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Tony POV

Morning cold Breeze was blowing, I was standing out of the library door which detached from the school building in itself individually And I opened the door gradually and it was really a massive library. Nobody was really there, I fancied.

I entered and found the office of the teacher in charge of the library.

"Come in, Anthony." Before I could say anything or knock on the door as the person inside of the ward said as if was expecting me personally. I entered and standing before the chairs. His eyes were on his laptop. My gaze moved to the nameplate onto the desk putting, engraved on it, Mr. Wade Wilson.

"Exactly, what did you do?" He asked after putting aside his laptop. And giving me his attention as his chin rested on his intertwined fingers.

"Mr. Wilson.."

"Call me Wade, kiddo."

"I'm sure Mr. Parker has told you that Wade."

"Oh, Pete has told me," he chuckled. "it's just that I want to know it from you."

I look around his ward and then him "so, what have I to do here?" I asked and disregarding his query.

"First off, tell me. perhaps I would able to make your punishment less bearable," He stated and grinned at me. He wouldn't stop until I tell him and I sighed, began to tell him.

I told him everything that I did yesterday in class. And for using vulgar language in the class. That meant Mr. Parker was listening to me from the beginning, later after school he called to me infirmary as I was the one who got himself into trouble. He told me to meet in charge of the library for my punishment. He will tell me everything. At the same time, I came to know that he is also voluntarily in charge of the infirmary.

"You did right things," he remarked. it's not as he would really let me go.

"So, you won't punish me?" I asked not hopefully though.

"N-no, of course not! Pete would kill me if he knew that I did let you go without your punishment." It's not like I was hoping nothing.

"Then, what I have to do?"

"You don't have to do much it just goes archive of the library and helps the library committee member to arrange books until it finishes and other stuff.

"That's it." I thought I have to do mopping the floor and cleaning up stuff. Not that I'm willing to do this too.

"Oh! You think that it is an easy job?"

"How much time it would take?"

"It doesn't matter, as it's for a month," he replied to me nonchalantly but I was dumbfounded.

"No! No! not at all. I fancied that I haven't done something terrible mistake. How could you keep me here for a month?" I asked, irritating. "you also told me that you would make less bearable my punishment. regardless, I reckoned, you didn't do anything less—you can't do that to me!" I emphasized. But he didn't bother with it.

"Yes, Kiddo we can." He leaned against his chair and continued, "The thing about making your punishment less bearable. Well, I wasn't lying about it. I did one month less in it." I stared at him as if I was expecting him to say it was some kind of a ridiculous joke. But unfortunately, it wasn't.

"Follow me."  

He stood up to walk outside of his ward and I followed him vaguely behind his footsteps. We stopped in the archive Where someone was arranging the books.

"Stephen!" he shouted and the sound of his name was echoing in my ears. he turned and moved to approach us.

"He is an alpha, how could you put me to work with an alpha?" I grumbled. 

"Hey, don't be ridiculous, I'm also an alpha. We are not that much worse." I dismissed the urge to roll my eyes.

"Don't worry he is not going to eat you or something." he chuckled and continued, "There is a rule in this academy that is followed by every alpha of taking medicine."

"What's up, Wade," he cut in and ending our conversation.

Shoot! What the devil of a mess I'm in!

"His name is Anthony." His gaze turned to me.

"This guy is going to help you into the library from today," Wade said.

"Hey, Anthony, I'm Stephen Strange," He said while extending his hand ahead of me.

"Hey," I said and avoided the handshake,

"How I have to do work?" I asked and did not want to waste any time.

"Okay, Boys do your work," Said Wade and turned around to leave "I don't want any trouble to keep that in mind."

Stephen POV

We were arranging books on the Dusty bookshelf. the sweltering heat of the archives our body was perspiring. It's been 10 minutes and we didn't exchange any word.

"This book is not going to put here," I said, he looks at me. "These books are going to put another section as it is a history section."

He put the book back onto the book trolley.

"You aren't liking doing this, huh?" I asked without looking at him and putting the books on the shelf.

He took a breathe and promptly choked on some dust. He coughed. After a few seconds. "Who would like to be punished?" He said without looking in my way.

"So, it's your punishment," I stated without any surprise.


"For what you did yesterday?"

"Wait!" He surprised turned to look me looking at me and asked, "H—How did you know that?"

He was perspiring, seemed slightly annoying, looking more adorable, His Amber eyes were more beguiling.

"How did you know that?" He asked me again and turned to put another book.

"Huh! Clint, he told me. He is with you in physics class," I answered, and he didn't say anything and putting books on the shelf.

Clint told me at lunchtime yesterday. from what he was telling me, it seems that Anthony hates alphas what were those guys' names. Oh yeah!! Arthur and Lucas as without knowing whether they are alphas or betas. If I'm correct, Clint said that they are betas. However, Anthony reckoned that they are the alphas. I came to know from his yesterday's way of behaving that he is an Omega.

"Do you  hate the alphas?" I asked,

"I do not hate them, but despise them," he said with a little disgust. Nonetheless, it didn't offend me.

I'm lying, I'm a little offended by his words though.

There must be some reason, otherwise, why would you hate the alphas?

"By the way, you did the right thing," I  was trying to engage in a good conversation with him.

"Haha! then, why the hell I'm getting punished for it," he said in blusterous.

"If everyone thinks that I did the right thing—Foremost, I have to bear punishment doing work with an alpha," He scoffed. it made me inarticulate, shocked.

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