/N? I'm coming inside the room now" said Rumple and sighed with a relief when he comes in "i thought that you and Bae.. were love making" said Rumple "we aren't" sobbed y/n "where's Bae? I can't find him anywhere" said Rumple "he's not here?" said y/n "no.. and he's not with you?" said Rumple "no, i haven't seen him since our fight yesterday" said y/n and Rumple's eyes widened.. then he just left "wait.. where do you think he is?" said y/n "Well... THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" shouted Rumple "how is it my fault?" said y/n "i don't want to leave" "no, Bae didn't want to leave either, but now.. he wants to leave so he could make a family with you!" said Rumple and y/n couldn't help but smile "he said that?" she asked "Yes! And NOW HE'S GONE" said Rumple with anger.. and y/n looked terrified, because Rumple was going to hurt her. "Wait.. Rumplestilskin.. if he wanted to leave with me.. why am i still here?" asked y/n and Rumple was thinking for a while, Rumple knew she was right, If Bae had left, she would've been with him.. and that means only one thing.. he had been kidnapped.

Rumple used magic to find Bae, with help from y/n, and it lead to a village named Hamelin. 

In the village was a big crowd of people.. "you think you could hide him from me?" said Rumple and most of the people gasped "WHERE IS HE?" Shouted Rumple and people ran away in fear "WHERE IS MY SON?" shouted Rumple and scared more people. Y/N wanted to calm him down, but he was so upset... and he was a little angry with you.. so, y/n thought it was best if she didn't do anything. "He's not here, dark one. I swear" said one man who was standing on a stage or something.. "DON'T LIE TO ME!! MAGIC HAS LED ME TO THIS RATHOLE OF A TOWN. HIS TRAIL ENDS HERE. IN HAMELIN!" Shouted Rumple. "Please, we won't harm you if you just give Baelfire back" said y/n, trying to sound nicer than Rumple.. but it was hard since she was worried to. "I can't promise that" said Rumple "because i know you're hiding him from me" "No we're not" said the man and walked closer to you and then he explained that Baelfire wasn't the only one who had went missing. According to the man, some of the children heard music from a pipe.. they had tried to tell their parents.. but the parent's didn't hear it, so they send them back to bed.. "but when they was going to wake them up this morning.. they were gone" "and who was playing it" said Rumple "no one saw his face" said the man "only a figure. Hidden by a pied cloak of multicolor patches, leading the children from their homes into the forest. Don't you see it? It has to be the same man who has taken your son" said the man "then whoever this pied piper is, he's about to play his last note" said Rumplestilskin. 


Y/N and him stayed in Hamelin that night. "You know you don't have to stay" said Rumple "i love Bae, and i want him back" said y/n. It went dark, y/n had fallen asleep but Rumple was awake.. then he heard music.. from a pipe and he saw children climbing outside from their windows and followed the music. Rumple woke y/n up "y/n do you hear that?" he asked and y/n try to listen "hear what?" asked y/n "the music?" said Rumple "what music?" asked y/n and Rumple just followed the children, and y/n went after him. 

The music led to a bonfire, a lot of boys was not wearing their PJ's anymore.. they were earing some costumes or something.. with masks and they were dancing around the fire with the music. Not only the pipe music, it was drums that were playing to.. y/n and Rumple looked at the boys in hope for finding Bae, but they couldn't find him.. then, y/n spotted the pipe player. "Rumple?" said y/n "what, y/n i'm trying to find Bae" said Rumple "yeah, but look" said y/n "Isn't that the pipe player?" said y/n and pointed at a man, he was hidden in a cloak with different patches.. and he was playing the pipe! 

Rumple ran towards him and y/n followed, Rumple took the piper from him and tore it apart.. "where's my son, Piper?" he said "is that what they're calling me?" said the piper,  the person pulled off his hoodie "We both know who i really am" said the boy, it was just a teenage boy! He was probably around y/n's age and she's like 18... "been a long time, laddie" said the boy and Rumple's eyes widened, like he knew the boy.. and it sounded like he did.. "Who is this?" asked y/n "I'm Peter Pan" said the boy. 

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