Chapter 4

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Y/N thought that living with Baelfire, the love of her life was awesome. Even if Bae wasn't allowed to go out, since his father was the dark one and he was afraid that people would use Bae against him. But Y/N had fun inside the house.. They played games and drew together.. and of course, did other stuff too. 

But Baelfire, hated to be inside, he hated that he was trapped in the house, which bothered y/n. He's father keep him inside the house for his own good! Because he loved him! Y/N was so jealous that he had a loving parent and did not appreciate it.. but Y/N didn't say that to Bae, because she didn't want to fight. 

They were making out in the couch, while Rumplestilskin was out and doing bussiness. Baelfire was above y/n and he kissed her neck, and a small moan left y/n's mouth.. but then they heard footsteps close to the door. And they both ran to the table and began to draw.. Rumplestilskin came in "Hello, Rumplestilskin" said y/n "Hello, Dear" said Rumple "how was your day?" asked y/n "Eh" said Rumple "but i got gifts to you" he pulled up to knifes "something to sharpen your coal with" he gave them the knifes.. y/n had never got a gift before, well from Bae.. but not from an adult. "Thank you" said Y/N "where did you get it?" asked Bae "oh from a man who no longer needed them" said Rumple "you mean, taken from a man who couldn't pay you" said Bae "Bae.." he said and pretend to play innoncent "why can't you be grateful like y/n?" "because Papa.. i told you.." said Bae "we don't want any more gifts from the people you terrorize.." and he threw it on the floor. "At least you get gifts from your parent" said y/n, quietely "what?" asked Bae "nothing" said y/n, without looking at him. "Then what do you want?" asked Rumple "Tell me son" "Leaving this place" said Bae and stood up "i'm tired of staying in this hovel all the time" "but you have y/n to play with" said Rumple "Yeah, but it's getting.. boring" said Bae and y/n blinked "i'm boring?" said y/n "No y/n!" said Bae "that's what you said" "that's not what i meant.. aren't you tired of staying here all the time?" "No, not as long i'm with you!" said y/n and stormed out of there "y/n!" said Bae, but y/n just ignored him "Nice job" said Rumple after they heard the door shut "i didn't mean she was boring, it's just we're running out of things to do.. making love with her is awesome but.." "Making love?" asked Rumple "what did you think we did" asked Bae, and Rumple started to get uncomfortable.. "if you are tired of staying here.. then that's easy to fix" said Rumple "how about i build you a castle, huh? I could build you a palace, so magnificent, it's shadow would blanket the countryside" "That's not what i mean" said Bae. "I wanna go out, i wanna take y/n out to dinner... see the world beyond this four walls with her! Papa why can't you just trust me to do that?" "I do trust you Bae" said Rumple "it's other's that i can't. You see, i have many enemies beyond that door and once you leave, any one of them could hurt you.. and even y/n" said Rumple "You sure that's the only reason" asked Bae "Maybe, what you're really worried about is if i leave with y/n, we might never come back" "No, no no.. I-I'm worried about yours and y/n's safety, i mean what if something happened to her because of me.. then you'll be miserable, because of me.. or the other way around" said Rumple and Bae sat down at the table again. "This is the best place for you. I don't know what i'll do if i ever lost you.." said Rumple.


Y/N had been in her bedroom ever since her and Bae's fight. Bae knocked on her door.. "Hi" said Bae and walked in "i gave you flowers" he said and gave her a bouquet of her favourite flowers "how did you pick these?" "Papa created them with magic" "Well, thanks.. but i don't think that a boring person like me should have so funny flowers" snapped y/n "i'm sorry i said that, but honestly.. wouldn't you like to get out of here? And see the world?" asked Bae and y/n looked at him. "Yes, but that's not it Bae!" shouted y/n "You're ungrateful, and spoiled!" and now Bae got mad "Spoiled?" "Yes! My papa is a pirate and didn't want anything to do with me and my mom traded me for a bigger house and bigger boobs!!! Your father loves you so much, that he's afraid to lose you.. oh boo boo! I feel so sorry for you!" said y/n "Because he terrorize people so badly so he make enemies y/n!" "yeah, because he's the dark one!" said y/n and Bae nodded "do you remember why he become the dark one? So that you wouldn't have to die in war! and thank god he stopped it.. because if he haven't.. then you and I wouldn't have met" said y/n "so you should be grateful that he's the dark one.. because if he wasn't, you and i wouldn't be together.." said y/n. 

She was right.. it was because of Bae's father that they met.


It was not so long ago, Nottingham took children and wanted them to be soldiers in the Ogres war. Y/N was going to be a soldier.. and so did Baelfire. Rumplestilskin didn't want to lose him, the only one he had was Baelfire.. but then, some old man told him about the dark one, told him how powerful the dagger was.. "If you were to steal the dagger, Then you would control the dark one yourself and then no one would be able to take away your son from you" said the man and Rumple stole the dagger, but the old man was the dark one.. and confirmed that the doesn't control the guards just him.. so, Rumple had no choice then killing him and that's how the became the dark one. Now, how did y/n and Bae meet? Well... y/n returned home, safe and sound.. she was thinking of her mother's face when she saw that she had returned.. but y/m/n wasn't there. 

Y/N heard about the stories about how Rumplestilskin stopped the war, and saved y/n's life.. so, she baked a pie and was going to give it to Rumple. She knew where he lived, so it was easy to find his house.. she knocked on the door and a boy in her age, opened. "Is this Rumplestilskin's house?" asked y/n "he's not here yet, but  i could give him a message.." said Bae "well, i am y/n and i was supposed to die in a war, so.. i wanted to thank him. I don't know how i could ever repay him.. but, here's a start.." she said and gave him a cake "this looks delicious.." said Bae "did your mom make this?" said Bae "No i did" said y/n and smiled. "Wow, you're talented" said Bae "wanna take the first taste with me?" asked Bae "Really?" said y/n "yeah of course" said Bae and y/n said yes. 

"Don't you remember that?" snapped y/n "of course i do, but i haven't really thought that it was because of papa.." said Bae "well it was.." said y/n "and you still wish that he never become the dark one.. don't you?" asked y/n and Bae nodded, y/n felt the water running.. how could he say that? She opened the door "leave" said Bae and Bae left, she slammed the door behind him and jumped into the bed.. crying. 

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