Chapter 1

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Welcome to my story! Before I begin, I am writing a quick author's note. 1: I do not own these characters. All the credit goes to Suzanne Collins. 2: the plot, however, is mine. And 3: enjoy the story! All 3 cover designs in the U.S.>>>>>>>>



Prim's P.O.V.

I woke up in the middle of the night, shivering. I had another nightmare. Being as quiet as possible, to not wake Katniss up, I slipped the blankets off of me and walked over to my mother's bed. I quietly slipped in and tried to go back to sleep.


A while later, I woke up to mom getting out of bed and walking to the closet. She pulled out a white blouse and a simple grey skirt and laid them on the foot of the bed. Then, she went to the kitchen and sat at the table for a few minutes. After making sure she wouldn't come back, I pulled on the outfit, which was a little too big, and went to go sit with mom.

When I went into the kitchen, she flashed a small smile and said, "You look just like Katniss did at her first reaping. Except for your hair and eyes." I smiled and asked, "This was Katniss's first reaping outfit?" And she nodded in response. Just then, the skirt started sliding down.

"Here, let me fix it," she said while going to the cabinet. I was holding my skirt in place when she came back with some pins. After a few minutes of rearranging and pinning, the outfit wasn't sliding down anymore.

"There. Isn't that better?" Mom asked. I nodded quickly and threw my arms around her neck. After that, there was an awkward silence and mom went to lay back down. I decided I'd brush my hair and make it look nice as possible. After getting all the knots out, I sectioned my hair into 2 halves and braided them. Then, with nothing else to do, I went to check on my goat, Lady.

The Hunger Games: Prim's ReapingWhere stories live. Discover now