Hogwarts- Part 1

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The morning sun crept through my curtains as I rolled over in bed violently throwing my cover over my face 'I hate morning' I moaned to myself and closed my eyes again. A few minutes passed and I was rudely woke up with a kick off my door and a booming voice tossed me out of my wonderful dreams.

"Did you not hear your mother you fucking freak?!" Said the booming voice 

"N.n.no Dad I'm so sorry." I replied and shot up out of bed standing in-front of my tall towering man.

"You're going to miss your train to your freak of a new school. Now what do you say?" he asked me with a harshness in his tone but at least it was not anger I was okay for the time being.

"I..UM..I..I'm so sorry dad, can you please forgive me?" I asked as he always forced me to  getting on my knees in front of him. This is to respect him and show him that he has controlled over me. 

"Good, you little freak just know where you stand in this house. you're no child of mine." his voice had a shack of anger and control. My eyes filled up with tears but i held them back from escaping from my eyes. Anger filled me up and started to over fill and spill out.

"DO NOT CALL ME A FREAK!" I shouted make everything in the room to begin to shake. SMACK! I was knocked to the hard wooden floor by a strong back hand, tears begin to fall down my bright red cheek and finding there final resting place on the hard wooden floor from my sad, hurt eyes. 

"Get out of my sight FREAK!" He summoned me to leave. I slowly pulled myself of the ground and my Step-dad turned around just about to walk away then swiftly turned around with a hard kick, hit me in my ribs with steel toe capped boots. I curled up on the flooring pain but trying to hold it back not giving him this win its not going to happen. My head began to spin and my vision begin to become blurred as my tears rushing and poured like a opened tape. A sinister laugh chuckled from his lip as I watched a blurry figure of my Step-dad walk away from me.

After five minutes of struggling pain. I pulled all my strength together and began to stand up resting upon my wall for support. Quickly whipping the last of my tears away from my cheeks, grabbing my clothes that I wear yesterday from the floor and made my way to the bathroom to get dressed and ready for the day to come.

When I was ready I tuck a deep breath and moaned in pain from the kick I tuck from that dickhead grabbing my black t-shirt in severe pain. Making my way down stairs I heard my Step-dad arguing with my mum. Slowly making my way to the kitchen where they both were. As they was both stood there in front of the sink my mum looked over at me noticing that i was slouched over from my wounded side 

"Morning darling, would you like breakfast?" she asked my her tone as lovely as always but with a little hurt as she was aware of what has happen upstairs.

"N..n..no... thank-you mum i'm okay not that hungry this morning... But thank-you" I said struggling to talk from the pain.

"That's okay Hun, your things are by the door for school. Just let me know when you are ready and we will set off." She said with much more sadness in her voice.

"I'm ready now mum, if you are?" I asked looking at the floor scared of what my step-dad may say to my answer.

"Okay love, we will set off..." she said but before she could finish she was cut of by no other that the booming, over-powering voice,

"WHAT... with out giving your loving dad a hug come her darling." he said holding his arm out for a hug. I hesitated slightly at first and looked up at my mum to see her worried face staring hopefully at me to do as i'm told. Feeling the pressure from my mum I gave in and slowly made my way towards him and he rapped his arms around me for a tight hug pushing hard against my rids making my wiggle in pain at his fake hug. Letting me free I stumble slightly and gave him a fake smile and turned toward the hallways and walked to the front door grabbing my luggage.

"I'll wait outside mum." I said closing the front door behind me and sat on the step waiting for her. 

*Time skip*

As we travelled to the train station, the car was filled with silence, pulling up outside the train station my mum finally asked me,

"Are you okay?" her voice full of worry about me,

"I'm fine mum, just excited to go to Hogwarts," I said bluntly I blame her for some of the shit that happens to me as she knows about it and did nothing to help me to escape.

"Okay... lets get you to the platform then." her voice now completely filled with sadness and pain at my response.

*Time skip*

As I turned the corner I was met by a beautiful red and black train which had it's  name in gold on the front of the train which read 'The Hogwarts Express' my face lit up at the sight and i turned around to find my mum looking down at me with a warming smile.

"It so beautiful isn't it sweetheart?" 

"Yeah, its amazing mum!" I replied my mood now filled with happiness.

"Well Y/N, I have to leave you here. Now I hope you have a good travel and an amazing year, keep your head down and I believe you will doing just fine. Now give your old mummy a hug."  she said pulling me into a hug and making my cheeks turn red from embarrassment.

"Come on mum.... I will." I said pulling away from her as she sent me in more loving smile and leaving me standing there surrounded by people and their family's. 'Alone once again' I thought and turned toward the train handing my luggage to them and boarding the mind blowing train. As I walked down the tight corridors of the carts, looking for a free booth to sit in. Finding one I slid open the glass and  wooded door and took a seat and began to day dream getting stuck in my own head as I often did for the rest of the long ride all alone.

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A/N: Thank-you so much fro reading this first apart i hope that it is okay and that is done not drag on to long. If any of you have any  advice to give me to help improve this story and my writing skill please don't be worried to share it as  it will help me improve and give the important people ( you amazing readers) a enjoyable read. A new update will be out soon

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